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Who Is Benefitted by Jesus' Priesthood?

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

Release Date: 05/23/2024

Moral Perfection is not Possible with Man, but It Is Possible with God show art Moral Perfection is not Possible with Man, but It Is Possible with God

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

What is our moral potential according to Jesus? In Mark 10:17-20, Jesus tells His disciples that moral perfection is necessary in order to receive everlasting life, and that although this is impossible with man, moral perfection is possible with God’s help. For more study, see: “What Jesus Taught About Doing Right and Wrong,” by Trent Wilde  Jesus Taught Practical Morality - "Keep the Commandments"   2025 Sabbath School, “Moral Perfection is not Possible with Man, but It Is Possible with God” A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath...

Is It Possible to be Morally Perfect? (Jesus’ Teaching on Repentance Using Fruit Trees) show art Is It Possible to be Morally Perfect? (Jesus’ Teaching on Repentance Using Fruit Trees)

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

Is it possible to always do the right thing and always avoid doing wrong? Many Christians think this is impossible, nor the standard for the Christian here in this life. But what we will look at in this podcast is one teaching of Jesus found in Matthew 4:17 and 7:16-18, and also in Luke 6:43-44, that dispels the idea that Jesus thought moral perfection is impossible for us here in this life. For more study, see: “What Jesus Taught About Doing Right and Wrong,” by Trent Wilde Are Good Works Important? John the Baptist and Jesus Said, "Yes!" 2025 Sabbath School, “Is It Possible to...

Jesus Emphasized Practical Morality: Jesus Emphasized Practical Morality: "If You Love Me, Keep the Commandments"

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

Christians, for the most part, have the idea that if they “believe in Jesus,” and if they love Him, they’re golden, so to speak, on the basis of this profession or sentiment towards Him alone. But is this really the case? Today We’re going to look at a teaching of Jesus found in John Chapter 14 that shows practical morality – the actual doing of right and the avoidance of doing wrong is inseparable from belief in Jesus and love for him, thereby emphasizing the importance of practical morality in the Christian’s life.  For more study, see: “What Jesus Taught About Doing...

Jesus Taught Practical Morality - Jesus Taught Practical Morality - "Keep the Commandments"

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

There are places in the gospels where we can plainly see that Jesus was very much concerned about teaching us the importance of practical morality. He emphasized the actual doing of right things and the avoidance of doing wrong things. Once such example is Matthew 19:16-19, where Jesus tells a questioner, "If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments." Join us as we discuss what this means, and how this statement by Jesus relates to the teaching that we are saved by grace through faith.   For more study, see:  “What Jesus Taught About Doing Right and Wrong,” by...

Why Did Jesus Liken Himself  to a Doctor? show art Why Did Jesus Liken Himself to a Doctor?

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

Jesus likens Himself to a doctor in Mark 2:15-17 when answering the scribes and Pharisees as to why He was meeting with sinners and tax collectors. Does this analogy line up with how many Christians understand Jesus’ way of dealing with sin?   For more study, see: “What Jesus Taught About Doing Right and Wrong,” by Trent Wilde https://www.bdsda.com/what-jesus-taught-about-doing-right-and-wrong/   2025 Sabbath School,  "Why Did Jesus Liken Himself to a Doctor?"  A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. ...

Jesus Emphasized Works Over Profession show art Jesus Emphasized Works Over Profession

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

In today's study we look at Luke 6:46-49, where Jesus was speaking to a group of people who called Him "Lord,” but weren’t doing what He said to do. Join us as we look closely at Jesus’ warnings about hearing Jesus’ words but not doing what He said. For more study, see: "What Jesus Taught About Doing Right and Wrong," by Trent Wilde, https://www.bdsda.com/what-jesus-taught-about-doing-right-and-wrong/ 2024 Sabbath School, Quarter 4, "Jesus Emphasized Works Over Profession"   A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. ...

Jesus Emphasized the Importance of Doing God's Will Over Association With Himself show art Jesus Emphasized the Importance of Doing God's Will Over Association With Himself

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

Many people believe that what Jesus wants most from us is for us to associate with Him – like, by acknowledging Him as Lord and Savior. But in today's study, we'll look at Jesus' teaching concerning the importance of practical obedience to God's will, and we'll see that see that He held it of higher importance than association with Himself.  For more study, see: Are Good Works Important? John the Baptist and Jesus Said, "Yes!" https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/34121406  2024 Sabbath School, Quarter 4, Study no. 2, "Jesus Emphasized the Importance of Doing God's...

Are Good Works Important? John the Baptist and Jesus Said, Are Good Works Important? John the Baptist and Jesus Said, "Yes!"

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

We're going to start doing something a little different with our Sabbath School podcasts. Instead of doing studies that directly pertain to the subject matter presented in the quarterly lesson, we'll be addressing various important and current topics that relate to us as SDAs.  That said, today's topic is on the question of the importance of works. Many Christians don't place a lot of emphasis on works in comparison with other aspects of Christianity - works pretty much take a backseat as far as importance goes. But Jesus didn't shy away from emphasizing works. To the contrary, He...

Sunday Keeping Doesn't Warrant Changing the 7th-Day Sabbath show art Sunday Keeping Doesn't Warrant Changing the 7th-Day Sabbath

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

The Sabbath School quarterly mentions that, "Adventists have sometimes shied away from resurrection morning because of the way it is misused to support Sunday sacredness." Sabbath School Quarterly Lesson, Saturday, September 21, 2024. Some who feel this way might think that whatever is used to support Sunday is a potential threat to the Sabbath truth. But really, even if Sunday could be shown to be divinely appointed as a day of worship, this wouldn't show that the Sabbath has changed from Saturday to Sunday, nor would it show that the command to keep the 7th-Day Sabbath is no longer...

How Was Jesus Three Days and Three Nights in How Was Jesus Three Days and Three Nights in "The Heart of the Earth"?

Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

Have you ever wondered about the calculus of Jesus' "sign of Jonah" statement? Jesus said, "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the huge fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (Matthew 12:40 WEB). This is usually understood as referring to Jesus' time in the tomb, but this interpretation runs into some obvious difficulties. The gospels leave a very plain record that Jesus was buried Friday evening soon before the Sabbath and that he was resurrected early Sunday morning. That's a span of about 36 hours, which is...

More Episodes

Who is benefited by Jesus' priesthood in the Heavenly Sanctuary? Many are under the impression that people are benefited by just professing Him as their lord and savior, or accepting that He is the savior of the world. But is this the case? In this study we are going to take a look at a book which has Jesus' priesthood as the central theme – the book of Hebrews.

For further study, see:

"What Jesus Taught About Doing Right and Wrong," by Trent Wilde, https://www.bdsda.com/what-jesus-taught-about-doing-right-and-wrong/ 

“What Are The Streams of Water In Psalm 1?"  https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/30057238

2024 Sabbath School, Quarter 2: The Great Controversy – Week 8, "Light From the Sanctuary"  

A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.  


Email us [email protected] for comments and study requests.