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Epi 103 Mission 22 and BJJ With Chris Papandria

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

Release Date: 10/05/2015

Epi 374 One thing leads to the next show art Epi 374 One thing leads to the next

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

Don't put your cart before your horse in BJJ. Byron recently tried this and it does not make for great training.

BjjBrick Epi 373 Value your teammates show art BjjBrick Epi 373 Value your teammates

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

BjjBrick Quick 260 That's just another tool in the tool bag Gary Hull show art BjjBrick Quick 260 That's just another tool in the tool bag Gary Hull

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

The BjjBrick podcast will be taking a break for a while.  Many thanks to the listners! Byron Jabara

BjjBrick Quick 259 BjjBrick Quick 259 "Iron Sharpens Iron But a leather strap will also sharpen iron A stone wheel will also sharpen iron The reality is, many things can sharpen an ax" Joe Thomas

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

BjjBrick Quick 258 BjjBrick Quick 258 "No matter how stressful the situation you find yourself to be in realize that success will come in the form of technical solutions to problems not appeals to our emotional side" John Danaher

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

BjjBrick Quick 257 BjjBrick Quick 257 "If you ask me what belt I am today I’ll tell you that I’m a white belt that never gave up" Jean Jacques Machado

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

BjjBrick Quick 256 BjjBrick Quick 256 "The art of Jiu-Jitsu is worth more in every way than all of our athletics combined." - U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

BjjBrick Quick 255 The older I get the better I get show art BjjBrick Quick 255 The older I get the better I get

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

BjjBrick Quick 254 The older I get the more I need to watch my diet show art BjjBrick Quick 254 The older I get the more I need to watch my diet

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

BjjBrick Quick 253 The older I get the quicker I reject techniques show art BjjBrick Quick 253 The older I get the quicker I reject techniques

BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

More Episodes

The BjjBrick Podcast is in iTunes, Stitcher radio, and RSS link for Andriod

mission22Mission 22 is a organization that raises awareness for Veteran suicide. It is a sad fact that 22 veterans take their lives due to PTSD every day.  Chris Papandria joins us this week to talk about Mission 22 and BJJ.

We talk about:

  • What got Chris started in BJJ
  • How Mission 22 was named
  • BJJ seminars that benefit Mission 22
  • How you can help your teammates that have PTSD
  • The importance of a team
  • The mental escape that BJJ provides
  • Having a gym that is supportive to Veterans
  • Supporting Mission 22
Chris Papandria in the middle
Chris Papandria in the middle


Quote of the week: "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill

Article of the week: "Having A Good Drill Partner Is Crucial" jiujitsutimes.com

Catch us next week for another episode of The BjjBrick Podcast
