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EP 134- Pedro Meneses: Cut them OFF!

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

Release Date: 04/20/2023

EP 156 - Changing Your Perspective on Adversity show art EP 156 - Changing Your Perspective on Adversity

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

EP 156 - Changing Your Perspective on Adversity When you are chasing excellence and trying to live your dreams, you will face adversity the likes of which most will never see. Being a champion means getting up every day and doing your best, which is more than most people can seem to muster up on a day-to-day basis. If you are attempting to achieve greatness, you will no doubt need to change your perspective on adversity if you expect to come out the other side a winner. What You’ll Learn:  Why Pedro has not had any guests on lately and what to expect from the ones that will be coming...

EP 155 - Flip The Switch show art EP 155 - Flip The Switch

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

EP 155 - Flip The Switch  What You’ll Learn:  What Pedro means when he says “Flipping the switch” Why it’s so easy to break a habit that was so hard to create in the first place Tips for getting back on the horse once you’ve fallen outside of your normal routines Why it’s important to be able to be in a place where you can flip the switch and be battle-ready at a moment’s notice if the need arises How to come to terms with the fact that you are the biggest liability to yourself if you are not showing up everyday doing the best that you can Why you must do...

EP 154- Daniel Heiss, Living Like Each Day Could REALLY Be Your Last show art EP 154- Daniel Heiss, Living Like Each Day Could REALLY Be Your Last

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

EP 154- Daniel Heiss, Living Like Each Day Could REALLY Be Your Last Each day is a blessing. For some that is just an overused saying.  For others, it is the dark truth.  There are many complications that come with living life in general, but most people overlook the most simple things in their everyday lives such as breathing, walking, talking, vision, and being able to hear.  Take a look in the mirror and think closely about the things you’re grateful for in your life.  Daniel Heiss is an Award Winning Filmmaker, Author, Writer, President of ToTony Productions, and a...

EP 153- Elizabeth Louis, Mindset is EVERYTHING show art EP 153- Elizabeth Louis, Mindset is EVERYTHING

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

EP 153- Elizabeth Louis, Mindset is EVERYTHING We are all the same except we have different problems. Life is an abundance of issues if you look at it in a negative way. Mindset is the biggest thing that stops us from progressing. Today Pedro host’s a special guest Elizabeth Louis as they cover multiple different topics in life, business, and mindset. Elizabeth Louis is an Executive Performance and Business Coach and is also an expert in Neuropsychology and Performance Therapy. Elizabeth partners with entrepreneurs, start-ups, and companies to increase their performance and...

EP 152- Nancy Pickard, Uncovering What’s Holding You Back show art EP 152- Nancy Pickard, Uncovering What’s Holding You Back

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

EP 152- Nancy Pickard, Uncovering What’s Holding You Back Carrying insecure or guilty inner beliefs is normal, it doesn’t mean that makes us who we are as humans. Tracking down what is the source of the problem is the quickest way to build yourself back up for success. Nancy addresses why it is important to always clear your mind and be honest about who you truly are and if you are still holding onto trauma, or shame from the past. Nancy Pickard is a Transformation Life Coach who specializes in working with Shadow Beliefs to help her clients dissect what is holding them back from becoming...

EP 151- Are You Following the Right Leaders? show art EP 151- Are You Following the Right Leaders?

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

Pedro Meneses left his home country of Guatemala 11 years ago. Upon leaving his home country, he says he “was a spoiled little brat and a frickin’ loser.” He has definitely come a long way since then and finally went home to visit after all of this time. Here’s what he has learned from that trip. Pedro Meneses is a Natural-born leader, driven by passion, and always committed to delivering excellence to everyone he helps and surrounds himself with.  Beyond his love for helping others, he runs a successful Real Estate Business in Dallas, Texas, alongside his beautiful wife, Kayla...

EP 150- Five Things I Learned From Visiting Guatemala show art EP 150- Five Things I Learned From Visiting Guatemala

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

Pedro Meneses left his home country of Guatemala 11 years ago. Upon leaving his home country, he says he “was a spoiled little brat and a frickin’ loser.” He has definitely come a long way since then and finally went home to visit after all of this time. Here’s what he has learned from that trip. Pedro Meneses is a Natural-born leader, driven by passion, and always committed to delivering excellence to everyone he helps and surrounds himself with.  Beyond his love for helping others, he runs a successful Real Estate Business in Dallas, Texas, alongside his beautiful wife, Kayla...

