Brawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Godspeed, Brawlers. And thanks for all the churros.
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Now that Brandon has decided to catch up with the rest of the world and finish The Mandalorian, he & Josh discuss the 2nd season of the show in a SPOILER FREE fashion! We discuss Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates & Raccoon Tycoon (both from designer Glenn Drover), Mountain Goats ( & present our Nemesis Review! We close up the show with a hilarious version of Questions from the Hat with Cat and Boardgame Bella (Jordan). Come and laugh along with us!
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Travel has opened back up and Jordan and Brandon intend to travel the world! First stop, New Orleans - second stop, a chestnut farm? Josh's game group is back together and Descent was on the menu! The Brawling Brothers present their Lockup: Breakout review as well as offer up thoughts on Ruthless + Ruthless: Tall Tales. The episode is wrapped up with a special announcement that all the Brawlers in Brawling Land should tune in for.
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Join Josh and Brandon as they explores the very edges of the galaxy in their Beyond the Sun Review! If a review of one AAA-title isn't enough for you, how about TWO? We dive deep with our Dwellings of Eldervale Review and discuss the true mystery in this episode - the mystery of The Mystery Stick! Josh and Brandon close up the show with the long awaited 2020 Board Game Awards! Tune in to find out what game wins GAME OF THE YEAR, Brawlers Choice, BADASS Brawler of the Year and much more!
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
The 2nd Annual Brawlers Choice voting is underway - cast your vote and be heard! Josh & Brandon discuss a handful of exciting new boardgames, including Black Angel & a BUNCH of Dominion expansions. Tune in for the Tawantinsuyu review and then learn about the new card game from Grand Gamers Guild - Aldabas! If you're some light hearted conversation, you will love the chat with Seppy Yoon of Fight in a Box. Josh and Brandon close up with show with an exciting activity - re-ranking the BGG top 500.
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Join Josh and Brandon as they discuss all the exciting GAMES they've been playing, digital and analog! Including It Takes Two, Firenze, Faiyum Review, Block and Key & so many more. The Brawling Brothers announce their second annual Brawlers Choice award - nominations are now open and they YOU to contribute. What was YOUR favorite game last year? Tell us about it over on the guild. The show is closed up with an in depth look at some of our favorite games from our favorite designers.
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Join Josh and Brandon for their first themed episode in a very long time - This time we celebrate the greatness of Sherlock Holmes and explore a handful of Sherlock themed board games. Josh and Brandon finally dig into the exciting new AEG title, Mariposas! Find out what they think in their Mariposas Review. Episode 144 is wrapped up with a look at the mover's and shaker's according to BGG - we focus on the 10 biggest board game movers as it pertains to recent BGG Rankings!
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Josh and Brandon have one hell of a mail call followed by the real surprise in this episode - a real life TREASURE HUNT! They flash back to look at a cut-throat a treasure of yesteryear - Lowenherz by Klaus Teuber, offer up their Kanban EV Review as well as discuss recent plays of Llama, Trekking the World, Jaws of the Lion and more! Josh & Brandon look at the upcoming video game from Asmodee Digital, Arkham Horror: Mothers Embrace, followed by their review of Meeples & Monsters!
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Join Josh and Brandon as they discuss their most recent boardgame plays, including: Our Hallertau review, Cubitos review, Renature and Pillars of the Earth & Pandemic Legacy: Season 0! Did you know that both Carcassonne AND Ticket to Ride have Anniversary editions coming out this year? We'll give you all the details! We close out the show with an in depth discussion on...... TELEVISION! We name our favorite streaming services and discuss the shows that we are completely obsessed with!
info_outlineBrawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast
Josh and Brandon are back at it in Episode 141, this time talking puppies, McDonalds Happy Meal Toys, video games and even a little board games! They reveal their Christmas Haul and discuss some of the games they are the most excited to play, including Pax Pamir and Kanban EV. They discuss recent plays of Pan Am & For Glory, plus offer up their Castles of Tuscany Review and CloudAge Review. The show is wrapped up with discussion of exciting new kickstarters; Cult of the Deep and Mouse Cheese Cat Cucumbe
info_outlineRecorded in War Room Studios - Albuquerque, NM : 11/10/20
This episode is brought to you by and Thunderworks Games. JAM PACKED full of board game reviews! We give our thoughts and opinions on Qwinto, Red Cathedral, QE, Cindr, Honeybuzz and more! We look into the future and tell you that Hitster, Kokopelli and Townfolk Tussle are all hot, hot, hot! We wrap up the show with a hilarious discussion with comedian, Grant Lyon. Join along and laugh with us as we discuss the life of a comic and Grant's transition to boardgame designer!
Episode Timeline:
0:00:00 : Intro / Banter
0:22:45 : TNT - THEN
0:23:55 : TNT - NOW
1:23:20 : TNT - TOMORROW
1:22:05 : Feature Segment : Interview with Grant Lyon
Board Game Timestamps:
Cindr - 0:47:50
Curmudgeon - 1:51:00
Hitster - 1:00:36
Honey Buzz - 0:53:35
Kokopelli - 1:07:25
QE - 0:35:50
Qwinto - 0:23:55
The Red Cathedral - 0:29:45
Townfolk Tussle - 1:16:22