Brand New Me
As a songwriter, I set my life to music. I paint my songs like portraits. They become particular expressions of who I am, or who I have been along the way. These songs organize themselves around a particular theme with later becomes a CD project. I love to share these with an audience in a concert setting because it becomes much more like a conversation. And that is what makes Portraits of White more than just a show!
info_outline Brand New Me # 131 Do You Get Paid?Brand New Me
Do your wages determine your value?
info_outline Brand New Me # 130 Ideas Are Your FriendsBrand New Me
"There's nothing so powerful as an idea who's time has come." — Jim Rohn
info_outline Brand New Me # 129 What Inspires You?Brand New Me
What inspires you? How can you turn that into creativity?
info_outline Brand New Me # 128 It Feels Good to Be FreeBrand New Me
When do you feel the most free? What is your safe place?
info_outline Brand New Me # 127 More Religious?Brand New Me
"Do you ever consider making Portraits of White more religious?"
info_outline Brand New Me # 126 If I Weren't the One in ChargeBrand New Me
Do you feel a bit overwhelmed in your life? Even if you're "living the dream?"
info_outline Brand New Me # 125 Facing the SpooksBrand New Me
What are you afraid of? What keeps you from moving forward?
info_outline Brand New Me # 124 YOU Are My Friends on the Yellow Brick RoadBrand New Me
"The enemy of love is self-consciousness." — Tom Jackson, Live Music Producer.
info_outline Brand New Me # 123 Are You Rusty?Brand New Me
Do you need some oil in your life? Are you feeling rusty, unable to move, like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz?
info_outlineDan Difava, photographer and founder of was so discouraged with life that he attempted to end it, five times. But he was unsuccessful each time. After suffering a terrible car accident which left him with 2 broken legs and other serious injuries, he decided to give photography a try. Inspired by a program on Netflix (while he was laid up) his life began to take an interesting turn as he combined his story with his new-found love for film.
Your heart will be touched as you listen to this honest and hopeful story. It's a beautiful example of stirring up your creativity—which is exactly what we've been talking about in the most recent series.
Be sure to visit Dan's website @ You'll also hear a beautiful new song that you probably have never heard before. "Love Works Wonders" was written by professional songwriter Robert Sterling.
If this podcast touches you somehow, please share it with a friend and let us know too!
We love to hear from you @ [email protected]