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2005 Cadets - 2005 DCI Audio Archive APD

Box Center

Release Date: 09/25/2005

Show: The Zone [dreamscapes in four parts with a door]

  • Twisted Nerve (from Kill Bill)
  • Liquid
  • Overture to a New World (from Dancer in the Dark)
  • Cualda (from Dancer in the Dark)
  • Vertigo
  • False Mirrors

The Good: Unlike a lot of people, I liked the two-sided uniforms the corps used this year and the concept of the girl dreaming different dreams. Twisted Nerve is a unique way of starting the show. The Liquid portion of the show reminded me of the opener from 2000, very fast paced. The overture from Dancer in the Dark is a favorite of mine from when Bluecoats performed it in 2002. Cadets do a great job of capturing this piece and making it their own. The drumline goes insane during the 2nd half of the overture, laying down more notes during this one piece than some corps seem to play in their entire show. They play it clean, too. They also do it on the opposite side of the field as the horn line, so the simple fact that both sides are in time is box 5 material. More crazy drumming during the beginning of Cualda, especially from the tenors. Time for a guilty admission: I actually get into the drumspeak and anybody that gets upset because they're not drumming for 30 seconds totally ignores EVERYTHING the drumline has played up to that point, which, again, is more than what some drumlines play their entire show. Strange to hear Medea on the field again.

The Bad: The Twilight Zone narration just doesn't sound right if it isn't Rod Serling. The hornline, again, does not feel powerful enough to me and the sopranos sound strident, not what a championship hornline should sound like. The hornline is too top heavy for my taste, too bright for an outdoor sound. The Bjork speak during Cualda doesn't fit like it does in the movie, especially since it's so distorted over the microphone.

The Ugly: None.

Overview: I'm not sure this show should have won and I'm definitely not convinced it deserves to tie the highest score in DCI history, but it is definately one of the top shows of 2005 and one of the more unique shows on the field in a while.

Website: http://www.yea.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Cadets

2006 Auditions: November 18-20