Bob and Waves
Standing and delivering. On a surfboard. Like a baby giraffe
info_outline Season 2 Episode 1 The REEEEMIIIIIIXXXXXBob and Waves
I got soooo distraaaacted!
info_outline The return!Bob and Waves
Why do I keep saying "references?!""
info_outline Time warpBob and Waves
I check out Doheny Beach per some recommendations
info_outline Player 1 level 1.....stillBob and Waves
I'm not getting better at surfing and i love it!!!!
info_outline Job and WavesBob and Waves
I talk about job....and waves...and other stuff
info_outline Applications for Intelligent TelephonesBob and Waves
Sorry for the background noise..but I got an app.... YAY!
info_outline A misguided meditationBob and Waves
Don't listen and drive....or's your life.
info_outline A Game of GroansBob and Waves
Robert triggers your amazement. A game ensues.
info_outline Bobbin WavesBob and Waves
Getting the funk outta the wetsuit and becoming the greatest seamstress the world has ever known!
info_outlineDid Robert actually try what he said he was gonna try...also what does that even mean...also how are you doing?