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Healthcast 655 - Painless Hair Restoration is Finally Here.

biobalancehealth's podcast

Release Date: 06/06/2024

Healthcast 669 - Five More Myths about Weight Loss and Your Health show art Healthcast 669 - Five More Myths about Weight Loss and Your Health

biobalancehealth's podcast

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biobalancehealth's podcast

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biobalancehealth's podcast

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biobalancehealth's podcast

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biobalancehealth's podcast

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biobalancehealth's podcast

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biobalancehealth's podcast

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biobalancehealth's podcast

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T.E.D.  a NEW painless high intensity ultrasound treatment that actually regrows 65% or more of your hair.  It is the most effective treatment overall and really the most economic treatment with the least amount of time investment, no pain and best results.  Unlike hair implants, you can’t tell you have had a treatment to make your “lost hair” grow again!

The Problem of Hair Loss:

Many of my patients (most of whom are over 40) complain that they have thinning or balding hair-loss before we even start our hormone treatment with hormone pellets. Testosterone treatments with Testosterone pellets rarely increase the DHT blood level enough to increase hair loss.  DHT is the metabolite of Testosterone which is responsible for “male pattern balding” also called hair loss associated with aging in men. Most of my patients have genetic hair thinning or balding, hypothyroid hair loss, or loss from a medication that they take.  We treat these metabolic causes, but we can’t make hair grow back metabolically, we can just stop the loss!  NOW WE CAN MAKE LOST-HAIR GROW BACK with TED!


Features of Alma TED:

















TED is a FOCUSED high intensity ultrasound that drives serums into the scalp to the level of the hair follicle. Alma has worked 17 years on a serum for hair loss and they have achieved their goal!  Only with TED will the serum get to the hair follicles that are “sleeping” and make them grown again!  This pairing of ultrasound and specific serums are key to the unique success of TED.

Comparison OF TED with other treatments for hair loss:

#1 TED is the only FDA approved treatment for regrowing hair!

Six months ago, I was looking at various options to help my patients, and my husband, grow back their beautiful hair. After a comparison of multiple available treatment types for hair loss, I chose Alma Laser’s high intensity ultrasound treatment, T.E.D. that combines a unique hair growth serum delivered deep in the scalp to awaken sleeping hair follicles, stimulating growth, even in follicles that are dormant.

In 4 treatments that each last 45 minutes or less, TED brings hair follicles back to life without pain… I finally found the “holy grail” of hair restoration!  It is affordable and PAINLESS.  My medical skin care practice, BioBalance Skin®, offers free consultations to those men and women who want to have TED treatments to bring reverse hair thinning and balding.

TED this works for men and women with all causes of hair loss!

  • Total number of treatments: one a month for 4 months
  • Time of each treatment =45 min
  • Maintenance is at least one treatment/ year (average)
  • Cost of treatment package: $3,400
  • Cost of each Maintenance treatment, after $450 1-2 times a year
  • Pain= None!
  • Effectiveness= 65% of hair lost regrows
  • No down time!

Who is a candidate for this treatment>

  • Men and Women, all ages with hair loss of any kind (the younger you are the better)
  • All patterns of hair loss up to Stage 3 hair loss (stage 4 has areas of balding without any follicles)
  • Thinning hair all over the head
  • Hair loss due to medications, genetic hair loss, and androgenic hair loss
  • This treatment replaces the drug finasteride! (finasteride decreases libido and erectile function) without the side effects.
  • This treatment can accompany thyroid treatment (but not replace it) for hypothyroid hair loss.
  • Women with extensions can be treated and will eventually replace extensions.


Who is not a candidate/ or will have a less than optimal result:

  • People with metal implants in their brain or skull or metal plates in the skull
  • People with long term complete hair loss (their scalp has no hair and is shiny) > 5 years balding
  • Patients currently on Chemotherapy but is OK after chemo is completed.
  • Patients currently on immunotherapy
  • Trichotillomania- Mental health condition where the patient pulls her own hair out.
  • Patients with skin cancer of the scalp
  • Infections, open wounds on the scalp


Information on Hair Loss: All these types of hair loss, except the most extreme will obtain a good result from TED Hair treatments.

 Hair loss that occurs with age has typical patterns of loss. The examples shown below are examples of male and female age-related hair loss.  The same patterns occur from elevated androgens in some people.

Some types of age-related genetic hair loss are merely thinning of the hair, where individual hairs are spaced out making hair look “see through”.











































WOMEN’S HAIR LOSS—In general women lose hair all over the head or at the temples and crown of the head. The stages of female hair loss above all respond to TED except the most severe-long term loss.



I am asked by my patients, “How do I get thicker hair?”…or for the most common questions from those men who have been experiencing their hairline creeping backward every year, “How do I make this stop, I look like my dad!”.  Over the years my Medical Health Spa, BioBalance Skin® has attempted to help my aging  hormone replacement patients regain their thick and healthy hair and hairline with scalp injections with PRP and  Aqua gold injections of serum and PRP, however effective these treatments are in stopping the loss for a period of time, none of our patients were able to tolerate the pain of the injections in their head for an hour, even after topical pain relief.

These invasive treatments really hurt not matter how we tried to remedy the pain.  It turned out that our patients couldn’t tolerate one hour session, much less a series of treatments necessary to make a visible difference.

Hair implants take so much time and money (>$15,000) that it is like taking on another job and is really only effective for receding hairlines, not thinning hair.  Patients have to have multiple treatments.

There are other options that do not regrow hair but mask the process.  These all require ongoing treatment such as hair extensions, hair implants Hans Weiman hair restoration, all of which are prohibitively expensive, and are also painful and time-consuming.

The one drug therapy to slow hair loss that is used by men, Propecia® finasteride is minimally effective at stopping the loss of hair, and it does not grow hair where it no longer grows. This drug also has significant side effects that many men can’t tolerate including loss of muscle mass and erectile dysfunction.  Our patients who receive T pellets tell me that finasteride decreases all the sexual and muscle improvement they have gained from T pellets.

Other new options for hair loss I investigated the required lifetime ongoing supplements (many of them) and ongoing treatment. The other option was significantly painful and not as successful as TED.

When I find a new and unique treatment to solve the problems of my patients as they age, I am compelled to find an answer!

For hair loss, TED is it! If you have thinning, receding, or balding hair don’t wait, the sooner the better for bringing back hair follicles permanently!

If you need visual documentation, please go to the Alma TED results page with this link to see picture proof of the results from TED treatments:

Link to example pictures of the results from TED. https://almainc.com/products/almated