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The Abundant Life

Magnify Church - Rockford

Release Date: 05/13/2024

How Firm is Your Foundation show art How Firm is Your Foundation

Magnify Church - Rockford

The storms of life are coming. If you aren’t in the midst of one now, just wait. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world.” Stu Quackenbush continues our Storyteller’s series in Luke and challenges us to dig deep and build our lives on the only solid foundation, Jesus Christ.

Judge Not show art Judge Not

Magnify Church - Rockford

We are rescued people, saved from condemnation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Yet in this broken fallen world, it can be hard to remember the forgiveness we’ve received and extend it to others. Ben Phebus offers encouragement from Luke 6 as we seek to love the way Jesus loves.

The Abundant Life show art The Abundant Life

Magnify Church - Rockford

How do we live the Christian Life in the midst of so much hate? How can we say we love Jesus, but not hold to His teaching to love our enemies? Our guest teacher, Elie Haddad who is the President of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut Lebanon, shares a unique perspective on the way to find joy and peace in the midst of conflict.

Love Your Enemies show art Love Your Enemies

Magnify Church - Rockford

It's easy to love those who love you, but what about those who don't? What about people in your life who intentionally do harm to you? Stu Quackenbush continues in the Storyteller Series with one of the hardest teachings of Jesus on what it means to truly love those who hate you and hurt you.

Kingdom Blessings show art Kingdom Blessings

Magnify Church - Rockford

What motivates your decisions and whose advice means the most to you? Matt Zainea unpacks Jesus’s teaching on the blessings and woes in Luke and helps us understand what lies behind our anxieties, jealousies, fantasies, and resentments.

Prayer Before Practice show art Prayer Before Practice

Magnify Church - Rockford

If Jesus prayed all night before choosing His disciples, how much more should we pray before making decisions or dealing with challenges in our lives? Matt Zainea continues our Storytellers series and shows us how to stay connected to God as we follow Jesus’ pattern for life and ministry.

The Heart of Faith show art The Heart of Faith

Magnify Church - Rockford

When you think about the Sabbath, what comes to mind? Did you know that the word Sabbath means “rest?” Matt Zainea uses a passage from Luke to remind us that God created us and knows what we need. He longs for us to find rest from this crazy chaotic world. But not just rest from work–He wants us to find our rest in Him!

The Power of Faith show art The Power of Faith

Magnify Church - Rockford

Have you ever wanted something so desperately that you went to extraordinary lengths to make it happen? Matt Zainea jumps back into our Storytellers series in Luke and teaches about a group that wanted to be near Jesus enough to bust through a roof. Would you?

Resurrection Sunday show art Resurrection Sunday

Magnify Church - Rockford

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection changed everything. Because of His great love for us and sacrifice on the cross, we are free from the chains of sin and death. We’re excited to worship, learn, and celebrate with you this Resurrection Sunday!

Passion Sunday show art Passion Sunday

Magnify Church - Rockford

“Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Can you hear the cheering crowd as Jesus entered Jerusalem? How quickly those cheers turned to jeers and shouts for His crucification! As we look ahead to Easter, let’s take time to reflect on the suffering savior, Jesus Christ, and what led Him to the cross.

More Episodes

How do we live the Christian Life in the midst of so much hate? How can we say we love Jesus, but not hold to His teaching to love our enemies? Our guest teacher, Elie Haddad who is the President of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut Lebanon, shares a unique perspective on the way to find joy and peace in the midst of conflict.