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Our Season Two Wrap-Up

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

Release Date: 08/17/2019

Our Season Three Wrap Up show art Our Season Three Wrap Up

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

As we wrap up this season, I asked a few of our past guests to update us on their business here in Bonita.

Bonus: Pivoting in the Pandemic with Alex Allen of Two39 Group show art Bonus: Pivoting in the Pandemic with Alex Allen of Two39 Group

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

As we came closer to the end of this third season of our local podcast, the world changed--fast. In this bonus episode, I catch up on the changes with tech leader Alex Allen of Two39 Group, co-owner of the year-old Bonita co-working space Two39 Work. 

Work & Our Water with Adam Botana of Bay Water Boat Club show art Work & Our Water with Adam Botana of Bay Water Boat Club

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

This conversation with my guest Adam Botana was recorded prior to this stunning shift in our economy here, and of course our state’s stay-at-home orders are impacting his family’s company, Bay Water Boat Club, as they are yours, mine and others.

Connecting the Tech Community with Alex Allen of Two39 Work show art Connecting the Tech Community with Alex Allen of Two39 Work

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

My next guest and I share this goal of wanting to spread the word about the tech and entrepreneurial opportunities in Southwest Florida--and don't let the current economic environment fool you--there WILL be opportunities. He’s Alex Allen, who’s the co-founder of the Two39 Group, a tech startup hub that owns Two39 Work, a co-working and connection space for tech companies and entrepreneurs.

Part 2: Planning for the Future with Chief Greg DeWitt of Bonita Fire show art Part 2: Planning for the Future with Chief Greg DeWitt of Bonita Fire

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

My guest Greg DeWitt became Bonita Springs' fire chief in January 2020, but brings years of Bonita history as well as a vision for Bonita's future. 

Part 1: Planning for the Future with Chief Greg DeWitt of Bonita Fire show art Part 1: Planning for the Future with Chief Greg DeWitt of Bonita Fire

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

When you think of local businesses, you’re probably not thinking about one very big, important local business. In fact, this business had a budget last year of $38 million, and if you pay taxes in Bonita, about 70% of that was funded by you and me.

Where the Wild Things Are w/ Butch Smith of Southern Trappers show art Where the Wild Things Are w/ Butch Smith of Southern Trappers

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

In Southwest Florida, animals are everywhere, and when an animal gets caught where it shouldn’t be or gets out of control, that’s when it’s time to call my next guest: Butch Smith, founder of Southern Trappers Nuisance Wildlife Removal.

Building for Growth w/ Shelley Anderson & Sarah Thompson of Blush Salon show art Building for Growth w/ Shelley Anderson & Sarah Thompson of Blush Salon

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

You probably know that starting a new retail service business can be hard. But how would it be if you were starting it with your mom?

Art of the Boomerang with Fred Fung of Bonita Bay Club show art Art of the Boomerang with Fred Fung of Bonita Bay Club

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

If you have a great company, you might see the "boomerang" employee--someone who leaves but rejoins your organization down the road. And that’s exactly what happened to Fred Fung, who in late 2019 re-joined the Bonita Bay Club.

The Business of Business with Debi Braendle of Bonita Boarding Kennel show art The Business of Business with Debi Braendle of Bonita Boarding Kennel

Bonita Business Podcast with Coach Darcy

You might not realize that 70% of each new family who moves here, full or part-time, will have a pet.. That’s good news for our next guest, Debi Braendle, owner of the Bonita Boarding Kennel and Pet Camp. In this interview, Debi tells us about the real work of the business--and it's not what you might think.

More Episodes

Wow—I can’t believe we’re at the close of our second season. When I launched the Bonita Business Podcast, my goals were simple. I wanted to take you behind the scenes to meet some of the companies and business leaders right here in my chosen hometown of Bonita Springs, Florida.

I wanted to hear what’s happening in their companies and careers, and I wanted to get their insights on what’s happening in our local business community overall.

Well, if you’ve listened to our interviews this season, you know we did just that.

In this second season, we continued talking to leaders in companies who shared great stories about their own career journeys and their work today right here in Southwest Florida. If you haven’t caught up on all of the episodes to date, find them all on BonitaBusinessPodcast.com, or on wherever you’re listening to the podcast right now! Plus, you can also catch up with our season one episodes there, too—those chats are still really useful and insightful.

This season, I started off talking to leaders at three different healthcare organizations currently serving our community—Alex
Greenwood at Lee Heatlh Coconut Point. Sara McCallum at the Bonita Commuity Health Center, and Wendell McClurg of NCH Bonita. I was super curious to get behind the scenes in the two new facilities built by both Lee and NCH –and, to hear how that’s affected a property both companies share—the Bonita Community Health Center. If yu’re interested in the state of healthcare services in our area, you’ll definitely want to listen to all three interviews.

Plus, I also talked to dentist Victoria Renando, and while we were focusing on the lessons she’s learned starting up a new business in Bonita Springs, I did learn a little about the medical side of dentistry, too.

What else did I learn this season? Well, a couple of our interviews had to do with critical services that come directly into your house. First, there’s water, here with Bonita Springs utilities executive director John Jenkins.

And also coming into your house is internet service, including tv and phone service, and we met Theresa Fletcher., executive VP of Hotwire Communiations to talk about that.

The winner for most interesting company name—and maybe coolest company—came from my interview with Jameson Yingling of Sugarshack.

Okay, a few final thoughts as we wrap up our second season.

The biggest one is that I’m grateful. I’m grateful to every single person who took time out of their schedules to sit down with me and tell me their story so I could bring them to you.

I’m grateful to Peter O’Flinn, publisher of the Spotlight News magazine—the local news that shines a light on the people of Naples, Bonita Springs and Estero. Peter went out of his way after our first season to encourage this work to continue, and this year you may have seen the podcast inside the pages of the Spotlight. We’re grateful to their sponsorship, and encourage you to go read the Spotlight at SWSpotlight.com.

I’m grateful to audiobook giant Audible, who’s committed to helping smaller podcaster s like me by offering a free audiobook to our listeners who sign up for a free 30-day trial at AudibleTrial.com/CoachDarcy.

Most of all, thank YOU for listening and for telling your friends. This work doesn’t mean anything if it isn’t useful to you. If you haven’t yet left us a rating and a review, it really does matter, even for a local podcast like this. If you like what you’ve heard this season, please click the stars or write a few words in a review.

We’d like to bring you even more great interviews and ideas from our own backyard. So tell me this—who would YOU like to hear from? I’d love to have your suggestions and introductions. You can hit the green “suggest a guest” button on BonitaBusinessPodcast.com, or just email me at [email protected].

In the meantime, don’t forget --

Bonita may mean beautiful, but it also means business.  I’m Bonita Business Coach Darcy Eikenberg, and thanks for being here with me on the Bonita Business Podcast.