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Faith, Hope & Love on Display Part 1b

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Release Date: 06/26/2024

Christ and His Bride - Part 1 a show art Christ and His Bride - Part 1 a

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today we continue pastor Lloyd Pulley’s series called “The Family of God”. Our topic today is roles in marriage. God’s word sets forth very specific roles for marriage, and we have got to really understand what He’s saying in order to have a Godly marriage. That’s what we’ll do over the next four broadcasts - get to know our roles in marriage. As you probably know, there is a huge effort underway in this society to redefine marriage. God’s definition is the only one that counts.

Practical Love In The Family Of God Part 2 show art Practical Love In The Family Of God Part 2

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

We have just begun a new series from pastor Lloyd Pulley called “The Family of God”. Today we’ll explore how the Church is the body of Christ. Now, that’s something that most Christians have heard over the course of their lives, but do we really know what it means? And more importantly, do we know how to activate that body for the good of all and the glory of God? Our scripture reference is the sixth chapter of Galatians.

Practical Love in the Family of God part 1 show art Practical Love in the Family of God part 1

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today we begin a series from pastor Lloyd called “The Family of God”. We’ll begin today with a study in Galatians six, and the definition of what a church is supposed to be. As you no doubt are aware, there is what’s called the universal Church.  It’s made up of believers around the world, but today we’ll be narrowing our focus to the local Church.  What should be the function of the church? What should be the function of the individuals who make up the church? Pastor Lloyd will be answering those questions over the next two broadcasts.

All About Souls part 2 show art All About Souls part 2

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today we bring you pastor Lloyd’s final message in his series through the epistle of James. James was a no nonsense guy. Today he would be referred to as a “straight shooter”. He didn’t mince words when it came to challenging the Christians of his day to live out their faith in a way that would be very obvious to the people around them. We need to be challenged in that way today as well, wouldn’t you agree?

All About Souls part 1 show art All About Souls part 1

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

We’re near the end of our study of James right now. In fact, today we bring you part one of pastor Lloyd’s final message in James.  Backsliders are, unfortunately, very common in the Christian church today. Someone who was so on fire for the Lord suddenly disappears from church, and the next thing you know, they are right back living in the world. Why does this happen, and what can we do about it?

Effective Prayer  part 2 show art Effective Prayer part 2

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Once again today we will be in the epistle of James, as we near the end of our journey through this challenging and practical letter. Prayer for the afflicted will be the central theme of today’s message. We all know someone who is going through physical illness right now. Does praying for them really do any good? Will God automatically heal anyone we pray for? These are questions we have all asked at one time or another.

Effective Prayer  part 1 show art Effective Prayer part 1

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Many who look at James chapter five misinterpret what the author is truly saying.  James tells the sick person to call for the elders, and let them pray over him or her, and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.  Then he goes on to say that the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick.  Does this mean that God will heal everyone who prays with faith?  A good question, and Pastor Lloyd Pulley will have an answer in just a moment as we return to our study of James.

Words From The Heart part 2 show art Words From The Heart part 2

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today, Lloyd will bring us another message from his series in James. As we mentioned at the beginning of this series, James is one of the most practical books in the Bible. It speaks of taming the tongue, the importance of putting our faith into real action, and dealing with the hardships of life. When we suffer, we so often ask God to take the pain away!  But the Lord has something greater in view, than our comfort.  He wants to conform us into the image of Christ! 

Words From The Heart part 1 show art Words From The Heart part 1

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

If I asked you to name a character trait that seems to be harder and harder to find these days, I think a good answer would be “integrity”. People seem to just be doing whatever they feel like doing, without any thought of anyone. Lying seems to be an accepted part of life in 2024.  Today on Bridging the Gap we're encouraged toward a life of honesty and integrity… in all that we say and do. 

Patient Endurance part 2 show art Patient Endurance part 2

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

We'll continue our study of the book of James today, and if you'll recall we left off in chapter five. It's exciting to think that Jesus could return at any time.  All the signs suggest He's at the door, and that His return is soon.  And that should radically impact how we live.

More Episodes

Today Pastor Lloyd continues a brand-new series in First Thessalonians. In this series we’ll discover the impact the gospel had on the city of Thessalonica. Having come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, there was a real peace in the lives of the believers there. They were on fire for the Lord and turned away from the old life. That’s a pretty practical challenge for us today, wouldn’t you agree?