My wife and I are preparing to move at this time. We're almost completely surrounded by boxes, empty bookcases, and two cats who are totally traumatized by all the packing we're doing. I haven't really had a chance to do a show for this week yet and, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure I will have a chance until after I unpack and set up the computer in the new digs.
On top of that, I've had problems with my computer, ranging from Outlook shutting down as soon as I start it up (no error message, either) to Norton Anti-Virus getting corrupted and not giving me the virus protection goodness my computer needs. As a result, I decided to reformat my hard drive. I'm back up and running but need to re-load Audacity in order to put a show together.
I will attempt to do a show on Wednesday or Thursday but I don't see much time on either day when I could do it. Worst case has me breaking out the voice recorder on my Palm Tungsten T3 and recording the show while at work, then transferring the show to my computer, slapping on the intro/closing music, and throwing it up on the blog. We will see what happens.
Extreme worst case: No show until the 1966 Tribute on November 7.