Ep. 50 - STFU Brand speech swings to "the other side." Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
Ep. 49 - Fan-tasies The contributions of fandom to life. Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
Ep. 48 - Artifice and Intelligence - Part 2 Part 2 of a two-part conversation on the wonder of AI and its impact on brands and agencies. . Show Notes Part 1 of a two-part conversation on the wonder of AI and its impact on brands and agencies. Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
Part 1 of a two-part conversation on the wonder of AI and its impact on brands and agencies. Show Notes Part 1 of a two-part conversation on the wonder of AI and its impact on brands and agencies. Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
Episode 46 - You’re Not Crazy Everything seems to be up in the air at this point… Show Notes Everything seems to be up in the air at this point… Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
Episode 45 - That New Book Smell Show Notes We give Mark's new book the sniff test! "Universal Principles of Branding," available now at bookstores everywhere. Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
Episode 44 - Persona Non Grata Show Notes Looking at the face that launched a thousand memes. Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
Ep. 43 - Post-Office . Same publication, one year later...
Episode 42 - Brandmines Show Notes Social commentary is getting even more dangerous for brands. Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
Episode 41 - It’s Not TV Show Notes HBO Max’s restructuring touches a nerve. Please subscribe and review BrandBox on and consider hitting the Donate button on ! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to Thanks for your support!
info_outlineEpisode 38 - Cleverness
Show Notes
Don’t we all want to be clever?
- Sianne Ngai - Our Aesthetic Categories
- David Shing
- Mark's Instagram Feed
- Chögyam Trungpa - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
- Cleverness as social currency
- Rudi Petry: "brands as doulas"
- Clever never struggles
- Geometric and algebraic understanding. Plato: "Let no one ignorant of geometry enter"
- Apollonian and Dionysian Approaches
- Walker Hayes - "Fancy Like"
- Embracing uncertainty
- Send your ideas to [email protected]
- Apply to SVA Masters in Branding Program
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