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It's Our Time

Black Rock Church Sermons

Release Date: 08/08/2021

Foundations: Worshipping God as Father, Son, And Holy Spirit show art Foundations: Worshipping God as Father, Son, And Holy Spirit

Black Rock Church Sermons

We often don’t realize how big and powerful God is. It is largely because we are distracted by so many other things and don’t really focus on God. He often becomes smaller in our eyes. This message helps us “Refocus” on God in worship and prayer, and in all He is as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  

Foundations Podcast - Episode 2 show art Foundations Podcast - Episode 2

Black Rock Church Sermons

Welcome to the second episode of the Foundations Podcast. The podcast where we try cookies and talk through a life built on Christ. Be part of the conversation as we discuss the Bible being God's Word and our guide. We also unpack Pastor Josh's comment " ..the Bible is true and my thoughts and feelings are often wrong. " If you haven't listened the accompanying Sermon from 2//9, please do so first.

Foundations: The Bible is God’s Word and Our Guide | 02-09 | Josh Feay | Black Rock Church show art Foundations: The Bible is God’s Word and Our Guide | 02-09 | Josh Feay | Black Rock Church

Black Rock Church Sermons

Most people believe that the Bible has some good things in it, like telling people to love each other. What if the Bible doesn’t just say a few good things but is the divinely inspired Word of God? Truly believing that the Bible IS God’s Word will impact how.

Foundations Podcast - Episode 1 show art Foundations Podcast - Episode 1

Black Rock Church Sermons

Welcome to the first episode of the Foundations Podcast. The podcast where we try cookies and talk through a life built on Christ. A place where we don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we take the Gospel very seriously. Join us as we discuss the Bible and how it can strengthen the foundation of our lives. Plus, we get real with Pastor Josh, Black Rock Church’s newest senior pastor, as he shares some vulnerable moments from his life.     ► WHAT’S NEXT ✘ Resources : ✘ Guests: ✘ Events & Info: ✘ Facebook: ✘ Instagram:  

Foundations: Belief - Behavior - Become show art Foundations: Belief - Behavior - Become

Black Rock Church Sermons

How do we strengthen our foundation to handle whatever life brings? We often get discouraged because we don’t have enough discipline to do what we know we should. What if we examined our beliefs? Do we believe what we say we believe? What if our beliefs determine our behavior? Which then determines who we become. How can we let God transform our beliefs? Thus enabling us to become who God created us to be.  

Baptism Sunday show art Baptism Sunday

Black Rock Church Sermons

Everyone needs to be saved from the guilt of their sins. Belief in the Lord Jesus is the only way to experience salvation and have a right relationship with God. Today, we celebrate our brothers and sisters as they go through baptism: the outward expression of their inward belief in Jesus.  

Follow Me: Becoming a Disciple of Jesus show art Follow Me: Becoming a Disciple of Jesus

Black Rock Church Sermons

What did Jesus mean when He asked 12 people to follow Him as His disciples, and what does it mean for us today? Today we will explore those questions in a biblical and historical context.

Farewell Message show art Farewell Message

Black Rock Church Sermons

Today, we have the opportunity to hear a farewell message from Pastor Steve as he closes out his 40 years of service at Black Rock Church.   

Solid Ground show art Solid Ground

Black Rock Church Sermons

In a famous story, Jesus contrasts a wise builder who builds his house on a rock with a foolish builder who builds on sand. Jesus says we can be like the wise builder, having a solid foundation that keeps us strong as the storms of life rage against us. Let’s commit to strengthening our foundation in 2025 and becoming the solid person God designed us to be!

Remember Don’t Remain show art Remember Don’t Remain

Black Rock Church Sermons

We will focus on reflecting on God’s faithfulness over the past year. We'll explore how recognizing His work in our lives can inspire hope and expectation for the future. We’ll also be challenged to seek God’s guidance and ask how He wants to move in the coming year.

More Episodes

In this week’s message, we will see how living as eternal children of God brings a clear focus and purpose to each day that we spend on Earth, so that how we live takes on eternal meaning.

This week, you’ll be challenged to write down the names of family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers who don’t know Jesus. Make it your mission to pray daily for each person and to look for opportunities to share God’s love with them.