Blake and Bobby Go to the Movies
info_outlineBlake and Bobby Go to the Movies
Reviewing episodes 7 and 8 of The Last Dance with special guests Steve Castillo and Kalhan Rosenblatt
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We review The Last Dance episodes 5&6
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We get drunk and review a movie about an alcoholic!
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Blake and Bobby review episodes 3 and 4 of the ESPN documentary series "The Last Dance"
info_outlineBlake and Bobby Go to the Movies
Blake and Bobby review episodes 1 and 2 of the ESPN documentary series "The Last Dance"
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Blake is quarantined in Chicago
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Here's a lost episode for y'all!
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This week we review Netflix's/Scorsese's newest hit film The Irishman with our pal Steve Gerard (who also is the musician who made our theme music!)
info_outlineBlake and Bobby Go to the Movies
info_outlineMost offensive episode yet? Yes.
We with first time guest Nate Burrows about Do the Right Thing, Scent of a Woman, Nate's Lips and Stick Ball for no reason
We also review the Golden Globe winning and Oscar Nominated: Roma from director Alfonso Cuarón
Also, Bobby explains what he thinks easter eggs are and he is wrong