Community Fellowship Church
How much confidence do you have in your sources? Do you feel like you can base your life fully on your favorite political commentator or lifestyle influencer? We all want the life that God has planned for us, but how can we know what to trust and how to get there? Join us this weekend as we learn about a better way of life and what we can base our life on to get there.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
Have you ever worried about the genuineness or the potential counterfeits of the things you love? How would it feel to discover that the item that you spent so much on was but a hollow imitation? Join us this weekend on either site, as we receive see Paul encourage young Timothy and us to avoid an empty type of religion.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
Would you like to know that God is using you for good purposes? I think we all would like to escape the mundane and be part of God’s world…to bring meaning to our workplace, pray with someone, give helpful advice, help resolve a conflict, or be part of a healing process for someone. This weekend we are going to look at what helps make us vessels of honor, “useful to the master of the house”, rather than vessels of dishonor.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
Christians are ‘one’ in Christ. So then why are there so many church factions and fights? Paul tells Timothy, “don’t quarrel over words” (2:14). Does that mean just be quiet and never dispute doctrines and practices? How do we fight right! What is bad quarrel? How do we fight for truth? How can we let disputes become transformative and helpful to us? Join us this weekend to explore this.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
Have you ever been tempted to quit on Jesus? Maybe you've found yourself discouraged in sharing the gospel or being servant-minded in a relationship, when things just aren't working. Join us this weekend, as 2 Timothy 2:3-11 gives us encouragement to endure to the end.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
The vibe in our passage is a bit like ‘passing the baton’. Paul (facing execution) is challenging Timothy to “follow the pattern of sound words”. What was the pattern? How did we get the ‘sound’ or trustworthy words of the Bible? If someone said to you, “How do we know you can trust the Bible?” What would you say? Following the pattern includes life on life disciple- making. What does that look like? Join us this weekend to find out more.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
I recently had an opportunity to share my faith with the hostess of our vacation condo, but I chose to play it safe and be a ‘good’ guest and leave a nice tip. Is that ok? Should we as believers mostly do the good works, or should we use words to share the gospel, or even with urgency be “…snatching them from the flame…” (Jude 1:23)? In our passage, Paul, who is facing execution for sharing the gospel, is challenging timid Timothy to be full of boldness when it comes to talking about Jesus. Join us this weekend as we explore this topic.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
What are you living for? What drives you? In our new series, ‘Multiply’, we find Paul driven by the ‘promise of life’! He is facing execution, and yet without slipping into self-pity, he is fully focused on making disciples. No fear. No distraction. Endearing relationships. A clear conscience. Wow. Join us this weekend to be inspired by Paul’s example.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
What is a church? What does it mean to be a part of one? Is it simply to come and watch service and get something out of it, or is it more than that? Join us this weekend as we discuss Ephesians chapter 4 and learn together how a gathering of Christians is meant to operate.
info_outlineCommunity Fellowship Church
Before cementing in our new year’s resolutions, it’s good to remember who we belong to. US Christianity by nature tends to be self-serving. That’s normal for any people-group who live in freedom and prosperity. Mark 10 takes us to an interesting scene where Jesus is heading uphill to Jerusalem to be crucified and lay down His life, and James and John ask, “We want you to do whatever we ask.” This leads to an amazing teaching that helps us create the framework for all of our resolutions.
info_outlineWhat a great opportunity we have as a church to be unified and buy into being part of the “Body life” at CFC. It’s a huge blessing. It’s hard; it will transform you! Unlike our divided and splintered culture, we have Jesus as our common confession, we are empowered by God, and have manifestations of His Spirit working through us. When working together, amazing things happen. What are your spiritual gifts, and how might God be using you to build up the body?