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#30 On Vision Quest with Sonya Louise in the Emerald Forest

Bridge to Being

Release Date: 08/24/2018

Sumi Dishes on Korean Food and Being Satisfied on Long Beach Island show art Sumi Dishes on Korean Food and Being Satisfied on Long Beach Island

Bridge to Being

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What happens when your worst childhood nightmare becomes a reality? Can you see through the illusion, the reality of what is real/not real? On the heels of three weekends of epiphanies and enlightenment, amid Colorado mountain beauty and koi pond and pumpkin patch, that is exactly what happened. Fly away with Lobsterbird as she shares her experience in a tender place, an *inverse conscious unconscious creation* in which her worst nightmare serves to heal her worst nightmare. Your Creative Sparks: TIME and SPACE are not as they seem. In fact, they are not even REAL. There is a BELL CURVE to...

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Bridge to Being

Mystery is present in the lush, fertile spirals of Ireland. Soulful conversation flows between Lobsterbird and Maryanne Chaney as they sit upon thousands of blades of grass and are licked in the face by furry creatures. Above is a gorgeous sky of blue filled with fluffy, cotton clouds. And below? Who knows? Could be worms… bugs… poop? What does poop have to do with a state of grace, balanc-ing and spiraling up? Only everything. And how much are you willing to let go to find out?

The Art of Yoni Dancing with Lyoni Fisher in Bali show art The Art of Yoni Dancing with Lyoni Fisher in Bali

Bridge to Being

Today we are transmitting from the beautiful, sensual land of Bali in Indonesia, introducing *Yoni Dancer* fresh from the Bali Pilgrimage. Lyoni experienced the “arc of healing” which represented lifetime of healing in only ten days. The crucible of pilgrimage allowed her to discover she could be her authentic self, in all her unique glory, and still be accepted, embraced and loved. She also discovered a new language of energy, one that is felt in the body and personified in the dance.

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Bridge to Being

Alyse did guided Faerie tours in the forest at the age of ten, and she has refused to allow society to culture the fantasy out of her. A visionary painter, much of her work is based in Nature, with a lot of hidden details and imaginative symbolism. On the tail of the Bali pilgrimage, Lobsterbird shares reflection with Alyse on the science of magic, our interconnectedness, the art of flow, and creating space for enchantment. Join us at the campfire, gazing at the stars and upon the shores of the sacred lake.

#49 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 3: Where the Heart Is show art #49 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 3: Where the Heart Is

Bridge to Being

This hero’s global journey leads her Home. But where is Home? Home is a place where we build our world with our breath, letting the walls be an air of spaciousness and freedom for all beings, including animal beings, plant beings and human beings. We can be at home amid the symphony of crickets, cicada and geckos, under the pitter patter of rain on a thatched roof. “I can find Home where I am - Where the Heart is. I now finish this story to release it and let it go, because there is a new story to be to

#48 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 2: The Great Lobster Rescue Begins! show art #48 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 2: The Great Lobster Rescue Begins!

Bridge to Being

As Part Two of this story unfolds, we discover the fantastical how this Lobsterbird landed on her spiritual path. On the heels of completing the Shikoku Pilgrimage, and having read “A Tale for the Time Being” by Ruth Ozeki, Sophia returned to a life that was fundamentally and dramatically changed. She was seriously considering moving into a monastery and becoming a nun. “A Wrinkle in Time” lands her instead in Maine, risking life and limb to release trapped lobsters back into the wild...

#47 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 1: The Great Lobster Rescue Back Story show art #47 Audioblog Storytime!, Part 1: The Great Lobster Rescue Back Story

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Your Creative Sparks:

  • We can ENVISION with more CLARITY when we QUEST into the unknown.
  • One thing that NATURE TEACHES us is how to be in FLOW, able to respond JOYFULLY to life’s UNPREDICTABILITY.
  • Not only can you alleviate physical problems by immersing yourself Nature, but you can tap into ANCIENT WISDOM, where REAL HEALING can occur.

