Show: My Kind of Town
- Chicago
- The Magnificent Mile
- Jig
- The Great Fire of 1871
- Sweet Home Chicago
The Good: A very difficult opening statement full of double tonguing and 16th note runs. I've become quite the fan of Jean-Luc Ponty (not Picard) thanks to 27th Lancers' drum solo of New Country, so I was quite pleased with Cavies use of Jig during the baseball portion of the show. Especially appreciated hitting the home run over Johnny Damon. 2004 is over, Johnny, get used to the feeling. The mellophones on the ladders playing Amazing Grace was one of the most effective moments of the season for me. The Sweet Home Chicago closer was the perfect way to end the show, a chance to the corps to throw down like drum corps should and a chance to show off, both in terms of the crazy drill among the ladders still on the field from the previous pice as well as musically as sopranos played both their sops and flugelhorns AT THE SAME TIME.
The Bad: This is another hornline that I feel doesn't push the envelope in terms of volume and, as a result, doesn't fill up the stadium like I wish they would. I'm also not sure how clean that opening statement was. Waaaaay too much marimba throughout the entire show, it might as well be marimba corps.
The Ugly: None.
Overview: Chicago's my kind of town and Cavaliers are my kind of corps. Great show this year.
Website: http://www.cavaliers.org/
2006 Auditions: November 25-27