Bigfoot for Breakfast
Residents in the quiet town of Circleville, Ohio began receiving mysteriously threatening letters that would go on to change...even ruin some of their lives forever. Did they catch the right culprit?
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
Hearts broke all over the world, flags were lowered to half mast and the news was printed on every newspaper in America. John F. Kennedy had been shot. Even today, the idea of conspiracy seems prevalent when the even is brought up. But it isn't without good reason...
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
Hearts broke all over the world, flags were lowered to half mast and the news was printed on every newspaper in America. John F. Kennedy had been shot. Even today, the idea of conspiracy seems prevalent when the even is brought up. But it isn't without good reason...
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
Marilyn Monroe was America's Sweetheart for quite some time and her tragic death broke hearts for many, many years. Unfortunately, it was as suspicious as it was sad. Many still don't believe that it panned out the way that the official story tells it...
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
The death of Robert (Bobby) Kennedy came just a few short months after America lost Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and America was devastated. But, was the death of RFK as cut and dry as it seemed? There are a whole lot of people who didn't think so...
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
What was something sure to be a fantastic and beautiful weekend for a group of people on Chappaquiddick Island ended up in total tragedy on July 19th, 1969.
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
If you have never heard the stories that come from the Native American lore of the Skinwalkers, you’re in for a treat. A truly scary type of intelligent and intentional evil. We explore some encounters, contradictions and history of the legend.
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
A military exercise that happened in the 1950's had some surprising results and what seemed to be very interesting...and fast...visitors checking in on them. Multiple witness reports and radar indications later, we still don't know what it was. But we have an idea...
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
Allegations of gang stalking and attacks on civilians using strange microwave weapons are being made. Is this a thing? Well, it is being reported by people all over the world. A pretty astounding amount of people, by our standards.
info_outlineBigfoot for Breakfast
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Typically, in relation to Thanksgiving we hear a lot about Colonial America. But it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows...and turkey. This year, BF4B is bringing some of the darker stories to the light. Because, we all know there is a dark side to how America got started.
info_outlineConvincing others to live their lives the way they are supposed to was hard to do during the medieval period. For God, King and Country, the people had to be convinced, come clean or simply die if they stepped out of line. But, how to make an impression while getting this accomplished? Lets examine the new and super handy tools that the people of the past came up with to get the job done. (photos)
History Extra: Q&A: Were ducking stools ever used as punishment for crimes other than witchcraft during the Middle Ages?
BIOLOGY13 Gory Details About What It's Like To Be Skinned Alive, Laura Allan Updated October 10, 2018
Scold's Bridle - History of the Branks
How the Spanish Inquisition Worked BY SHANNA FREEMAN
The Stomach-Turning History Of Rat Torture – Perhaps History’s Worst Way To Die By Wyatt Redd Published November 30, 2017
10 Additional Gruesome Torture Devices VALENTINEDRAGON
Fl Hirsch, A. E., ed., The Book of Torture and Executions (Toronto: Golden Books, 1944), p. 69ogging
Cat o'nine tails
The Curious Case of the Weapon that Didn’t Exist by PAUL B. STURTEVANT on MAY 12, 2016
Spanish boot
Instep borer From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hirsch, A. E., ed., The Book of Torture and Executions (Toronto: Golden Books, 1944), p. 69
10 Medieval Torture Devices BY ED GRABIANOWSKI: The Pear of Anguish
The Pear Of Anguish Is The Torture Device From Your Proctologist’s Nightmares By Wyatt Redd Published April 10, 2018 Updated June 8, 2018
The Cradle of Judah
Foot Talk, Sunday, November 25, 2018 A concise history of foot torture:
The Picquet:
Drawing and quartering capital punishment WRITTEN BY The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
The Iron Chair and Jean Calas’ Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day in 1762 by Marc Hartzman:
The astronomer who saved his mother from being burned as a witch: the guardian 2015
The Dark and Brutal History of The Brazen Bull: Ancient History, October 15, 2016
The Jamestown Adventure: Accounts of the Virginia Colony, 1605–1614 (Real Voices, Real History) by Ed Southern (Editor) (Winston-Salem NC: Blair, 2004)
Water torture:
10 Medieval Torture Devices BY ED GRABIANOWSKi: Thumbscrews
Thumbscrews: Not For Carpentry, But For Torture By William DeLong Published April 20, 2018 Updated August 15, 2019