4.11 A Little Hood, Very Academic with Dr. Roshaunda Breeden
Release Date: 02/16/2023
Blacktivism In the Academy
We're wrapping up season 5 with our report cacrd episode. Sit down with J.T. and Cherese as they hand out gold stars along with some failing grades. _____________ Keep up with BIA on the socials and we'll make sure to keep up with y'all. IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
We're just letting our brains play around a but on this one. Wanna play along? Write down your own answers and if you feel like it, share em with us on social media. _____________ Find BIA on the socials IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
Quortne Hutchings comes back to chat with us about recovery on college campuses. How do you extend community and make space for those in recovery? _____________ Content Disclosure - This episode includes frank discussion about drug use and recovery. Though conversation doesn't delve into intricate descriptions of drug use, we recognize that this informaiton may be useful for those wishing not to hear about the topic as they manage their own recovery. For more information on recovery resources visit: https://collegiaterecovery.org/recovery-resources/ _____________ Find BIA on the socials IG -...
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
Cherese and J.T. are in the studio talking about certain aspects of culture and career that bump up against a lot of gatekeeping. Now do some of those gates need to be opened while others are kept... or compltely broken down? Let's get into it. _____________ Find BIA on the socials IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
We're coming up on the anniversary of a truly sacred day. How do we commemorate the 5th of August? _____________ Find BIA on the socials IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
The amazing Ajhanai Keaton joins us to share her expertise about race gender and sport. We had a great time chopping it up with her about everything from fashion in the W to getting beyond the "shut up and dribble" phase. _____________ Twitter - @ajhanaikeaton _____________ Find BIA on the socials IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
We're talking sports, culture, and politics with Wayne Black. This short but sweet conversation was a fun one! _____________ To put the last few minutes into context, this episode was recorded post Euphoria and pre Megan album. _____________ _____________ Find BIA on the socials IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
Charles H.F. Davis III joins us in the studio for an amazing conversation about the artistry in abolition and where we might fit in when it comes to our activism. Do professors and administrators become tools of oppression or can we offer ourselves in revolutionary service? Also, let's add to that playlist to our revolutionary soundtrack. _____________ Twitter/Instagram - @hfdavis _____________ Find BIA on the socials IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
Doctor Reggie Blockett illuminates the mic and shares his research. We cover institutionalized heteronormativity, building community during research, and more. Through it all, Reggie asserts "it's not okay that we're not okay." and he helps talk through what's keeping us alright. Find him on instagram - @Regg313 _____________ Find BIA on the socials IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineBlacktivism In the Academy
A simple question without any real answers. You're gonna hear many questions in this episode. If you have any answers or thoughts to share with us, please hit up our socials. We wanna hear from you. _____________ IG - @biapod Twitter - @bia_pod As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too! Peace.
info_outlineWe've got Roshaunda Breeden making her second appearance on the pod! We talk about creative scholarship, researching while cultivating community, anti-Blackness and anti-fatness, and so much more!
Works by Dr. Breeden
Means, D. R., Stanton, J., Mekonnen, B., Oni, O., Breeden, R. L., Babatola, O., Osondu., C. J., Beckham, M., & Marshall, B. (2022). A deeper calling: The aspirations and persistence of Black undergraduate students in science at a predominantly white institution. The Review of Higher Education, 46(2), 151-180. https://doi.org/10.1353/rhe.
Breeden, R. L, VanZoest, E., Lewis Sessoms, M., Harry, D., Meachum Lewis, E., Nichols, H., Jaeger, A.J., & Thomas, E. (2022). Adult learner guidebook: A guide to recruit and retain adult learners at North Carolina community colleges. [Research brief]. The Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research. https://belk-center.ced.ncsu.
Breeden, R. L. (2021). [Review of the book] We want to do more than survive: Abolitionist teaching and the pursuit of educational freedom by B.L. Love. The Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education, 4(2), 135-139. https://jethe.org/
Stewart, T. J. & Breeden, R. L. (2021). “Feeling Good as Hell”: Black
women and the nuances of fat resistance. Fat Studies, 10(3), 221-236.
Breeden, R. L. (2021). Our presence is resistance: The stories of Black
women in senior-level student affairs positions at predominantly white institutions. Journal of
Women and Gender in Higher Education, 14(2), 166-186.
Twitter: @drbreeden
LinkedIn: Roshaunda Breeden
Academia: https://ecu.academia.edu/
Find BIA on the socials
IG - @biapod
Twitter - @bia_pod
As always, please rate and review us to help us out and make sure other folks can find the podcast too!