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BFJ 387: Bible Study 2 Corinthians 9:1 to 9:15

BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Release Date: 12/11/2024

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker asks if the antichrist might be Donald Trump. https://thecloudchurch.org/

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Verse by Verse Bible Study on thecloudchurch.org through the book of Galatians, covering chapter three and verses one to three by Robert Breaker. Study from the Authorized King James Bible.

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about The Spanish Bible Issue or The Spanish Bible Controversy, the History of the Spanish Bible, and which Bible is the most pure to date and why. Links for more: www.spanishbibleissue.com www.Valera1602.org www.ibblagracia.com www.rrb3.com www.thecloudchurch.org

BFJ 409: Bible Study Galatians 2:11 to 21  show art BFJ 409: Bible Study Galatians 2:11 to 21

BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Verse by Verse Bible Study on thecloudchurch.org through the book of Galatians, covering chapter two and verses six to ten by Robert Breaker. Study from the Authorized King James Bible.

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker speaks of how the gospel has been changed in these last days, and what the true gospel is that was preached by true, faithful Christians.

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Verse by Verse Bible Study on thecloudchurch.org through the book of Galatians, covering chapter two and verses six to ten by Robert Breaker. Study from the Authorized King James Bible.

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about why we meet together as Christians, or why we go to church.

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Verse by Verse Bible Study on thecloudchurch.org through the book of Galatians, covering chapter two and verses one to five by Robert Breaker. Study from the Authorized King James Bible.

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker speaks about two different types of Preachers and asks which of them teaches correctly according to the Bible.

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BreakForJesus with Robert Breaker

Verse by Verse Bible Study on thecloudchurch.org through the book of Galatians, covering chapter one and verses fourteen to twenty-four by Robert Breaker. Study from the Authorized King James Bible.

More Episodes

Verse by Verse Bible Study on thecloudchurch.org through the book of 2 Corinthians, covering chapter 9 and verses one fifteen by Robert Breaker. Study from the Authorized King James Bible.