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111: How was the UX?

Striver Podcast

Release Date: 06/06/2022

129: Is the Human Brain just a huge piece of software? show art 129: Is the Human Brain just a huge piece of software?

Striver Podcast

We often think about efficiency in business to be focused around process and software but what about individual effectiveness. My chat with Vanessa Bennett highlighted some ways to find 25% more effectiveness and at the same time manage burn out. I really enjoyed this chat....

128: Believing in your CVP can add big % growth show art 128: Believing in your CVP can add big % growth

Striver Podcast

Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency. How do you get on the bandwagon to get results? Looking at current processes and easy wins is sometimes the best way to get on the efficiency wagon (or a bus, which is generally faster!). I spoke with Conrad Travers from Tangelo Advice Consulting, who has practical ideas of easy-wins to leverage your existing processes before you add any more 'efficiency software to your business. More importantly, we talk about the measurable impact of these changes! Hope you enjoy the chat...

127: What Does Crypto and Social Apps Tell Us? show art 127: What Does Crypto and Social Apps Tell Us?

Striver Podcast

Phone call first, instant gratification and keeping it simple. This is what we expect from most experiences in our lives. But our attention spans are getting shorter and our digital habits are changing so how will that shape the next generation of apps? Speaking with Peter Worn from the Finura Group challenged some of the processes that we have and where we can get in our own way. Some interesting ideas here...and ones you may already have thought of yourself. 

126: Nudge Don't Judge: How AdviceTech Can Understand Context show art 126: Nudge Don't Judge: How AdviceTech Can Understand Context

Striver Podcast

The beauty of technology is that it can be data-driven at every decision point. How can this apply to the very personable advice industry? I speak to Paul Feeney, Founder and CEO at Otivo, to tick off items from the wish-list of every at-capacity adviser.  

125: Crafting Your Business Brand for Success show art 125: Crafting Your Business Brand for Success

Striver Podcast

In an evolving landscape, brand is crucial at every phase of your business lifecycle. In this thought-provoking episode, Joshua Grace, Customer Office Group Executive at Colonial First State, explores how a robust and distinctive brand can help you attract your ideal clients, establish the right client expectations, enhance your profitability and fuel sustainable growth.

124: Super Fund's Game-Changing Advice Strategy show art 124: Super Fund's Game-Changing Advice Strategy

Striver Podcast

How will financial advice from a Super Fund change the game? To answer this question, Alisdair talks to Renae Anderson, Select Advice Manager, about UniSuper's 3-year strategy to increase their adviser talent pipeline, deliver advice to members moving into retirement and making advice more accessible to more Australians. More players in the advice game means more financial 'wins' for more Australians. Hear how that's going to impact advisers, super fund members and the playing field for the profession going forward

123: Have your cake and eat it too when it comes to client segmentation show art 123: Have your cake and eat it too when it comes to client segmentation

Striver Podcast

Segmentation is vital for advice practices, impacting financials, cost-to-serve, and fee consistency. How are top firms managing  segment identification and potential client off-boarding? Jackie Clark, National Education Manager at Colonial First State, joins us again to provide practical tips for getting started without excessive time or financial investment. Tune into this week's episode and drive success through segmentation strategies.

122: The Magic 8-ball to survey your clients show art 122: The Magic 8-ball to survey your clients

Striver Podcast

Are client surveys a more powerful tool than we realise? This week, we unpack the full potential of a humble client survey. What's the best approach to them - ad hoc, formal, or a combination? With Jackie Clark, National Manager Education at Colonial First State, we reveal how surveys can fuel business innovation and anticipate future client needs. Apart from the validation, let's unlock the potential of client surveys in transforming your business.

121: Is the genie really out of the bottle? show art 121: Is the genie really out of the bottle?

Striver Podcast

Now that generative AI has been released into the world, how do we (re)define ethics and privacy? ChatGPT and similar apps continue to dominate the headlines as its application widens. For educators and universities, it redefines the definition of plagiarism. For professional services, it creates a dilemma of ethics. I spoke to Cris Parker from the Ethics Centre to discuss how privacy is redefined for the advice profession.

120: If finding new clients isn't the key to growing your business, then what is? show art 120: If finding new clients isn't the key to growing your business, then what is?

Striver Podcast

This week, I spoke to Jackie Clark, National Education Manager at Colonial First State on the KEY metrics to evaluate if your business has the capacity to grow or grind to a halt if new clients come along. Find out what she has seen from businesses that have found success, and how you can do the same.

More Episodes

We judge all the services and products that we use not always by how good they are but by how they stack up to the benchmark expectations we have in all aspects of our lives, think online shopping, social media, doctors appointments and in-branch banking! 

Discussing a tech-focused approach to UX and CX with Mark Akeroyd shed some interesting light on how people want to interact with you.....