Be Relentless Podcast
Stephen Timoney is a man on a mission to help millions of people do less dumb sh*t and fulfill their potential. But mostly, he helps business owners save at least 10 working hours per week and make more money. We had a great conversation talking about the common pitfalls that busy people fall into that keep them stuck, struggling, and frustrated. Stephen is all about achieving clarity of what you're working towards, how to remove what doesn't fit that goal, and how to really zero in on what you're trying to achieve. Follow Stephen on Twitter at Stephen's Website - Apply to work with Stephen...
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
Whether you're leading yourself or a team, it's important to regularly evaluate how you're progressing. We all know this but we tend to either make it too complex, and thus not do it as much as we should, or we won't do it often enough to inform our behavior. It's easy to just "keep doing what we're doing", even if we're getting feedback that it isn't optimal. If that feedback isn't severe enough to register on our sensors then we're missing a valuable opportunity to improve. I've found that four simple questions are usually enough to get a good grip on that feedback. Obviously every...
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
We all want some "go" with our "show", right? It doesn't make sense to look great and not be able to perform at a high level, as well. Whether you are still playing sports, want to keep up with your kid's in a "friendly" game, or just be prepared for what life throws at you it is important to stay athletic. Unfortunately, for a lot of adults it's hard to keep the level of athleticism they were used to from their playing days. It can all come crashing down quickly when they realize that the lifting and cardio they've been doing doesn't prepare them to move when they need to. It can be a bitter...
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
Imagine the amound of information your brain takes in every second. From your eyes to your skin to your internal organs and beyond, it's massive. Your brain then has to take all of this information, filter it down to what it deems relevant, and THEN decide what to do based on this data. How does it do that? By running it through a filter of beliefs. A difference of beliefs can make the same data be applied to a very different decision. In turn, this different decision can create a radically different outcome. That's great when it's working right, but when you're not getting the results you...
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
Are you someone who does really well during the week but then struggles with consistency on the weekends? What about holidays, events, or travel? This time of year is a tough one for many people to stay on track with their fitness, nutrition, or other lifestyle habits. In this episode I go over a very simple mental shift that allows you to reframe that challenge and get back on track much more quickly.
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
We are who we think we are... but it's deeper than that. More specifically, we're who our brain thinks that we are. See, our brain has an image in our mind of "us". It's our identity. This identity shapes how we do things and our decision-making. Your life is largely the result of your identity and how it led to your reactions and decisions. So what happens when we want to make a change? We can brute force it through willpower alone, but if we still identify as that former person we'll eventually slide back. The brain likes to be right, and it'll win in the end. So that means we need to change...
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
"Man, I gotta get in shape!" What does that mean, exactly? That's the problem with "conditioning", "endurance", and "being in shape". We all know what we mean when we say it, and the other person knows what they think it is... but it's often not the same thing. If you were an NFL lineman, you'd need to be in shape. If you were a triathlete, you'd need to be in shape. But those would look very different. That's where an understanding of how our body creates the energy that we need to move comes into play. In this podcast I get into our three big energy systems, the fuel they use, and the...
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
Look around. There are courses, programs, books, and many other opportunities to better yourself. Personal development, whether it's fitness, mindset, or work-related is huge right now. Yet so many people don't succeed in making the changes they are seeking? Why is that? For most of them it's because they try to make too big a jump. They see the end goal and want to be there right away. I get it - I want that, too. But your brain knows better. It knows that with big jumps comes big risk, and it doesn't like that so it pumps the brakes and settles you back into your routine... keeping you right...
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
I'm a reformed member of the "Grind 'til I die, I'll sleep when I'm dead" club. What is sleep, really? Everyone sleeps, but lots of us take it for granted or think it's something that removes us from the things we want to do. The truth is, sleep is WAY more important than that. Sleep is where our body makes the bulk of its repairs and our brain does most of its memory work and remodeling. Basically, if you don't sleep enough or well you'll always be operating like you're sick and confused... because you are. Sure, you may have more time if you cut your sleep short, but you'll make such poor...
info_outlineBe Relentless Podcast
Everyone makes "Finding Your Purpose" out to be this big, woo-woo, mystical task. It can be - You might be walking down the street and suddenly blindsided by your Purpose. But that's unlikely. Instead, I think there's a simple process that you can use to find the intersection between a couple of key purpose areas. Within those intersection points is where your Purpose will lie. In this podcast I dig into: - What really is your "Purpose"? - Why you should care. - Two approaches you can use to find it. - Two key questions to ask yourself in the process. Finding your Purpose isn't nearly the...
info_outlineThe cornerstone of being your most effective and productive leader is your physical energy and confidence. In this episode I go over the baselines I work with every client on to build their physique, health, and nutrition in order to maximize their effectiveness. We all love advanced plans, but if these basics aren't squared away, those plans will lose effectiveness.