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CIP 033. Take Bold Action (Part 3): Boldly Strike Out to Accelerate Your Ascent: Theodore Roosevelt Boldly, Brazenly Begins Anew

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

Release Date: 12/15/2020

CIP 049. Expect the Unexpectable, Vigorously Guard Against the Negative Expectations Trap: How to Solve Albert Einstein’s Unsolvable Problems show art CIP 049. Expect the Unexpectable, Vigorously Guard Against the Negative Expectations Trap: How to Solve Albert Einstein’s Unsolvable Problems

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

In 1939, George Dantzig, a humble graduate student at Berkeley in San Francisco, changed mathematics history when he showed up 10 minutes late for his final exam. Listen in as we travel back to Northern California in the midst of the Great Depression to discover the powerful role that expectations can play in transforming your career and your life. In this episode of Classic Influence, we will also take a brief look at how people often unintentionally set themselves and others up for failure or success depending on the beliefs they hold, the words they use, and the frames they mindlessly...

CIP 048. Reframe Your Role, Take Whatever Title You Require: Walt Disney Heads to Hollywood in Pursuit of a Fantastic Dream show art CIP 048. Reframe Your Role, Take Whatever Title You Require: Walt Disney Heads to Hollywood in Pursuit of a Fantastic Dream

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

Walt Disney’s ultimate, iconic success belies the years he struggled to make ends meet, often going without food to cover the bills. In this episode of Classic Influence, we travel back to Hollywood in the early 1920s to discover the ownership mindset, appetite for risk-taking, and bold actions that set people like Walt Disney apart from the pack. This episode also explores the power of titles, symbols, and rules; the challenge of authority and how to create it; and how to navigate these social constructs to maximize your options and increase your probability of success. This episode also...

CIP 047. Put Your Name on the Building, Assume the Title and Position You Desire: Steven Spielberg Occupies the Universal Lot show art CIP 047. Put Your Name on the Building, Assume the Title and Position You Desire: Steven Spielberg Occupies the Universal Lot

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

The American film director, producer, and screenwriter Steven Spielberg holds the distinction of being the most commercially successful director of all time. In 1963, when he was only seventeen, Steven Spielberg traveled to Hollywood to participate in a tour of Universal Studios. The bold action Spielberg took next both set him apart from the crowd and put him on an altogether different and faster success track. In this episode of Classic Influence, we travel back to the summer of 1963 to discover the self-authoring mindset and bold actions that separate people like Steven Spielberg, Walt...

CIP 046. Discover and Destroy Limiting Beliefs: Martin Luther Triggers the Reformation, Forever Altering the Course of History and the Power of Leaders Around the World show art CIP 046. Discover and Destroy Limiting Beliefs: Martin Luther Triggers the Reformation, Forever Altering the Course of History and the Power of Leaders Around the World

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

Martin Luther changed the course of human history in 1517 when he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints’ Church. But Luther’s bold move and revolutionary stand was not without grave risks, including the distinct possibility of being burned alive. But what enabled such a humble, scholarly, and deeply religious Augustinian monk and theology professor to take such a bold, irrevocable stand against the mighty Roman Catholic Church? Listen in and learn what gave Luther the power to change the world.

CIP 045. Steel Yourself for Success: Harriet Tubman Takes Command, Leads Her People to the Promise Land show art CIP 045. Steel Yourself for Success: Harriet Tubman Takes Command, Leads Her People to the Promise Land

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

Harriet Tubman was described by one bold abolitionist as “one of the bravest persons on this continent.” Another well-known “conductor” on the Underground Railroad said that Tubman “seemed wholly devoid of personal fear.” After years of daring missions into the lion’s den to help slaves escape, Tubman’s bold courage and skill as a tactician led her to become a spy and a military leader for the Union Army. Listen in and discover the source of her courage and the key secret to her heroic success. Episode Overview: Harriet Tubman was born into bondage circa 1822 in the slave state...

