KeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
Release Date: 09/26/2023
KeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
The Shealys in the Toward The Mark Minute podcast about the only One in the whole Universe that is Qualified, Certified, and Sent to us by God through Christ Jesus ... Listen for what you'll find as you look between the lines of God's Holy written Word based on "STOP and Smell the Roses" in our book XII SMOOTH STONES. 3 min., 07 sec. Key Bible verses included: Apostle Paul on expressing our faith in Love: 1 Corinthians 12:1 "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." Blessing of being "a doer" from James'...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
The Shealys and Toward The Mark Minute podcast about becoming an encourager by expressing our faith in Love, being doers of God's Word in Jesus Christ, the secrets we find when we look and listen between the lines of God's Holy written Word ; Podcast excerpt from TTM247 based on the "STOP and Smell the Roses" most-requested chapter of our book XII SMOOTH STONES. 3 min., 45 sec. Key Bible verses included: Apostle Paul on expressing our faith in Love: 1 Corinthians 12:1 "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
The Shealys and Toward The Mark Minute podcast summarizing the FIVE SECRETS we find when we look and listen between the lines of God's Holy Word ; Podcast excerpt from TTM247 based on the "STOP and Smell the Roses" most-requested chapter of our book XII SMOOTH STONES! 4 min., 54 sec. ...Let these FIVE SECRETS to living the "successful Life IN Jesus Christ" be yours today! with your mailing address and the subject "Give me FIVE SECRETS I need to STOP and Smell the Roses, and more" to take advantage of the special offer for an extra donation copy of XII SMOOTH STONES For the complete story and...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
Podcast about the revelation of what STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES actually means, what God had in His masterful Plan for the "successful Life" of each one of us, and what the FIVE SECRETS are behind it ALL based on God's written Word in The Holy Bible (see more in notes below). 27 min., 11 sec. Key Bible verses for each of the FIVE SECRETS notated from Keith's mentions: 1) STOP & FOCUS on Christ Jesus Proverb 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Isaiah 55:10-12, "For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
Podcast of revelations celebrating the high calling of God to motherhood. What God had in store for His creation in each women ( aka: each "wombed man" ) is something masterful and worthy of a celebration for every one of us, every where,... and every day of the year. 33 min., 03 sec. We INVITE YOU... see and hear, follow and share, more full-Gospel messages and testimonies of faith from TowardTheMark: ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; ~ . and ~ . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ Audio chapter from our 1st-ever Audio Book: ...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
The Shealys' Toward The Mark Minute podcast about what we find when we look between the lines of God's Holy written Word that is available to every body today. Podcast excerpt from TTM243 based on a most-requested chapter of XII SMOOTH STONES book! 4 min., 04 sec. Listen to "The Great Truth or the Great Deception... Your Choice" in full at ...Let The Great Truth of the joy IN Christ Jesus be yours today! with your address and the subject "How to choose The Great Truth today" to take advantage of our special offer with an extra donation...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
The Shealys' Toward The Mark Podcast Minute about what the greatest epidemic in the church is today and the cure that is available to any and every body, today, as well. Podcast excerpt from TTM243 based on a most-requested chapter of Keith's book XII SMOOTH STONES! 3 min., 53 sec. Listen in to "The Great Truth or the Great Deception... Your Choice" in full (LISTEN NOW) ...Let The Great Truth of living in the joy IN Christ Jesus be yours today! with your address and the subject "How to choose The Great Truth today" to take advantage...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
The Shealys' Toward The Mark podcast message about celebrating The Great Truth of God in Jesus Christ, Whose victory means the enemy's great deception, "Hell is gonna be a party with all of my friends"..., is defeated! Based on another of Toward The Mark's most-requested chapters of our book XII SMOOTH STONES! 36 min., 40 sec. with your address and the donation amount you commit to give, with the subject "I choose The Great Truth (Christ Jesus)" to take advantage of our special offer for you to receive an extra donation copy of XII SMOOTH STONES For the complete story and 11 more, and...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
The Shealys' Toward The Mark Podcast Minute answering a question we all have asked, especially in the midst of adversity, "How can we bring thanks to God in times when I don't feel like it?" Podcast excerpt from TTM240 based on a most-requested chapter of Keith's book XII SMOOTH STONES! 3 min., 43 sec. Listen in to "How to be Thank-full in a Thankless World" in full (LISTEN NOW) ...Begin building your gratitude muscles today! with your address and the subject "How to be thank-full in a thankless world" to take advantage of our...
info_outlineKeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast
The Shealys in a Toward The Mark podcast Minute about the most powerful tool for affecting others for Christ Jesus ; an excerpt from TTM240 podcast based on the "No Matter What" chapter of our book XII SMOOTH STONES where Keith defines the way to gratefully praise God no matter the season or difficulties in Life! 2 min., 53 sec. Listen in to "How to be Thank-full in a Thankless World" in full (LISTEN NOW) ...Begin building your gratitude muscles today! with your address and the subject "How to be thank-full in a thankless world" to...
info_outlineBetween The Lines TTM Podcast that could change the direction of someone's life
61 min., 52 sec.
Key Bible verses in order of mention:
Jesus on John The Baptist: Matthew 11:7-19
Jesus let Pontius Pilate do his job: John 18 & Mark 15
Fear of man vs. trust in The Lord: Psalm 29:25
Prejudice & the Samaritan woman: John 4:3-42
Followers/Leaders going against the grain: 1 John 2:8-11, 4:20-21
Tact: Joshua 1:8
Why be tactfully wise: Proverb 16:21, 23
Knowledge, words, & understanding: Proverb 17:27
Jesus questioned: Mark 11:27-33
Moses' steady will vs. Aaron: Exodus 32:21-25
King Saul, the Philistines, & David: 1 Samuel 17:17-58
Nursing resentment: Psalm 66:7-20
We can't afford an Achan: Joshua 7:19-26
Joseph nursed no resentment: Genesis 41:15-44, ch 42 & 43:28-31
True Love & suffering: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Joseph's imprisonment: Genesis 39:20-23
The Red Sea ahead--Pharaoh's Army behind: Exodus 14:13-14
Faithful over a few things: Matthew 25:21
"How to do" good leadership: John 15:5
God can use an ambitious "Joseph" leader!: Matthew 25:21
Jesus believed in Peter before he was converted!: 1 Peter 1:3-25
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