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Fitness for Retirees, Interview with Janelle Graham Fitness Trainer

Uncommon Cents with Bowman Financial Strategies

Release Date: 04/01/2019

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Erik:                                     00:01                   

Welcome to mastering Monday, the interview segment. Hi, I'm Erik Bowman, your host and owner of Bowman financial strategies where we provide straight answers so you can make confident decisions to live the retirement you have always dreamed of. This is the second part of a three part interview with Janelle Graham fitness trainer out of Castle Rock, Colorado is 24 hour fitness. If you were to recommend anything to a senior too, be healthier, what are the few things that you think are going to be the most important to achieve? 80% of the optimal results. And that goes towards a little bit of a concept I talk about with my clients, the 80 20 principle that there is a certain number of activities where you can achieve really good results and by doing more activities your marginal return starts to shrink a little bit. So what are the top things, do you think anybody who's a senior citizen should be considering to try to be a little more active and a little safer and healthier?

Janelle:                               01:04                   

I would say number one is an exercise regimen to routine. Number two would be nutrition. What are they in taking on a daily basis to help get them healthier and stay healthier to live longer. And number three I would think would be a mindset. Our minds are huge benefactor, but they can also be a disadvantage if we are in a good mindset that feeds into how our bodies actually act and react to what we think.

Erik:                                     01:38                   

Well, let's go ahead and break that down one step further than exercise. What are the top one or two things that you would recommend somebody does for an exercise regimen if they haven't done much for the last couple of decades and now they've got some time on their hands and they want to prepare for retirement? What are the top two things that you would recommend they do

Janelle:                               01:57                   

From an exercise standpoint? Number one would be getting up and just walking. So we talked a little bit about cardio, so getting out and just walking a few blocks and then gradually increasing that to like a mile or so. (Okay.) And the second one would definitely be a strength training regimen. So actually getting the muscles and the bones stronger.

Erik:                                     02:16                   

If they're not going to the gym and they don't have a gym membership, what could they do around the house to help develop some strength?

Janelle:                               02:24                   

You could use anything in your cupboard. So soup cans, chairs, anything from your kitchen table chairs to even your sofa sitting and standing. If you have a staircase, just stepping up and down on the staircase will build leg strength. But then you're also going to have a little bit of a heartbeat increases as well. So there's a lot of things to surround your home inside, but also outside,

Erik:                                     02:48                   

When it comes to nutrition (Mm-hmm?) What do you think the top one or two things are there?

Janelle:                               02:54                   

My biggest thing with nutrition is, it's not about what you eat, but how much actually consume. Enjoy what you're eating. But how much of it are you actually in taking on a nutrition basis? Really being aware of, okay, I really want steak and potatoes and

Erik:                                     03:12                   

chocolate cake,

Janelle:                               03:13                   

chocolate cake! Some cookies. Absolutely. But learning how to actually give yourself that, okay, I can have this, but watching how much we're actually in taking. So instead of having a full cookie splitting in half,

Erik:                                     03:30                   

I was going to say instead of having five have two, but instead of one, we'll have the half out there. Might agree with two instead of five.

Janelle:                               03:38                   

They probably will. Okay.

Erik:                                     03:41                   

I think hydration is a big thing, especially out here in Colorado because every joint in the body, all of your connective tissue requires that. And I think there's a lot of things on the market that you can buy. But what are your thoughts on just water?

Janelle:                               03:54                   

That's the second big thing with nutrition. So first we talked about food and consumption, but like you said, the water aspect is huge. That is something that you need to really take into consideration. It's not just the tea and the coffee and maybe the soda that you have, but just pure water that you're in taking on a daily basis and making sure that you're getting enough because that's going to help keep the body moving functionally. How it's supposed to move and give the joints and the muscles that lubrication that they need. Um, your body's like a car. You take your car in to get it checked up and get it fixed up and make sure everything's working well. Change the oil. Yeah, you got to change the oil. Sometimes it needs new brakes or new tires. Do you think about your body as the same thing? Your body is a machine and there's different tuneups and different things that we need to do and water is one of those tune ups (Right.) that just keep things moving fluid, (Right) and keep the body moving fluid like the oil in your car.

Erik:                                     04:58                   

Many people, they have been focused on raising children, uh, volunteering at school, working full time for decades and now it's time to maybe start thinking about themselves for the first time in a long time. And if exercise is a part of that, one of the questions that I think they should have answered is how do you transition into an exercise regimen so that you can do it safely without injuring yourself and so that you can enjoy it enough that you don't quit

Janelle:                               05:28                   

With a workout routine or regimen really comes down to what are your goals and what are you personally wanting to achieve? Thinking about, okay, well now I've got all this time on my hands and I'm excited about it. What have I done currently or in the past that could help me further myself forwards and get into what are your interests? You're wanting to go skiing, right? Or take that trip overseas. So first having what we're wanting to do because then that keeps us motivated. We have to have a motivator to get us going sometimes. So if we have a motivator to get us going and then we gradually work into those stepping stones to get you through that. So a similar case would be a gentleman that comes in and works out personally with me. He had retired and been retired for a few years and him and his wife for wanting to go on a vacation and he hadn't been moving, he'd been more sedentary. So how do we get him up and how do we get him moving? And so it's stepping stones, just teaching them how to actually squat properly, sit and stand, and really working on balance, giving different things balance wise because we have to have a lot of balance. And that's one of the biggest things that ends up going as we get a little bit older that's going to help with walking.

Erik:                                     06:54                   

So part of what you're reviewing or training of the client in, in that particular scenario are specific exercises and routines that focus on balance?

Janelle:                               07:06                   

Like standing on one foot,

Erik:                                     07:07                   


Janelle:                               07:08                   

Just standing on your right leg and pulling your left leg up, walking heel to toe down a straight line. So very simplistic things. A lot of people are like, oh well I can do that. And then you ask them to do it and they're like, oh my goodness, I thought I had great balance. (Right.) You know, but very simple stuff that you can do every day just in your own home. You don't have to come to the gym to do. So it's kind of almost like your homework (yeah). That you do on your own. And it's, um, simplistic everyday life stuff. But those are the building blocks we have to get into place first to lay a foundation, right? Because once we lay a good foundation, you get going every few weeks and by three to four months down the road, he's squatting without a chair or a box behind him.

Janelle:                               07:52                   

He's able to stand on one foot. He notices that he can step off of a curb without being worried about catching himself and he's getting in and out of his car easier. Right? Not grunting, no. Right. Or like, Ooh, ow, this hurts or that hurts. Yeah. We've got those few months underneath our belt and now he's got another month or two before he actually leaves for his trip. (Right.) And so now we've built those building blocks. We've laid down stones and a pathway to help him get there. And now we can actually progress a little bit further and get him stronger to go on his trip.

Erik:                                     08:31                   

Thank you for joining us for the second of three episodes with the interview segment with Janelle Graham fitness trainer from Castle Rock, Colorado's 24 hour fitness. You can leave comments on our Facebook page or on our website at www.bowmanandfinancialstrategies.com


Disclosure:                         08:56                   

Investment advisory services offered by Change Path LLC, change path and Bowman financial strategies are unaffiliated entities.