Immerse yourself in the ancient realm of the Pisgah National Forest with Lobsterbird and Sonya Louise. Explore vision quest, earth medicine, forest bathing and more as these two shapeshifters wander together under craggy rock overhangs, among the stone people, squirrels, and fern angels, skittering over fluorescent mosses and through the faerylands. BEing in Nature bridges the practical physical aspects of ourSelves with the deeper, older elemental Spirits within. Leave us a Rating & Review!

Your Travelogue

  • “Divine disorder” gave Sonya the permission to follow the call in her heart, removing her from struggle and striving and all the things she thought she HAD to do… All the things that kept her from doing what she felt she really wanted to be doing, which was to be in the earth. She finally said Yes to that call, threw a few things in her car, and started GOing, pursuing her own unique personal pilgrimage. [3:36]
  • How Sonya’s story became a book, in response to the hundreds of other women who express an inner longing for a solo travel adventure of their own. [8:38]
  • Sonya discovered that her “wandering in the wilderness” was actually a Vision Quest. “My travel wasn’t just about being on vacation and disappearing. I was questing.” Normal every day life, our habits and patterns can obscure real *vision* from us. We can envision with more clarity when we quest into the unknown. [14:20]
  • The scope of Sonya’s work has become much more profound that simple survival tips. “I realized early on in my journey that Nature was communicating with me and teaching me things.” She now passes that teaching on to others, showing women more than just logistically and physically how to be “out there” in a way that is smart and safe, but how to connect on a deep spiritual level and tap into the myriad of energies present and available there. [18:41]
  • “I think of myself as a docent,” says Sonya. “When you go to a museum, the docent helps you understand the exhibit on a deeper level… I suggest ways that you can interact with this exhibit to help open yourself to new perspective and possibilities.” [26:00]
  • From a purely physical level, Sonya’s work is akin Shinrin-yoku, which means “forest bathing”. This form of nature therapy originated in Japan and has a wide variety of scientifically proven health benefits. For women being called into the forest, it is likely their bodies are also calling out for healing. [33:53]
  • When you give yourself to things that are not in alignment with who you really are and what you really want, you are literally giving your power away. How can you begin to take your power back? [45:00]

Links and resources:

  • Lobsterbird’s new book: Level Up: Power Practices for Spiritual Superabundance by Sophia Remolde
  • Go: Solo Travel for Women by Sonya Louise offers more than just a collection of her travel stories. In it, she offers persuasive evidence that taking a solo travel adventure is not only smart and safe, but can also be the most loving thing you can do for yourself, your relationships and the earth. Includes a detailed roadmap for how any woman can GO on a solo travel adventure of her own.
  • Shinrin-yoku (森林浴) is a term that means “taking in the forest atmosphere” or “forest bathing”. It was developed in Japan during the 1980s and has become a cornerstone of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine. Researchers primarily in Japan and South Korea have established a robust body of scientific literature on the health benefits of spending time under the canopy of a living forest.
  • The Moon Lodge Reading is a useful tool for revealing that which is hidden and subtly in control of our lives. Schedule your free Moon Lodge Readings here. Connect with Sonya Louise on Facebook here.

Music for this episode was contributed by Daniel Munkus and recorded in the Hudson River Valley at Subtle Soup Studios. For more info, visit: www.subtlesouprecords.com.

Podcast management and creative copy provided by Sonya Louise, at the CrossRoads in Sweet Home Alabama. Sonya Louise is also the force of Nature behind GO Solo Travel & Vision Quest.

For Free Energy Readings from Sophia and to learn about upcoming Hero’s Way Pilgrimages, visit: lobsterbird.com.

✨The next pilgrimage takes us to Indonesia in November! If you want to build your business so you can make more money with more ease, and make a bigger impact with your work, shoot an email over to [email protected] for more details!✨

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