CIP 044. Exploit the Hidden Power of Simplicity: Alexander the Great Fulfills the Prophecy of the Gordian Knot show art CIP 044. Exploit the Hidden Power of Simplicity: Alexander the Great Fulfills the Prophecy of the Gordian Knot

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

Alexander the Great was one of the greatest military leaders in history. Across a wide array of different terrains, facing a range of diverse enemy forces, often 2 or 3 times the size of the Macedonian army, Alexander, not once defeated in battle, ultimately conquered the known world and built an empire the likes of which no one had ever before seen. What’s more, he did all of this a long, long way from home. And he did it all before age 33. Listen in and learn one of the core principles of his success.

CIP 043. Believe Absolutely to Inspire Absolute Belief: Joan of Arc Turns the Tide of the Hundred Years' War show art CIP 043. Believe Absolutely to Inspire Absolute Belief: Joan of Arc Turns the Tide of the Hundred Years' War

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

Joan of Arc was an unknown, illiterate peasant girl who became a celebrated national hero. She was a teenage girl with no military training or experience who became the supreme commander of French military forces at age 17. She was a symbol of French courage and military power who became a saint in the Catholic Church. At nearly every turn, Joan of Arc overturned assumptions, defied expectations, and upended beliefs. But how did she do it? Listen in and learn the key secrets of her miraculous success.

CIP 042. Win Lasting Influence, Listen for the Underlying Need: Mahatma Gandhi Builds the Bedrock of an Unbreakable Charismatic Bond show art CIP 042. Win Lasting Influence, Listen for the Underlying Need: Mahatma Gandhi Builds the Bedrock of an Unbreakable Charismatic Bond

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

The Father of India, Apostle of Non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi stands today as a global icon. Despite his initial absence, the deeply spiritual Gandhi, who possessed little more than a loincloth and glasses, rose to become one of the most influential figures in India, leading the nation to victory over the greatest empire on Earth without so much as throwing a stone. Discover how Gandhi built the bedrock of a charismatic bond with followers and forged the foundation of his influence around the world.

CIP 041. Build Habits of Mastery and Self-Control: The Making and Unmaking of The Knights Templar, the Most Formidable Military Order of the Middle Ages show art CIP 041. Build Habits of Mastery and Self-Control: The Making and Unmaking of The Knights Templar, the Most Formidable Military Order of the Middle Ages

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

They lived like monks. They fought like lions. They were the special forces of the Medieval Era. Forged to protect all those pilgrims and traders traveling to the Holy Lands, the Knights Templar became such a highly capable and ferocious fighting force that they swiftly multiplied in wealth and power, growing well beyond their initial mandate as an elite military order of warrior monks. Listen in and learn the 5 key factors that best explain the Knights Templar’s rapid rise and surprising initial success.

CIP 040. Get Leverage, Change the Calculus: The Crafty and Courageous Roma and the Birth of Ancient Rome show art CIP 040. Get Leverage, Change the Calculus: The Crafty and Courageous Roma and the Birth of Ancient Rome

Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legends

The ancient Greek’s story of the founding of Rome tells the tale of Roma, the crafty and courageous Trojan noble woman, and how, after surviving a violent voyage at sea, she used leverage to force the Trojans to establish the ancient city on the banks of the Tiber River. In this episode of Classic Influence, we’ll travel back to the birth of ancient Rome, get a glimpse of the tremendous power of leverage in achieving a challenging aim, and explore various ways you can put the power of leverage into play

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In early 1898, days after the USS Maine was sunk in Cuba’s Havana Harbor, killing some 260 American sailors and marines, Theodore Roosevelt, who was still only the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, began doing all he could to prepare America for war. This included resigning from his desk job at the Navy Department in Washington D.C., and forming the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, known as the “Rough Riders.” What he did next came as quite a surprise to those who knew him, particularly given his extraordinary ambition. In this episode of Classic Influence, we’ll travel back to the period just before the Spanish American War to uncover a few of the key characteristics that contributed to Theodore Roosevelt’s striking success. This episode also reveals Theodore Roosevelt’s proven personal strategy for conquering fear.