BoBo & Pickle Show
Once upon a time there was a boy named Jake. He had an ice truck and he sold ice to all the neighbors in his neighborhood. Everyone loved Jake because he was so funny and crazy. But one day, something strange happened. Jake woke up one day and realized that his two favorite stuffed animals, BoBo and Pickle, were talking to him inside his head! And not only that, but they were telling him to do crazy things like run around the block naked or steal candy from the store! Jake tried his best to ignore them, but they just kept getting louder and crazier until finally he gave in and did what they...
info_outlineBoBo & Pickle Show
BoBo and Pickle were sitting in a circle, discussing the crazyness of music. "I mean," said BoBo, "have you ever heard some of the stuff that's out there today?" "Oh, absolutely!" replied Pickle. "There's this one rapper named GoldToof who is just insane! He raps about raping people and doing drugs and it's just crazy!" "Yeah, I've heard of him," said BoBo. "He's pretty famous." Just then, GoldToof himself walked up to the group. "Hey guys!" he exclaimed. "What's up?"
info_outlineBoBo & Pickle Show
Find out the crazy mysteries about the house on the edge of the block and the missing daughter sister. Don't pee on a spinning tree, or you may conjure a witch—random panties with Rando. Don't let BoBo drive you in a gocart. Pickle is launched from a weenie but comes out unscathed. Rando is thrown from a teeter-totter unexpectedly.
info_outlineBoBo & Pickle Show
We had a sweet crazy time on the Sweetcast YouTube live. You asked for it, you got the ride of your life with Captain Sweety! Get ready to spin that wheel like 4 times. We are live and we're not playing around so get those cameras ready because this is gonna be sweet-sweet entertainment."
info_outlineBoBo & Pickle Show
A crazy free for all with BoBo and Pickle with back by popular demand. Jack the Iceman. We talk about crazy travels. BoBo talks about craziness in Alaska again. Jack has a chill time in Colorado, and of course, Pickle has no idea how he got in a strip club getting the VIP treatment from the bathroom guy.
info_outlineBoBo & Pickle Show
Pickle is a really good friend. He lives at the park with BoBo, who is also a very good friend of Pickles. They run around and play all day long. One day they ran into some bad people with knives and guns! But don't worry, it wasn't too scary because BoBo and Pickle are actually superheroes, so they took care of the bad guys, and all was well.
info_outlineBoBo & Pickle Show
The door to the bar swung open and I saw a woman walk in. She was wearing a red dress with her hair piled on top of her head.
BoBo & Pickle Show
The Night Stalker was a serial killer, and Bobo had barely escaped his clutches. That's why he wanted to talk to the man before he became The Night Stalker and committed all those murders.
BoBo & Pickle Show
BoBo's April fools drug extravaganza. No, really, it's not cocaine. His friend is not a gigolo, maybe. Pickle is slipped a quadruple dose of THC. Pickle, you're not going to die. You will be fine. Jake T Iceman is not a very good runner. The cops were faster. Having fun in the patty-wagon. Kick back in the cop car and enjoying some ganja with the soon-to-be chief of police.
BoBo & Pickle Show
Sometimes BoBo has found it is a great success to live after a house has fallen on him. Dorathy may or may not have stolen his shoes. Can we have two guests? Jimmy and Donatrello. Donatrello’s grandma is a hero taking on the bully. They didn’t know what hit them. Well, they did. It was a sweet little old lady that kicked their asses. Jimmy takes on the tinny bully with the big posse. You do not say something about Jimmy’s mama. Pickle successfully had a kid. Well, Jane has the baby, but Pickle helped
info_outlineHave you heard that Epsom salt will help you have a bowel movement? Well, find out what it does to Pickle with four times the regular dosage. BoBo runs out of road and talks to a giant cop that sounds like a munchkin.