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Woman Healed on the Sabbath

Bible Broadcasts

Release Date: 07/18/2022

The Christmas Story show art The Christmas Story

Bible Broadcasts

Bible Story: The Birth of Christ Passage: Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2 Songs: "O Little Town of Bethlehem" "O Holy Night" "Angels from the Realms of Glory" "Silent Night"

Part 2 - Old Testament Overview show art Part 2 - Old Testament Overview

Bible Broadcasts

Bible Stories: The 12 spies in Canaan, Moses sees the Promised Land, Israel wants a king, King David, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Solomon, Ahab and Jezabel, Jonah, Jeremiah, Daniel in the lions' den, the Exile, Queen Esther, and Job. Songs: "I am Bound for the Promised Land" "Dare to be a Daniel"

Part 1 - Old Testament Overview show art Part 1 - Old Testament Overview

Bible Broadcasts

Bible Stories: Creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, Noah and the flood, the call of Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Joseph the provider, baby Moses and the exodus from Egypt. Songs: "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" "Let Me People Go"

Encouragement and Hymns show art Encouragement and Hymns

Bible Broadcasts

Encouragment and Hymns Broadcast Date: July 28, 1963 Songs: "I Will Sing of My Redeemer" "The Unclouded Day" "We'll Understand it Better By and By" "My Sins Are Gone" "O for a Thousand Tongues" "Kneel at the Cross"

Paul Finale show art Paul Finale

Bible Broadcasts

Bible Story: Riot in Jerusalem, Paul is shipwrecked, snake bite, Charity (love) passage reading Passage: Acts 21-28, 1 Corinthians 13 Songs: "God of Our Fathers" "My Father Knows" "When We All Get To Heaven" "Fire Song (When the World's on Fire)" "Till We Get Home" "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again"

Paul and Silas show art Paul and Silas

Bible Broadcasts

Story: Paul's second missionary journey, Paul and Silas Passage: Acts 15-18, Galatians 4 Songs: "He's a Wonderful Savior to Me" "I Am On The Battlefield For My Lord" "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne" "The Lily of the Valley" "Ivory Palaces" "Christ Receiveth Sinful Men"

Paul and Barnabas show art Paul and Barnabas

Bible Broadcasts

Story: Barnabas, Paul's first missionary journey Passage: Acts 9, 12-14, Galatians 1, 2 Timothy 1 Songs: "Lord, Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart" "Who Is On The Lord's Side?" "Love Found A Way" "Jesus Has Lifted Me" "Morning In My Heart"

The Road to Damascus show art The Road to Damascus

Bible Broadcasts

Story: The stoning of Stephen, Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus Passage: Acts 6-9 Songs: "It Is Well With My Soul" "Surrender" "Someday, He'll Make It Plain" "Some Happy Morning"

The Great Commission show art The Great Commission

Bible Broadcasts

Story: Doubting Thomas, The Great Commission, The Assention, The Coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost Passage: John 20-21, Matthew 28, Acts 1-3 Songs: "Jesus is Always There" "Spirit of the Living God" "Pentecostal Power" "Abide With Me"

The Empty Tomb show art The Empty Tomb

Bible Broadcasts

Story: The Empty Tomb, The Road Emmaus Passage: Mark 16, John 20, Matthew 28, Luke 24 Songs: "Love Led Him To Calvery" "He Lives" "Revive Us Again"

More Episodes

Story: Jesus Heals Crippled Woman on the Sabbath
Passge: Luke 12-13, John 10
Songs: "Once to Every Man and Nation"
"Under His Wings"
"Thou Remainest"