Counting Black and White Beans Episode 1 Race talk as Threat
Release Date: 09/24/2021
blackandwhitebeans's podcast
On this episode we explore DisCrit and its relationship to neurodiversity in accounting. DisCrit represents an offshoot of CRT which incorporates the lens of Disability Studies. I use this to begin a conversation around what life might be like for those accountants who are neurodiverse and racialized in the accounting arena. Is it good? Is it bad? We simply don’t know because we don’t have the research. So please join me as we delve deeper into this fascinating topic.
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On the whole we tend to view accounting as a dull and boring excise in counting beans. But this is not true and hasn’t been true ever. In this episode a brief review is given of how this ‘boring technology’ was in fact integral to harm inflicted up Black and Brown bodies during slavery and how it traditionally prevented access to early would be Black CPAs at the start of the early 19th century. And this is important because as is often said ‘if we don’t know our history then we are doomed to repeat it’. So please listen to learn more about something that is not often spoken about...
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We all tell tales and they can be powerful if the right one is told in the right way. All too often a dominant majority white tale is told about the inferiority of Black professionals and other People of Color in the workplace and beyond. In this podcast I suggest that we need better oppositional tales or Counterstories to resist racist accounts and tell a differing truth. Often such CRT Counterstories are fantastical and imaginary but grounded in real racial theory so that people who might normally dismiss race and racism instead choose to listen to something new or different which might...
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In this first episode of our third season, we explore the concept of Working Identity. But what is this I hear you cry? It is the strategy which stigmatized professionals use to gain some measure of acceptance in dominant majority white space. It is the act of molding social reality around oneself to be an OK and accepted Black person in for example the Whiteworld of Accounting. How is this achieved? By making sure that an Afro is not shown at work or to clients as this cultural hairstyle is seen as unprofessional. It is to make sure the strong Black woman financial services professional is...
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In this episode we explore the much-maligned concept of White Fragility. A lot has already been said about it, some true and much false, but have we been given an accurate working definition of it yet? In this Podcast I attempt to do so. But let me be clear. To begin to talk about White Fragility is to provoke in many a set of unpleasant emotions most often in whites, and sometimes in uncritical people of color because of how White Fragility operates. I will give my definition of White Fragility and what it really means, the rules of race talk under White Fragility, and what to do next about...
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In this podcast we discuss why wealth is so difficult to attain and keep for Black Americans and others in the Black Diaspora. It is a real-life problem for Black people which means if we cannot change it the Black community will continue to suffer. At its core I suggest that historic racism that continues today is at the root of poor Black wealth attainment, and this must change if we are committed to improving the lot of Black America now and in the future. But this will require committed investment at the Federal and State level to improve the financial knowledge of the Black community...
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In this episode I answer questions I have received from listeners to the Podcast and my other work about CRT and Accounting. I read out their questions and then give my answer(s) to it. So why do this? Dialogue I believe is the key. Listeners may or may not agree on the points that I raise about racism, business, and the workplace but that is not the point. The questions in this particular episode from the Podcast audience and readers of my work have REALLY made me think about the issues at hand and challenged my views across a range of topics. For this I am thankful, and it is my hope that on...
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In this episode we talk about White Supremacy! It is difficult to talk about race in general and it is particularly difficult in our more modern times. It’s even harder to say the words 'White Supremacy' in professional settings without being accused of being racist or being accused of causing ‘race baiting.’ But why is this the case? I believe that the concept has come overcharged, misinterpreted and therefore taboo to discuss in social settings and the workplace. But this is to our detriment if we wish to rid ourselves of this great racial harm. This Podcast seeks to overcome these...
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So, in this episode we ask what does it mean to be racially unsafe at work? It means for the most part knowing that at some point or another you will experience subtle hidden racism. Racial risk in this instance is the ‘threat in the air’, that a microassault is around the corner, and that you, perhaps a Black male are yourself a ‘forever threat’ in the professional setting and other spaces as well.
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It is difficult to talk about race and it is particularly difficult in our more modern times. But why is this? In this show I put forward the case that the Whiteness of everyday life is responsible. It is the Whiteness of Western society that is a hidden benchmark to which all nonwhite people are compared against. It is the way that People of Color live in a 'Whiteworld', which is a harsh and unforgiving world that is seldom seen by white people. It is the way white people are often Colorblind to race and therefore cannot speak about it.
info_outlineWhy don’t we really talk about race or racism in polite society? We don’t talk about it accounting circles for the most part because its difficult to do. In this podcast I seek to upend this. Talk is good and I hope this will be the start of a great conversation around race and what it means in society and accounting.