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Episode #51 - The Five Count: Number Five

Beyond The Beermat

Release Date: 07/30/2020

It’s finally here.  The start of the most ambitious and comprehensive podcasts we’ve done to date.  This is The Five Count; where Beyond The Beermat goes in depth into the moments, events, people and circumstances that changed the wrestling business forever.  You’ll be getting no spoilers from us in terms of the contents within this – nor any – of our amazing list; so the only way you’re going to find out what made the cut is to listen in!

Number five on our list is all about perspective.  In an industry surrounded by controversy, the line between right and wrong is both very difficult to find and an incredibly thin one.  Personalities clash, intentions are dubious and ultimately the question of morality has no easy answers.  Not only that, it’s a case of consequences.  What could happen, what might happen and what did happen both define the past and shape the future.  

Get ready, get comfortable with your adult beverage of choice and get settled for the beginning of an incredible journey along wrestling’s past and how it ultimately connects and impacts everything that happened since, all the way up until today.