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Controversy and Clarity Over Jesus part 1

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Release Date: 03/04/2025

More Light on Love part 1 show art More Light on Love part 1

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today on Bridging the Gap we’ll see what Jesus says to guilty sinners, and the grace and forgiveness He’s willing to offer. I think you’ll be greatly encouraged. This is part of Pastor Lloyd Pulley’s study of John.

Is Anyone Thirsty? Part 2b show art Is Anyone Thirsty? Part 2b

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Pastor Lloyd Pulley is in the midst of an intriguing study of John’s Gospel right now, and today, we’ll give our attention to chapter seven, verses forty through fifty-three, where a division occurs over the question, “Who is Jesus?”  Still today division breaks out over that very question! But the answer, the truth about Jesus, remains the same.

Is Anyone Thirsty? Part 2a show art Is Anyone Thirsty? Part 2a

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Refreshing water is uniquely suited for quenching a thirst. Well, today on Bridging the Gap, we’ll see that only living water can quench our spiritual thirst. And maybe that’s what you’re in need of today, as you’re empty, dry and thirsty. Pastor Lloyd Pulley takes us now to John chapter seven with more about the water formulated by God to quench our spiritual thirst.

Is Anyone Thirsty? Part 1b show art Is Anyone Thirsty? Part 1b

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Spiritually speaking, we cannot survive and spend eternity in heaven without the living water Jesus provides. That’s the gist of today’s study. Join us in John chapter seven.

Is Anyone Thirsty? Part 1a show art Is Anyone Thirsty? Part 1a

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

 A human being can live about three days without water. I mention that because today we’ll be studying John seven, verses thirty-seven through thirty-nine, where Jesus speaks about the living water that only He can give. Physically, three days is our limit without water. Spiritually, without the living water Jesus gives, we are doomed to eternity in hell.

Controversy And Clarity Over Jesus Part 2 show art Controversy And Clarity Over Jesus Part 2

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

We’re back in the Gospel of John today and we’ll return to our study in chapter seven, where we find the Pharisees confronting Jesus and trying yet again to trip Him up with their clever questions. But, as we’re about to see, their efforts are to no avail, and Jesus wasn’t about to fall for it. It’s a fascinating study on just how stubborn people can be, and how gracious God is. Aren’t you glad God is gracious? We are in John seven, verses one through thirty-six.

Controversy and Clarity Over Jesus part 1 show art Controversy and Clarity Over Jesus part 1

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today Lloyd continues his series in the gospel of John. Of all the powerful entities we have at our disposal, none can compare with the Holy Spirit. He makes everything else absolutely pale in comparison. So, the question must be asked - if He is there, and available, why don’t we call on Him more often? Our study today is framed around John chapter seven.

True Bread that Satisfies Part 2b show art True Bread that Satisfies Part 2b

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today on Bridging the Gap, we’ll see that many of Jesus’ own disciples left His side.  Immediately after this happened Jesus turned to the twelve and said, “Will you also go away?”  Pastor Lloyd Pulley believes this is a question we each will be confronted with in our lifetime.  So, join us in the sixth chapter of John, and consider your answer to that all important question.

True Bread That Satisfies Part 2a show art True Bread That Satisfies Part 2a

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Right on the heels of Jesus explaining that He is the bread of life, the Jews started grumbling.  And of course this is nothing new, as they had done it many times before.  Join pastor Lloyd in John chapter six, verses forty-two through seventy-one.

True Bread That Satisfies Part 1b show art True Bread That Satisfies Part 1b

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today on a Bridging the Gap, let’s see together how Jesus satisfies our every spiritual need!  He is indeed the bread of life! Pastor Lloyd Pulley takes us to John chapter six today. We’re concentrating on verses twenty-two through forty-one.

More Episodes

Today Lloyd continues his series in the gospel of John. Of all the powerful entities we have at our disposal, none can compare with the Holy Spirit. He makes everything else absolutely pale in comparison. So, the question must be asked - if He is there, and available, why don’t we call on Him more often? Our study today is framed around John chapter seven.