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Intro to the Beginning Stories, Book 1 Genesis

Intro to the Beginning Stories

Release Date: 11/05/2022

Intro to the Beginning Stories -Malibu Lifestyle, Holidays and Food show art Intro to the Beginning Stories -Malibu Lifestyle, Holidays and Food

Intro to the Beginning Stories

Regarding holidays, feelings and food, it's helpful to plan ahead and have a successful strategy in mind. Know how you’re going to play the game. For example, I don't recommend springing new ideas about “avoiding meat” just as people are sitting down in front of a large ham, turkey or salmon dinner. At an event where there will be people and food, feelings can get hot quickly. Here are a few tips I have used successfully to avoid frayed nerves, and unnecessary arguments.

Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle Healthy Cooking Notes show art Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle Healthy Cooking Notes

Intro to the Beginning Stories

Most people have many things going on in their lives. Making a commitment to a healthier diet  may sound complicated. It’s easier to become committed to healthier living using some of my “health is wealth” favorites from, “Malibu Lifestyle Cookbook”, They say knowledge is power, and time is money. These healthy living choices in food and lifestyle have saved me thousands of dollars and thousands of hours. 

Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle-Shakes,Smoothies and Money show art Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle-Shakes,Smoothies and Money

Intro to the Beginning Stories

I can’t always control what, when or if I get to eat a full meal each day. That’s why I take the extra step of having a multivitamin, a meal shake or a protein smoothie. It’s a comfort to know I’ll have energy from some source no matter what unexpected changes are in my day. In this podcast I list easy steps I have used that might make you feel better and be happier. A commitment to something like a healthier diet, may sound complicated or difficult. Anything valuable requires a commitment and a healthier lifestyle like eating better has never been easier to make a way of  life.

Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle, Saving Money and Health show art Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle, Saving Money and Health

Intro to the Beginning Stories

Most people have busy lives. Making a new commitment to something like a healthier lifestyle and diet may sound complicated or difficult. Anything valuable requires a commitment and it’s never been easier to become committed to healthier living. I’m mentioning a few priceless steps here. They say knowledge is power, and time is money. You can start living better!

Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle- Food and Money show art Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle- Food and Money

Intro to the Beginning Stories

Food and Money- Positive creative stories to help you design your own success story. I’ve learned some important points about good health…food should not be used for self hate. Trying to forget what I had to put up with at work by eating… I no longer believe the age old myth that says if people treat me badly it’s because I deserved it... This would almost guarantee that I would be successful...  

Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle- Solid Mental Health show art Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle- Solid Mental Health

Intro to the Beginning Stories

"Solid Mental Health"-Positive creative stories to help you design your own success story. We all can be more successful with help from a friend. The doubts and worries can be met with positive motivation and encouragement to help smooth out the bumps in the path of success and happiness.  

Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle- Safe Space show art Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle- Safe Space

Intro to the Beginning Stories

Safe Space- Positive creative stories to help you design your own success story. We all can be more successful with help from a friend. The doubts and worries can be met with positive motivation and encouragement to help smooth out the bumps in the path of success and happiness.  

Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle- Night Vision show art Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle- Night Vision

Intro to the Beginning Stories

"Night Vision"- Positive creative stories to help you design your own success story. We all can be more successful with help from a friend. The doubts and worries can be met with positive motivation and encouragement to help smooth out the bumps in the path of success and happiness.  

Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle -A Dog show art Intro to the Beginning Stories, Malibu Lifestyle -A Dog

Intro to the Beginning Stories

"Loyalty and a Dog"- Positive creative stories to help you design your own success story. We all can be more successful with help from a friend. The doubts and worries can be met with positive motivation and encouragement to help smooth out the bumps in the path of success and happiness.

Intro to the Beginning Stories Numbers part 2 with Deuteronomy show art Intro to the Beginning Stories Numbers part 2 with Deuteronomy

Intro to the Beginning Stories

In Intro to the Beginning Stories, Numbers part 2 and Deuteronomy Moses, Miryum and Aaron stayed committed to overseeing and protecting the Hebrew people. Some wanted to overthrow their leadership and become like Pharaoh; having slaves, commanding armies and having other people take care of them. The government through Moses established justice, peace, prosperity and liberty for all. Moses' government dealt with spies, enemy sabotage and more.

More Episodes

Welcome, Intro to the Beginning Stories is a fun set of dramatized short stories about the beginning. I am your host and friend Susie. Intro to the Beginning Stories, Book 1 Genesis, is a lighthearted, exciting look at the book of Genesis that children and adults can enjoy.