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BTW 032 - Remove Your Blocks and Move Forward With Your Life

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

Release Date: 12/07/2016

BTW 059 - This Energy is Intense show art BTW 059 - This Energy is Intense

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

There is no denying all of the energy that's around us through this month of August. Between the Full moon, the Lion's Gate Portal, Mercury Retrograde, and the double Eclipses, August is asking us to pay attention. It's not just asking, it's requiring us to. Now what are you supposed to be paying attention to?  Well, YOU. The energy in August is all about going within ONE SELF and looking to see what is there, what no longer resonates, and what needs to be removed. It's the perfect energy for transformation, a raise in your conscious level, and spiritual truth. The problem?  Often...

BTW 058 - Clarification Leads To Change show art BTW 058 - Clarification Leads To Change

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

Tani came to me looking for clarification on her direction and for guidance on why she wasn’t feeling aligned with how things were going. It was very clear from the energy that things were going to be drastically shifting and changing but that she had to set firm in what she wanted now. It’s been a few months since our session and the energy of her business sure has shifted and changed. It’s amazing when we allow the energy to unfold as it should! Episode 58 is all about better understanding where we are at so that we can allow what’s to come. If anything in this episode resonates with...

BTW 057 - The Balancing Act of Life with Amy Sheehan show art BTW 057 - The Balancing Act of Life with Amy Sheehan

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

Life gets busy, life gets crazy, but when you learn to completely embrace the life that you have you are able to balance all the many roles that you play in life. It’s not just about being a great mom or about running a successful business. It’s about being YOU through and through and embracing everything that comes your way. In episode 57 I sit down with the amazing balancing woman Amy Sheehan and we talk about everything, kids, exercise, business, family and where she lives. Amy Sheehan is a Health & Wellness Life Coach  and comes to us from rural Down East, Maine. Her pride and...

BTW 056 - Who Controls Your Success? show art BTW 056 - Who Controls Your Success?

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

Success is a funny word in that it means something different to every single person I’ve met. Often times the idea of success is the same, but the defining characteristics of it change and evolve as the individual moves forward in life. What I do find however, is that the lack of success that many people are feeling can run across the board for entrepreneurs, business owners and people in general. When sitting down and connecting with people about their success I find two very startling things. People don’t take the full responsibility for their own success and they don't realize how each...

BTW 055 - Carving The Path For Business Growth show art BTW 055 - Carving The Path For Business Growth

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

It’s a very common thing to have lots of ideas for growing your business and creating offers and products and services for people. Knowing which to start with and what clear direction to follow can be challenging. When I work, I work with what’s in people’s highest good. It’s an amazing and powerful energy to work in and ALWAYS produces results. That’s one of the reason’s I work in this energy and offer my abilities to others. In episode 55 I sit down with Ange and we go deep, get details, and get really excited about all that is to come for her and her business. What’s...

BTW 054 - Follow Your Dreams and Let Your heart Sing show art BTW 054 - Follow Your Dreams and Let Your heart Sing

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

I truly believe that we are here to make an impact on this world. From the day we are born till the day we transition over. We are never meant to stop growing, we are never meant to stop adding value and we are meant to forever follow our hearts. That is exactly what Oline Pedersen has done and continues to do each and every day of her life. Even at the age of 62 Oline is on a mission to create a HUGE impact in this life for women all over the world. Oline Pedersen is from Denmark and traveled on inspiration and guidance to the South of France where she came across the most beautiful house...

BTW 053 - Are You Ready To Take The Leap show art BTW 053 - Are You Ready To Take The Leap

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

I can't even begin to tell you how often I meet with entrepreneurs or people looking to grow their business and they ask me if I think they are ready. I tell them yes, and they still don't believe me. And this SHOCKS me. For one, they come to me for psychic advice and trust what I tell them, but when I answer this questions they don't believe me??  I don't get it. But for two, they aren't seeing their true self the way I am seeing them. So often I see people who believe they have to be 100% ready before they take them leap into really marketing and growing their business, or for some,...

BTW 052 - Channeling Through Heartache and Change show art BTW 052 - Channeling Through Heartache and Change

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

Business is NOT just business and personal life is not just personal. They are intertwined whether you like it or not. We are energetic bodies and everything is made up of energy so when things in your personal life are causing you stress, worry, fear or uncertainty, it affects your business. In episode 52 I sit down with Hilary and help her to better understand things she is experiencing in her personal life so that she can make the changes she needs, get the reassurance she is looking for and allow her to learn the lessons of her life. Once she does, she can then move forward with her life...

BTW 051 - Navigating Through a Traumatic Past with Stef Ventura show art BTW 051 - Navigating Through a Traumatic Past with Stef Ventura

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

Have you ever looked back over your childhood and wonder why specific things happened they way they did?  Maybe you were raised in an abusive home. Maybe one of your parents left when you were young. Maybe you were forced to leave a country that you knew as home and return to on you knew very little about. In Episode 51 I sit down with Stef Ventura, a Mindset and Transformational Coach for Female Empowerment, and we talk about many of these things. Not because they interest us, but because she lived them. Stef shares with us the journey she took throughout life and how it got her to...

BTW 050 - Spirituality Inside YOUR Business show art BTW 050 - Spirituality Inside YOUR Business

Breaking Though Walls with Carrie Cardozo

Business Strategy and Spiritual Growth, two things that not so long ago would never seem to go together. But more and more people are opening up to the possibility that leaning into their spiritual growth and integrating it into their business will bring them the success they desire. For me, this is a must. It’s pretty much what I do on all levels of my life. It’s allowed me to rapidly expand my business and my own personal success.  Episode 50 is all about how your spiritual growth can and will ultimately lead your business to the level of success that  you most desire....

More Episodes

Everyone wants to move on, as quickly as they can, into 2017. I am right there with you. I am looking forward to this year ending and a fresh new year starting. But something I am also focusing on right now is clearing up the remainder of the blocks I am facing in my life right now. You see for me, and many other people, 2016 has been all about letting go of what doesn't serve me to make room for all the things that are waiting to come in. One if the fastest ways to do that is by releasing that blocks that are caught-up in my energetic system that are keeping me in the energy of the past.


Episode 32 is all about blocks, what they are, how they occur and who you can begin to release them. Blocks keep you stuck and keep you repeating unwanted patterns and undesirable situations in your life. Until you are able to effectively release them, they will continue to show up over and over again and prevent you from truly doing and being exactly what you are meant to.


Be sure to download the FREE "Life Creation Formula" to help you get started with removing what's holding you back and really stepping into the life you are meant to live in 2017! www.carriecardozo.com/lifecreationforula


Be sure to checkout my FREE Facebook Group - Dynamic Creations and get free channeling and many more tips and tricks to clearing your blocks. https://www.facebook.com/groups/soulpurposeseekers/