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Episode 39: The editorial process

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

Release Date: 10/02/2016

Episode 51: literature search show art Episode 51: literature search

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

Alle researchers need to search for previously published material. You can either do it in a loose fashion, so-called "surfing" for evidence, or you can perform a search systematically, e.g. for a systematic review.

Episode 50: practical data management show art Episode 50: practical data management

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

There are strict rules about how to handle your data from a research project. You cannot put them on Dropbox or similar web-based repositories and you cannot save them on the hard drive of your personal computer. 

Episode 49: Good Clinical Practice show art Episode 49: Good Clinical Practice

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

It is mandatory to follow the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) rules for trials involving drugs. This episode will give you the background and the main content of the GCP regulations and what it practically means to you when running the study. It is no way a full description of the GCP concept but will give you the highlights so that you can find further details yourself.

Episode 48: critical phases show art Episode 48: critical phases

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

There will for certain be critical phases in your research process, This episode will go through the critical phases in the protocol, data acquisition, analysis, manuscript and publication phases. Most problems can be prevented.

Episode 47: write a systemativ review show art Episode 47: write a systemativ review

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

You do not need to be an expert in the clinical field to write a systematic review. It is a fairly easy process because it follows a specific guideline (the PRISMA guideline), and it is also fairly easy to get it accepted for publication in a journal if you do it the right way. And importantly, you will automatically read the necessary literature in your research field. The only drawback is that you have to invest the necessary time and energy, but that is not really a negative thing. So go ahead and write a systematic review in your field of research. 

Episode 46: COPE show art Episode 46: COPE

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

If problems arise with serious author disputes or question about research integrity then journal editors go to COPE for advice. You should therefore know about this important ressource that is freely available on the internet.

Episode 45: Author disputes show art Episode 45: Author disputes

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

There may be author disputes in a competitive environment like biomedical research. this is sad and disturbing, but if you handle it very early in the research process then most problems can be prevented.

Episode 44: Permissions and registrations show art Episode 44: Permissions and registrations

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

Before study start (meaning before accrual of the first patient) you have to obtain certain permissions and perform certain registrations. There are differences from country to country but you will always need ethical committee approval for a clinical trial.

Episode 43: Research funding show art Episode 43: Research funding

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

It is very often a struggle to obtain necessary funding for your research ideas. This episode will discuss how to obtain funding and how to make a good application for that.

Episode 42: How to get the idea for a project show art Episode 42: How to get the idea for a project

Biomedical Publishing Podcast

The best way to get the idea for a research project is to listen to the questions asked by the patient and by younger colleagues and medical students. They often ask the relevant questions, and these can very easily be translated into research questions.

More Episodes

In this episode we go through the editorial process. What happens with your paper in its way through the editorial office, out for review, back again, and the additional steps until final publication.