Command Edit
Love is in the air! No wait...what IS that smell?...
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Nick and Josh are on their way back for a new season of the Command+Edit Podcast. Stay tuned for brand new content including interviews with all new guests, reviews of shiny tools of our trade and LOTS MORE!
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Special guest Rhonda Thain is back on the show to help us delve into:
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Josh interviews Grace Novak, a film student and freelance video editor, about her journey into the professional ranks. They discuss her networking strategies, what she is taking away from internships, how to adjust to the professional world, setting up a great website and demo reel, and much more. Links Mentioned: - This episode is brought to you by Studio Network Solutions and their EVO Shared Storage unit. Every EVO includes their easy to use media management software for organizing, tagging, and finding your media across all of your storage devices—even external, local,...
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In this episode we talk about some ways to create some side coin in addition to your typical bread 'n butter. It's nice to pad the bank account with some supplementary income. Here are some ideas of how you can do that. Creating stock video/audio while simultaneously filming for another project? Utilizing a parallel skillset like photography or motion graphics? Time to think outside the box and bring in some extra cash on the side. Here's what we talk about in this episode: ...and amaze-balls demo of Introduction of and what changed with the regular Soundstripe license - This episode is...
info_outlineCommand Edit
Good-bye, 2017! It's been real. Hello, 2018! Please be gentle. Welcome back to another year of Command+Edit, listeners! Thanks for returning. Josh and I play it light for this episode to bring you up to speed on what went down over the holidays and what's to come in the coming weeks for the show. This episode we get into: New living arrangements, including the complexities of living out of a van Josh's Command+Edit meetup in LA Top Episodes of 2018 Movie picks for you to check out What did Santa bring you this year?? and more! - This episode is brought to you by Studio Network...
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, listeners! The holidays are upon us which means only one thing: year-end deadlines are looming for our many projects and we are all doomed! ... I mean...we get to ask Santa for what shiny new toys we could use for next year! Whether being gifted to us by a jolly fat man, our loved ones or just a little treat to ourselves for retaining our sanity this year, we all have some top requests on our list. What's on your list? More hard drives? Subscription to Adobe for another year (or five)? An editing assistant who works for coffee? Josh and I list off our top...
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In this episode Nick and Josh discuss the most important topic when it comes to freelance video to get paid! Topics covered include what software and services they use to invoice, how they accept payments, how long it takes to get paid and whether you need to have an LLC in order to freelance. Useful links: --- This episode is brought to you by Studio Network Solutions and their EVO Shared Storage unit. Every EVO includes their easy to use media management software for organizing, tagging, and finding your media across all of your storage...
info_outlineCommand Edit
Nick and Josh are BACK! In this episode the guys give a ton of useful, time-saving Adobe Premiere Pro tips that you may never have heard before. Some tips that we cover: Quickly soloing/muting tracks Update colors of clips in bins onto timeline Trim to Playhead New Search Bin Query See how often a clip is used and where it’s used across a project Pancake Timeline Wacom Macro Hack Useful links: --- This episode is brought to you by Studio Network Solutions and their EVO Shared Storage unit. Every EVO includes their easy to use media management software for...
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Rachel Bastarache Bogan is a owner of Renegade Digital Post — a video editing company providing Hollywood-caliber services to filmmakers and content producers outside of Hollywood. In this interview, Nick and Josh find out Rachel’s strategies for working with new clients, how she finds clients not only locally but across the globe, and much more. Useful links: (Rachel's company) Rachel's Twitter: (Rachel's book) (Rachel's viewing recommendation) (online video review service) (book) (book) --- This episode is brought to you by...
info_outlineWelcome on back! You may notice that we took a bit of a hiatus there for a bit. So first of all thanks for continuing to subscribe and listen to us.
What do you do when you're dealing with sensitive material at your work?
Have you ever been concerned that you're working on could offend your audience?
Should you play it safe and avoid offending your audience or is a little controversy going to benefit your project?
In this episode Josh and I talk about how to tread lightly when dealing with potentially volatile material in your work, and how it might affect any of your creative decisions.
Nick works on horror features so from his point of view a little bit of controversial material can sometimes equal "bad press". Shock value is highly sought after from horror directors when it comes to excessive gore, nudity or remarks. But how far is too far?
Josh having worked on a number of corporate/commercial videos that represent big businesses knows all too well the concern of representing a brand faithfully without sending any offensive images or messages.
This year has seen its share of controversy, especially in pop culture. Hollywood seems to offend people regularly with its advertising material:
- There was the fiery reaction to the adverstising of X-Men Apocalypse
- Snickers Super Bowl ad blasted for being anti-feminist/anti-transphobic
- Companies called out for sexist commercials
- 10 Surprisingly Sexist Movies That You Still Love to Watch
- Comedians mock car advertisements for blatant sexism with a simple parody
- And perhaps the BIGGEST lightning rod of controversy this year out of Hollywood, the Ghostbusters reboot. Honest Trailers, a parody YouTube channel that roasts big movies by recutting/redubbing their trailer, knew what hot water they were getting into when they took on the female-led reboot of a beloved they disabled comments right away. Check it out here.
Have you ever found yourself walking on thin ice when working on your edit? Share your stories with us so we know we're not just talking to ourselves here. We would really like to hear from you.
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