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Episode 36 Getting Better BuyIn: How to motivate your people to move with you

Brain-Based Boss

Release Date: 11/20/2017

Practical things a frontline leader can do to make a difference in the motivational levels of your people. The thing about behaviour change is that you can’t do it for them, nor can you always be around when the going gets tough. For those people doing the actual moving towards behaviour change, they need to:

• want to do it, 
• think they need to do it, 
• think they can do it, and 
• think they should do it now.

The combination of all those conditions is what we label ‘motivated’. What can you do to make that more likely to happen? This webinar gives you a buffet of tools & techniques to make that easier.

The Presenter is Terry Williams is an expert, author and motivational speaker on engaging people. A trainer and facilitator for over 25 years, he’s also a columnist in ‘Employment Today’ magazine. His book ‘The Brain-Based Boss’ takes psychological research and breaks it down, to make it interesting and useful for people wanting to improve their performance and engage the people they work with. His new book ‘Getting Better Buy-In’ provides techniques for frontline leaders to nudge their teams towards behaviour change. Terry is also a professional stand-up comedian, performing in several NZ International Comedy Festivals. More at terrywilliams.info