EP 149- Erik Allen: Breaking From the Old You show art EP 149- Erik Allen: Breaking From the Old You

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

Erik Allen, Raised in a broken home, battled addictions, was jailed at 18, bankrupt at 21 only to give his life to Christ and turn everything around. Erik is truly a man of integrity, work ethic, and an overcomer Erik and his wife of 16+ years and their two children live in Northern Idaho and live a humble and blessed life. Together, they break the cycles handed down to them of addictions, depression, abuse, and lies. He believes in giving back, and in this episode, he teaches us valuable lessons and how to break from your false identity through hard work, vulnerability, and consistency! ...

EP 148- Clint Riggin, Founder of Limitless Coaching: From Spiraling Defeat to the Climb Up to Success show art EP 148- Clint Riggin, Founder of Limitless Coaching: From Spiraling Defeat to the Climb Up to Success

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

It can take years to build an empire and only moments to destroy it.  Today’s episode will share the secret to building an empire and what’s required to keep it.  At 17, Clint Riggin joined the Navy and was soon working on the EA-18 Growler, a 9 Billion Dollar plane used to disrupt New York City’s Electrical grid and electronics. His career would take him to the Great Lakes and then Hawaii for 6 years where he worked on helicopters with intentions of flying them someday, serving as an 8-year veteran of the US Navy. He’s the CEO and founder of Limitless Coaching and COO of...

EP 147- Pedro Meneses: Blessings with Opportunity and Stewardship show art EP 147- Pedro Meneses: Blessings with Opportunity and Stewardship

Chronicles Of A Modern Beast

If you are paying attention to the historical timeline in your life, there are growth patterns you'll notice.  Some are interrupted by revelations along the way that allow you to switch direction from your intended focus. At times, they seem like the only choice, and sometimes, they were the best choice.  As human beings on a journey in this lifetime, for those of us who have awakened to the fact we're alive, we have a responsibility to become a better version of ourselves.  It's not enough to simply be good with good enough.   There's always room for...

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It's a painful proposition, but sometimes you have to cut everyone out of your life and start over, especially if you've outworked your peer group, your workplace, or even your family.  Yes, sometimes your family, while you may love them, being associated with them can really hold you back.  It's a tough decision, too because we're conflicted by the ideals of "family sticks together," or "blood can't be betrayed."  But what happens if your family doesn't support you, your vision, or the life you've created for yourself and instead, want you to live smaller than you currently are?

In this episode, Pedro breaks down a few key things you may or may not be struggling with. It's important to keep things simple.  You can start by practicing gratitude, working out, working harder to be more efficient in work, and cutting out certain things and people that are no longer on the mission you're on.  

Pedro highlights some key topics in this episode including:

  • Winning each day as an entrepreneur.
  • Key lessons include starting the day with gratitude and affirmations, challenging yourself mentally and physically, and giving yourself grace and credit for the effort.
  • To achieve success, it's important to have a vision, develop rituals and routines, and change your mindset and environment by cutting out negativity.
  • Focus on one day at a time, celebrate wins, and challenge yourself daily.
  • Stay present, be intentional with your actions, and share this message to help others.

If you resonate with this and know someone who needs to listen to this episode, be sure to tag them on social media and share this with them. 

One life changed per day makes a huge difference. 

Stay Hard and Live Hard! 


How To Get Involved:

From rock bottom and $500 to his name, Pedro Meneses moved to the US, leaving everything behind seeking answers to turn his life around, becoming an entrepreneur, and thriving in business.

This show is for entrepreneurs who need a dose of reality to develop mental toughness, remove the fear of taking action, and are ready to pay the price, fight, and win at all costs!

In each episode, Pedro introduces you to world-class entrepreneurs and leaders who will share their stories and knowledge to help you get a clear vision, operate at the highest level, and build an empire.

Be sure to Connect With Pedro and check out the most recent episode of Chronicles of a Modern Beast in Apple Podcasts