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Episode 69 - The Rings of Kether part 5

Campaign On Dice

Release Date: 06/03/2020

CLASSIC Episode 77 - Appointment With F.E.A.R. part 2 show art CLASSIC Episode 77 - Appointment With F.E.A.R. part 2

Campaign On Dice

With great power there must also come great responsibility. But with rubbish powers you might as well go to an amusement park, right?  May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy THREADS/INSTAGRAM: w4b_podcast FACEBOOK:...

CLASSIC Episode 76 - Appointment With F.E.A.R. part 1 show art CLASSIC Episode 76 - Appointment With F.E.A.R. part 1

Campaign On Dice

Look, up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Yes, it's probably those things. Mark becomes an embarrassingly low tier superhero this week, bravely facing the evils of office work before creating as much street crime as he tackles. May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!  ...

Episode 254 - Portal of Evil part 10 show art Episode 254 - Portal of Evil part 10

Campaign On Dice

An annoying forest woman with a stupid voice wants us to unbuckle our weapon and pay a visit to her messy garden. That's the show note.            May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy THREADS/INSTAGRAM: w4b_podcast...

Episode 253 - Portal of Evil part 9 show art Episode 253 - Portal of Evil part 9

Campaign On Dice

After last week's action-packed episode, we wait around for some men and discuss the merits of mining licences. If you're lucky, we might have a look in a tree.          May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy THREADS/INSTAGRAM:...

Episode 252 - Portal of Evil part 8 show art Episode 252 - Portal of Evil part 8

Campaign On Dice

After letting a long sinewy appendage writhe all over us, we find ourselves challenging a dwarf to a pickaxe handle fight. Which is definitely worse than just using a whole pickaxe.          May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy...

Episode 251 - Portal of Evil part 7 show art Episode 251 - Portal of Evil part 7

Campaign On Dice

We're tossing coins willy-nilly, looking for a wizard for a reason we can't remember, and only finding people who are pretending not to be wizards.         May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy THREADS/INSTAGRAM: w4b_podcast...

Episode 250 - Portal of Evil part 6 show art Episode 250 - Portal of Evil part 6

Campaign On Dice

There's a ghostly ladder that's DEFINITELY intangible. The previous paragraph made a point of confirming it wasn't there. Our sword passed through it, remember? Shall we climb it then? OF COURSE!       May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER:...

Episode 249 - Portal of Evil part 5 show art Episode 249 - Portal of Evil part 5

Campaign On Dice

After saving him from a giant SPIDER, we feed an elderly goblin and find out what he keeps in his jerkin. The answer might surprise you!       May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy THREADS/INSTAGRAM: w4b_podcast FACEBOOK:...

Episode 248 - Portal of Evil part 4 show art Episode 248 - Portal of Evil part 4

Campaign On Dice

A camp full of untrained fighters needed our help, so we honourably stuck around to defend them. And all it took was for their leader to literally beg us, and for our listeners to make the final decision for us.    May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER:...

Episode 247 - Portal of Evil part 3 show art Episode 247 - Portal of Evil part 3

Campaign On Dice

We start a new investigation into the missing miners and the portal of evil, as we find that elves are now dinosaurs, dwarves are now humans, cats and dogs are living together... mass hysteria.   May our stamina never fail!  IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO AND WANT TO HELP US CONTINUE; SUPPORT US ON PATREON TO BE PART OF FUTURE LIVE EPISODES: patreon.com/spreadthewhimsy   SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: ko-fi.com/spreadthewhimsy SUPPORT US WITH MERCHANDISE: whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com/w4bshop SUPPORT US FOR FREE: spread the word, spread the whimsy!   TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy...

More Episodes

Mark takes a break from space-crime solving to take part in space Total Wipeout, fighting cubes and spheres and three-eyed potato men, with and without gravity depending on whether Andrew Chapman remembers it exists or not.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music: Battle of Pogs - Komiku

TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/whenwagonwheelswerebigger
WEBSITE: www.whenwagonwheelswerebigger.com