Blogs on Tape
Episode 29
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info_outlineBlogs on Tape
Do you, or have you ever had a bad boss? A job that was particularly undesirable? Call 917-512-7401 ext 49953, and stay tuned for some unfortunate stories about the workplace!
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info_outlineBlogs on Tape
Have any strange family stories? Call 917-512-7401 ext 49953. More to come!
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Episode 26 - "75% Frustration and 25% Riveting Drama" ...
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Episode 25 - "Noone Ever Said I Had To Be Pretty To Rhyme" ...
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Episode 24 -
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Episode 23 - "Could Have Damn Well Been Any Piece of Paper" ...
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A blogsontape internet single! Inspired by a challenge from caller Raygan! Enjoy and call in more songs and song requests, this was real fun! Thx!
Episode 11 - Peter, Katie, Nick O, Calvin, Anthony P, and a mystery caller leave messages on the topic of "boys, girls, crushes, and stuff" while James reveals his audio crush. Max P soldiers through clogged noses and growing up. This, plus a dream sequence including Jeremy, and a celebrity endorsement!
Hungry for internet exposure? Dial 917-512-7401 ext. 49953, wait for the beep, then blog your eyes out.
Hungry for internet exposure? Dial 917-512-7401 ext. 49953, wait for the beep, then blog your eyes out.