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2.21 |Dogman The Canine Cryptid, Werewolves, and Fear Eaters: Windows to Other worlds | 2.20

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

Release Date: 10/29/2020

5.19 | It Happened on Halloween II - True Horror Stories or Trick or Treat Terror show art 5.19 | It Happened on Halloween II - True Horror Stories or Trick or Treat Terror

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

🔥 Join us in the live chat TONIGHT at the Youtube premiere here: The neighborhood is alive with the sounds of the season. It’s Halloween, a time for managed mischief and macabre fun, when parents watch vigilantly as kids carry their pillow sacks like body bags from door to door, searching for their next victim as they threaten 'trick or treat. But as you take a break from the party and smiling, step out into the dark of the night, just remember, this time of year, The darkness is smiling back. From roadside reapers and disembodied hands, to uninvited guests, that creep in costume through...

5.18 | Real Witches, Warlocks and Devilish Deeds show art 5.18 | Real Witches, Warlocks and Devilish Deeds

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

🔥 In Michigan? Come hangout with us in Ypsilanti, MI, October 28th for a causal hangout/ meetup/ music + comedy show / Halloween Costume Party! We won't be performing, but we'll be there for hellos and high fives!  Location: YpsiAlehouse 124 Pearl St Ste 100, Ypsilanti, MI More event details here: 🔥 Subscribe to our new Paranormal Ambiance Channel on Youtube! These days, we see magic as illusion, and evil erased by reason. But did Real witches ever really… exist? By the late 1600s, many innocents had been sacrificed on the altar of fear and suspicion, and the fevered thirst for...

5.17 | True Ouija Board Horror Stories show art 5.17 | True Ouija Board Horror Stories

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

🔥 Join us in the live chat RIGHT NOW at the Youtube premiere here:  As we near Halloween, join us as we explore some of the more terrifying Ouija Board accounts from listeners who were brave enough to recount their chilling experiences with this all to familiar occult ritual.  From angry ghosts and demons to other inexplicably paranormal events.  Some experiences stay with them a lifetime and have the power to destroy families.  Our advice... Don't mess with the Ouija Board.  And if you do... Be prepared for something akin to a haunting, that was brought on by...

5.16 | True New Home Horror Stories and Keyhole Creeps! show art 5.16 | True New Home Horror Stories and Keyhole Creeps!

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

🔥 to join us and hang out live in the chat at the Youtube Premiering now! Sunday Sept 10th 11pm EST: Premere 🔗  It's moving day. You glimpse your new home as you turn onto your new street. But this apartment, this trailer, this 3 story mansion, whatever it is you’re moving into, it’s had an entire life of its own before you signed your name to it. What secrets slither beneath the floor boards, what forms take shape inside the walls, and what forces, long dormant, now wake and stir as you slide the key into the lock? From Whispering shadows in dead bolt locked closets to veiled...

5.15 - Paranormal Railways Cursed Death Cars, Diamond-Eyed Drifters and ET Altercations show art 5.15 - Paranormal Railways Cursed Death Cars, Diamond-Eyed Drifters and ET Altercations

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

The vastness of this land is hard to fathom, and embedded in its earth is an iron spine. 160,000 miles of ringing railroad. and as deep and dark as the mist veiled forests and pitted canyons can be, deeper still are the mysteries and secrets along this great expanse. And there’s no better way to explore this visage, than by the haunting light of a westbound train. From Cursed Death Cars in Cleveland Ohio to diamond eyed drifters and ET altercations out west, join us, as we grab a seat in the observation car, order up a night cap and peer out through the darkness at the things lurking along...

5.14 | Black Cube UFO Invasion! Secret Sky War and UAP Disclosure show art 5.14 | Black Cube UFO Invasion! Secret Sky War and UAP Disclosure

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

It’s a balmy summer night. You step out onto your porch in hopes to catch a midnight breeze. And that’s when you see it. Sitting eerily just above the tree line, you try to wrap your mind around it’s ominous form defying the laws of physics as you watch a massive black cube-shaped craft, drifting… impossibly… through the air. In recent years we’ve been bombarded with unusually serious news reports of anomalous Aerial phenomena, accompanied by UFO and UAP hearings in congress. Yet the promise of disclosure seems ever distant, as cynicism grows with every piece of withheld...

5.13 Suburban Vampires, Campground Dogman, Transylvanian Timeslips show art 5.13 Suburban Vampires, Campground Dogman, Transylvanian Timeslips

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

Night has fallen on the campground, and the party is dying down. The crickets hum – punctuated by the occasional, startling pop and crack of embers from the dwindling fire, like exclamation points for warnings you can’t hear. When suddenly, just beyond the smoke, the flames illuminate a strange figure. Some thing inhuman, with two hollow bulging black eyes. Eyes that have been watching you from the dark. From an unsettling Cynocephaly encounter in the Woods of Ottawa, to a conjured vampire prowling  a Pennsylvania suburb. Join us on this episode of Belief Hole as we present compelling...

