Bible Brodown
Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast discuss, once again, how God gives all people the truth and the pistis (the divine assurance or conviction of the truth), and it is our responsibility to be faithful to Him.
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Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast look at the ancient Greek philosophers and their uses and understanding of "Logos" (The word of God), and how the NT writers incorporated that cultural use in scripture and doctrine.
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Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast delve into the Talmud and other ancient Jewish writings and thought to see what language and understanding they used and had in regards to conversion. We look at language such as reborn, rebirth, new creatures, circumcision and immersion, and how these were not ontological changes, but legal and world-view changes.
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Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast delve deep into the imago dei, the image and likeness of God. What do these phrases mean, and why is it foundational and important?
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This week, Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast delve into the Hypostatic Union, the idea that Jesus is both fully God and fully man. It goes on to say that He is both perfectly divine and perfectly human, having two complete and distinct natures at once. Is this always what the church believed? Is it accurate? Does it align with scripture?
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Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast address regeneration and faith, and discuss which comes first.
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Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast discuss Libertarian Free Will. Does it exist? Does it exist for all choices? How does it relate to salvation? Does it matter?
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Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast respond to Trinity Radio's "7 Questions for Christian Youtubers".
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Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast provide their answers and perspectives from the recent BS Theology Q&A that we missed.
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Billy Wendeln and Matthew Chisholm of the Bible Brodown podcast discuss what God wants from us. How are we to live our lives? What is His will for me?
info_outlineBilly Wendeln of the Bible Brodown podcast adds on to a recent broadcast of Leighton Flowers from Soteriology101, where Dr. Flowers discusses “the doctrine often referred to as "original sin" and looks at where the scripture seems to fly in the face of the concept that mankind is held morally accountable for that which is beyond their control.” Dr. Flowers did a good job on this, but there are a few things I wanted to add to this topic related to sins of ignorance, sins of defiance, and examples we see in scripture.
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