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I made the Top Ten Podcasts Ever

Betty's Press Room

Release Date: 07/07/2015

The Telegraph: outdoor marketing campaign will promote its Olympics ...http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/11668186/The-10-best-ever-podcasts.html

Here is the part about me (I think I should send a thank you note)

The 10 best ever podcasts

Ten years since Apple launched a version of iTunes with a new format called podcasting, Pete Naughton selects 10 of the best

First Person

Betty In the Sky With a Suitcase (2006-)

One of the revolutionary things about podcasting is that it allows anyone with a computer, a microphone and an Internet connection to become a broadcaster. This series, made by a sprightly American flight attendant under the pseudonym Betty Thesky, is a perfect case in point. Once a month, Betty relays scintillating, joyously uncensored anecdotes from life at 34,000 feet – sleepwalking passengers, misbehaving celebrities, Ebola-related mix-ups and all – as well as recordings of the places that she’s visited. It’s like listening in on a gossipy airline confab. Marvellous.