Getting the People Right: Alex Greenwood of Lee Health Coconut
Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy
Release Date: 06/15/2019
Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy
As we wrap up this season, I asked a few of our past guests to update us on their business here in Bonita.
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As we came closer to the end of this third season of our local podcast, the world changed--fast. In this bonus episode, I catch up on the changes with tech leader Alex Allen of Two39 Group, co-owner of the year-old Bonita co-working space Two39 Work.
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This conversation with my guest Adam Botana was recorded prior to this stunning shift in our economy here, and of course our state’s stay-at-home orders are impacting his family’s company, Bay Water Boat Club, as they are yours, mine and others.
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My next guest and I share this goal of wanting to spread the word about the tech and entrepreneurial opportunities in Southwest Florida--and don't let the current economic environment fool you--there WILL be opportunities. He’s Alex Allen, who’s the co-founder of the Two39 Group, a tech startup hub that owns Two39 Work, a co-working and connection space for tech companies and entrepreneurs.
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My guest Greg DeWitt became Bonita Springs' fire chief in January 2020, but brings years of Bonita history as well as a vision for Bonita's future.
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When you think of local businesses, you’re probably not thinking about one very big, important local business. In fact, this business had a budget last year of $38 million, and if you pay taxes in Bonita, about 70% of that was funded by you and me.
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In Southwest Florida, animals are everywhere, and when an animal gets caught where it shouldn’t be or gets out of control, that’s when it’s time to call my next guest: Butch Smith, founder of Southern Trappers Nuisance Wildlife Removal.
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You probably know that starting a new retail service business can be hard. But how would it be if you were starting it with your mom?
info_outlineBonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy
If you have a great company, you might see the "boomerang" employee--someone who leaves but rejoins your organization down the road. And that’s exactly what happened to Fred Fung, who in late 2019 re-joined the Bonita Bay Club.
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You might not realize that 70% of each new family who moves here, full or part-time, will have a pet.. That’s good news for our next guest, Debi Braendle, owner of the Bonita Boarding Kennel and Pet Camp. In this interview, Debi tells us about the real work of the business--and it's not what you might think.
info_outlineI don’t care where you live in the world—everybody’s talking about healthcare today. We talk about what it can do, what it costs, and where to get the services we need.
Well, here in Bonita, that conversation has accelerated recently. I’m recording this for you in the spring of 2019, and so just last year, two major health care properties opened in our town. And the crazy thing is that they’re practically across the street from each other. Okay, that street is Tamiami Trail, otherwise known as US 41, and crossing that street on foot might just land you in one of those new shiny emergency rooms.
But truth is, we now have what I’ve been calling a healthcare hub here in Bonita. In these first three episodes of the podcast this season, I’ll introduce you to leaders from all three of these healthcare resources that huddle around Coconut Road and 41.
First up is Alex Greenwood, who leads the work Lee Health Coconut Point. In this interview, Alex explains what it was like to plan and build this property from the ground up, and we spend time talking about how when you work to get the people right, you can get the rest of it right. It’s an interview you won’t want to miss.
Before we get to that, I want to welcome a new sponsor to the podcast this season—Spotlight News Magazine, Spotlight is the local news that shines a light on the people of Naples, Bonita Springs and Estero. You can read the Spotlight at
Also, we’re grateful for the continued support of Woods Weidenmiller Michettie & Rudnick, attorneys at law with an office here in Bonita Springs led by Jay Caudill. Find them at
For show notes plus all of our episodes to date, visit Now, on to my interview with Alex Greenwood of Lee Health Coconut Point. Enjoy!