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Gifts of the Spirit: Why do we have them?

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Release Date: 10/13/2024

Gifts Discovered in Desert Wanderings show art Gifts Discovered in Desert Wanderings

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 1 of our series through the time of Lent. We will be following in the Revised Common Lectionary for this series, using the Biblical passages for each week. The series is titled "From Wandering to Wonder." The wandering in the desert of Lent creates openness and room for the wonder of Easter and resurrection life in your journey. We look to find life in the journey of Jesus. You can find the full sermon notes and other resources at . We hope this message encourages you and helps you know Jesus in a more real way. Subscribe to us at our , on ...

Sacrificing in Love show art Sacrificing in Love

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 5 of the series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Today we wrap up the series looking at love. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, contentment and gratitude. Looking at the idea that Jesus has established the Kingdom and we receive it verses we build the Kingdom of God for God. I hope to explore questions around ambition and leading a quiet life; co-creating while being content. Some particular...

Resting in Rhythm show art Resting in Rhythm

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 4 of the series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Today we look at what it means to truly rest. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, contentment and gratitude. Looking at the idea that Jesus has established the Kingdom and we receive it verses we build the Kingdom of God for God. I hope to explore questions around ambition and leading a quiet life; co-creating while being content. Some particular...

Waiting in God show art Waiting in God

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 3 of the series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Today we look at waiting in God. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, contentment and gratitude. Looking at the idea that Jesus has established the Kingdom and we receive it verses we build the Kingdom of God for God. I hope to explore questions around ambition and leading a quiet life; co-creating while being content. Some particular topics will...

Accepting Limitations show art Accepting Limitations

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 2 of the series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Today we look at accepting the humanity of our limitations. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, contentment and gratitude. Looking at the idea that Jesus has established the Kingdom and we receive it verses we build the Kingdom of God for God. I hope to explore questions around ambition and leading a quiet life; co-creating while being content....

Trusting the Divine Life show art Trusting the Divine Life

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in a new series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, contentment and gratitude. Looking at the idea that Jesus has established the Kingdom and we receive it verses we build the Kingdom of God for God. I hope to explore questions around ambition and leading a quiet life; co-creating while being content. Some particular topics will be embracing limitations, accepting your...

Dwelling in Epiphany | Week 3 show art Dwelling in Epiphany | Week 3

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Steve Boul speaks to close our series on Dwelling in Light. Epiphany means "to cause to appear" or "to bring light." The emphasis is on God shining forth. In the season of epiphany, we focus our attention on Jesus and the unfolding manifestation of his glory." The Cycle of Light season, as outlined in the Revised Common Lectionary, encompasses significant liturgical celebrations such as Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, focusing on the incarnation of Christ.  We want to inhabit the still unfolding story of God and have it inhabit us. You can find the full sermon...

Dwelling in Epiphany | Week 2 show art Dwelling in Epiphany | Week 2

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks about Epiphany and on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Epiphany means "to cause to appear" or "to bring light." The emphasis is on God shining forth. In the season of epiphany, we focus our attention on Jesus and the unfolding manifestation of his glory." The Cycle of Light season, as outlined in the Revised Common Lectionary, encompasses significant liturgical celebrations such as Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, focusing on the incarnation of Christ.  We want to inhabit the still unfolding story of God and have it inhabit us. You can find the...

Dwelling in Epiphany | Week 1 show art Dwelling in Epiphany | Week 1

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Beth Bramstedt speaks about Epiphany. Epiphany means "to cause to appear" or "to bring light." The emphasis is on God shining forth. In the season of epiphany, we focus our attention on Jesus and the unfolding manifestation of his glory." Beth encourages the church through baptism as a marker of faith. The Cycle of Light season, as outlined in the Revised Common Lectionary, encompasses significant liturgical celebrations such as Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, focusing on the incarnation of Christ.  We want to inhabit the still unfolding story of God and have it ...

Dwelling in Christmas | Part 2 show art Dwelling in Christmas | Part 2

Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 2 of Dwelling in Christmas, as part of a series that will lead through Advent, Christmas and Epiphany called "Dwelling in Light." Each year in the life of church, we go through the cycles or rhythms of life. The Church calendar begins each year at Advent, and we are entering what is called the Cycle of Light. The Cycle of Light season, as outlined in the Revised Common Lectionary, encompasses significant liturgical celebrations such as Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, focusing on the incarnation of Christ.  We want to inhabit the still...

More Episodes

Today, Michael Acock speaks in a new series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. For 5 weeks, we will focus on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and try to answer why, what, who, how & when and where. The message today focuses on why do we have the gifts of the Spirit, and the reason is because our aim is love.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are released in love to the church, so that, by love we, God’s beloved, will be enabled to build up the church, heal the wounded, and witness to the world that the Kingdom of God has come and reversed the curse.  This is an invitiation to the church to experience being Spirit-led and normalizing the function of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It will need a building of trust in our hearts that God wants to give gifts and that we can trust they are good.

We hope this message encourages you and helps you know Jesus in a more real way. You can find the full sermon notes and other resources at our website.  Subscribe to us at our YouTube channel, on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify. You can also visit us at Facebook or Instagram.