Company Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
There's one word that is crushing many companies and is seeping profits right out the back door, its silos. Today we talk about what you can do about it.
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
Henry Ford Said” If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own”. Not many people think about leading their boss, your boss says no and that’s the end of it. But, what is there was another option? Martinized this week we ask the question why are so many places not pet friendly?
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
None of us is as smart as all of us. Vulnerability and success go hand in hand. In this episode we explore how often people try to solve problems on their own thereby missing out of the power of collaborating with others. When you can work on an idea as a group it can morph into something much more powerful. As Elise put’s it often our individual great idea is like a stone and when we collaborate we allow other people to provide the sand that can fill the tiny holes in that idea thereby creating one smooth beautiful, actionable idea.
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
Studies have shown that you are a combination of the 5 people you hang out with the most. We all have had people who help us develop and become better people and those who drain us every time we spend time with them. In this episode we explore the idea that if you have goals you want to accomplish it is prudent that you surround yourself with likeminded goal oriented individuals that have already reached where you aspire to go or are on a similar trajectory.
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
This week we discuss in depth the teaching lesson behind Daren’s book The Sink and dive into how important it is in life and in business to leave the world, your environment and people better then you found them. In our martinized segment this week we talk about not burning bridges and making connections instead and how it can impact your life and your business.
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
Remember that great idea you had but somebody did it before you… Let’s talk about idea to execution and how allowing your people to come up with ideas and tinker a little is so beneficial as it can lead to a new product or process that could change the trajectory of your company.
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
Regardless of who came up with it, it's a key concept to keep in mind when talking about change management, whether it’s a company, a culture or an individual. How many people on average do you think are living the life that dream of? How many companies are preforming at their peak? There is a lot of want to, wish I could, wouldn’t it be nice if, but how many people are actually seeking the change they want to see.
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
There are all sorts of things that are not allowed at work and probably should be. What are you outlawing in your company that could increase productivity, employee engagement, employee retention, creativity, problem solving and so much more. In this episode we look into things like naps, reading, evaluations based on outcomes not activity, meditation, yoga, lunch and learns, watching movies, off site meetings vs conference rooms and many more examples.
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
In this episode we talk about companies that have customers begging to love them, every company goes through a beginning where they make mistakes which they can learn from but when companies ignore the little problems they can turn into big problems. We compare and contrast two very different movie theater experiences (Cinépolis Victory Park & Alamo Draft House) and talk about how some small changes can really increase customer retention.
info_outlineCompany Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.
Business as we know it has changed, are you updating with times or riding the final waves of the past. In this episode we talk about indicators that your company could be beached and offer up ideas on how you can get company un-beached so you can swim in the new ocean of business!
info_outlineThe best company cultures have both a strong first name and a strong last name find out what is the difference and why they are so important to your company’s growth.