5.12 | Neighborhood Nightmare: Black Eyed Kids Revisited - True Paranormal Encounters show art 5.12 | Neighborhood Nightmare: Black Eyed Kids Revisited - True Paranormal Encounters

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

Hey gang! 🔥Join us for the TONIGHT! - Sunday, July 2nd @ 9pm EST Let's revisit the dark suburban lore of the Black Eyed Children, compare the legend with alleged true accounts, and look deeper behind the empty eyes of this hoodie-wearing, neighborhood creeping, modern fear-eater. Stay tuned for a SPECIAL feature in the second half where we hear the harrowing account of Steve Stockton  ! 🙌 🍿 See you guys in the chat! 👀 --------- It’s 3 am and You’re caught in a restless sleep. when suddenly, the stillness is shattered by 3 ominous knocks  coming from the front...

5.11 | Phoenix Demons, Attic Ghost and Classroom Fairies | SLS 21 show art 5.11 | Phoenix Demons, Attic Ghost and Classroom Fairies | SLS 21

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

It’s a quiet night in the Arizona suburbs, a cool breeze drifts rustles the trees as you and your friends sneak out onto your parents roof. The party is over but you feel like you’ll remember this night forever. You will, but not for the reason you think. Suddenly, In the dark distance, a red light appears. Only you notice it at first, but as it draws near, everyone grows silent. Out of the gloom something begins to take shape, some thing with horns, and a tale. Its engulfed in flame and its running right at you From Slithering Astral Invaders crawling across the couch, to the whispering...

5.10 Steve Stockton: Appalachian Horror and Strange Stories show art 5.10 Steve Stockton: Appalachian Horror and Strange Stories

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

🔥 Join us on and chat with us for the premiere of this video interview on Sunday, June 4th! Youtube | In deep shadowed forests, down back alleys and desolate reaches of road, strange encounters echo. This is a haunted world. But there ARE THOSE who are called to seek these stories out; record and preserve them so that we all might peer more eagerly into the chasm of the unknown. From Horse Skull entities lurking in Abandoned shacks, to invisible giants thundering through the woods. On this episode of Belief Hole, we invite Bestselling Author and Renowned Storyteller, Steve Stockton, to...

More Episodes

What better time to tell some creepy tales of the modern-day werewolf: the dogman. With cryptid sightings increasing, we wanted to once again explore the potential reality of the dogman phenomenon through witness encounters as well as corroborated historical evidence, with some ancient artifacts thrown in for good measure.

Almost never do we hear of an encounter where the dogman has harmed a human. The primary goal of these questionably-corporeal canine cryptids seem to be to elicit maximum fear from the victim before vanishing into the night. Could these creatures be simply feeding on our darkest energies produced during an extreme state of terror? And have these fear-eating, terror-tasters been engorging themselves on our fear, and the fright of our ancestors throughout recorded history?

Join us as we answer all these questions to absolute and unquestioned satisfaction… as much as possible based on the evidence we’ve been able to gather. Hint…. THEY’RE REAL!

Also.. fear vending machines, ancient space werewolf theory, and Jon really wants to know what dogman does all day

2.21 EXP | Real Werewolves and Interview with a 439 Yr Old Floridian Vampire
LINK | https://www.patreon.com/posts/43266369/

LINK | https://beliefhole.com/dogman-and-fear-eaters-windows-to-other-worlds/

06:54 | Topic Introduction | Return of Dogman and Paranormal Doorways
09:00 | Dogman – Not a New Phenomena – Dwayyo of Maryland (1940s)
12:08 | Flixton Werewolf, Paul Sinclair – Alt Reality Window Areas
17:21 | Nick Redfern | Memoirs of a Monster Hunter / Other-Realm Entities
18:58 | Graveyard Dogman Connection
20:45 | Jefferson County Square of Weirdness, Dogman Sightings | Linda Godfrey
22:57 | Night Watchmen’s Werewolf Encounter (1936) | “ga-dar-rah.”
33:08 | Jefferson County | Pattern of Wolf-like, Dogman Attacks on Horses
38:33 | Inside Edition | Beast of Bray Road | Sheriff’s Werewolf Folder
43:44 | Silver Creek, OH, Dogman Sighting + Norton Chicken Thief
46:19 | Cemetery Encounters – Demon Dogs – Entrances to Other Worlds
49:14 | Graveyard Bolters – Roadside Dogman Encounter | Linda Godfrey
56:06 | Terrifying Beasts Sweep Ancient Middle East | 625 AD | Zuqnin Chronicle
58:05 | Artifact depicting Wolf-Headed Men 1st Century AD
59:07 | Iranian Männerbund – Artifacts of the Two-Legged Wolf | 300-100 BCE
1:00:00 | Holy Hill Bearwolf | DNR Dogman Attack | Linda Godfrey
1:00:14 | Trucker Dogman Sighting, Central Ohio
1:07:44 | Expansion Ep Preview | Real Werewolves and Interview a 439 YR Old Vampire
1:13:00 | Ancient Dogman From Space | Remote Viewer’s Theory | Linda Godfrey
1:20:52 | Shout Out – Edgar and Alex
1:21:24 | Patron Thank Yous!