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Giving Tithes: The Secret to Fulfillment | #65

Boost Your Sales & Lifestyle With Lisa Sasevich

Release Date: 11/15/2018

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Boost Your Sales & Lifestyle With Lisa Sasevich

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Boost Your Sales & Lifestyle With Lisa Sasevich

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Boost Your Sales & Lifestyle With Lisa Sasevich

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More Episodes

So many mission-driven entrepreneurs make a lot of money but they still don’t feel fulfilled. Giving tithes is an amazing way to bring meaning and fulfillment to your abundance. I like to say that tithing is my secret sauce. Tithing doesn’t simply have to be giving a percentage of your earnings to your church each week. Today I’m going to share with you the secret to tithing that I learned from Edwene Gaines in her book The 4 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity. If you feel fortunate to have the abundance that you do, but you don’t quite feel fulfilled, listen to this episode as I share with you how giving tithes is my secret sauce to fulfillment.

Episode Highlights

  • [1:10] Tithing didn’t feel inspirational until she heard Edwyn speak
  • [5:10] What is tithing?
  • [8:45] Examples of how tithing has worked for me
  • [16:08] Tithing has taken an even deeper meaning for me
  • [17:15] Tips on tithing


What is tithing?

So what exactly is tithing and why is it important to business owners? Edwene Gaines explains in her book The 4 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity that tithing is giving 10% of your income to people, places, or institutions that feed your spirit. These are the places that inspire you and remind you of who you are. Spiritual food feeds your soul. Giving tithes allows you to think bigger than yourself and can provide meaning and fulfillment in your life. I know you want to learn more about how tithing can fill your soul, so take a picture of yourself listening to this episode and tag me @lisasasevich when you add it to your Instagram story.

Tithing is my secret sauce

Are you a successful mission-driven entrepreneur, but your abundance still isn’t leaving you fulfilled? A great way to bring meaning to your abundance is by tithing. I call tithing my secret sauce. I always had a narrow understanding of giving tithes until I went to the Agape Spiritual Center in LA and heard Edwene Gaines speak. She opened my eyes as she explained that tithing isn’t necessarily giving x amount of money to your church each week. After trying a 6-month tithing experiment, I knew there was something magical to giving tithes. Hear how tithing changed my life and how it could change yours by listening to this episode of Boost Your Sales and Lifestyle.

The law of attraction and tithing

Giving tithes often creates a separate flow of abundance. When you give tithes to the people places and institutions that feed your soul this helps you spread your abundance to the universe. Often times abundance flows right back to you. The law of attraction is a philosophy that states what you put your attention on will grow. Although tithing doesn’t seem like it has much to do with the law of attraction when you give to the universe the universe gives back. There are several amazing ways that the universe has reciprocated my own tithing. Listen to hear examples on how the universe has given back in many instances where I have tithed.

Helpful tips on giving tithes

  1. Keep your focus on giving. Don't make getting back the focus of giving tithes. The spirit of generosity and giving should be your reason for tithing.
  1. The universe often gives back from a different direction. Remember this isn’t the law of attraction. The abundance which flows back is extra and often comes from a completely different source.
  1. Give tithes without attachment, focus only on your thanks to the recipient. Once you give tithes, it is theirs to use how they wish. How the recipient chooses to use the money is up to them.

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