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I'll See You Up The Mountain: Notes On Grief

The Confident Rider Podcast

Release Date: 04/14/2023

(Some) things I think about when the world is hard or tense show art (Some) things I think about when the world is hard or tense

The Confident Rider Podcast

A few days back, I wrote a list of things that I had mused on, read, or noted down to consider when the world feels hard or tense. I shared it first on Facebook, and then when the time came for our live Q&A in my membership program, JoyRide, I decided to share it there as well.  Today's episode is a repeat of that conversation. It's neither conclusive nor definitive, but I think gives us some ideas that we can hold close to inform our action and behavior as we're moving through the world. I hope it's useful in some way, thanks for listening! xx Jane

5 Things I've Learned As A Movement & Nervous System Coach show art 5 Things I've Learned As A Movement & Nervous System Coach

The Confident Rider Podcast

Oh, there are so many things that I have learned from being in coach with a focus on the nervous system.   In this episode, I pick five things that spring to mind as 'standouts'; things you may not have considered or fully understood previously when it comes to being in the world, working with horses and your nervous system health.   We talk about:   1. Why there is nothing wrong with being in fight flight. What we are ultimately seeking is "appropriate responsiveness", a nervous system that is accurately responding to the reality of the moment. 2. Why calm is not the goal...

{6} Christmas Conversation with Tania Kindersley, Kathy Price & Stevie Delahunt show art {6} Christmas Conversation with Tania Kindersley, Kathy Price & Stevie Delahunt

The Confident Rider Podcast

Lovely friend, this is the final session in our Christmas Conversations series.  A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has joined us for the live sessions, and to my incredible guests who given so much love and energy to our time together. I am so grateful to you all. Today, I am joined by an incredible group of women: Tania Kindersley, Kathy Price and Stevie Delahunt. I'm sure you will enjoy this conversation as much as any other, and I can't wait to hear about your thoughts and musings.  If you want to get in touch with any one of them, you can do so in the following places: Tania...

{5} Christmas Conversation with Kimberly Carter, Brigid Piccaro & Terry Kuebler show art {5} Christmas Conversation with Kimberly Carter, Brigid Piccaro & Terry Kuebler

The Confident Rider Podcast

Fabulous souls, we are back with our second to last Christmas Conversation and it's another (christmas) cracker (I couldn't help adding that in there). I'm so blessed to be joined by the wonderful trio that is Kimberly Carter, Brigid Piccaro & Terry Kuebler. In all truth, I don't know how to reduce the vast expanse of ground we covered over the course of our time together, so I will leave you to listen to it instead! I hope you enjoy it, happy listening! xx Jane If you want to get in touch with anyone you heard today, here are the places to find them... Kimberly Carter: Terry Kuebler: ...

{4} Christmas Conversation with Kate Sandel, Elsa Sinclair and Chantel Prat show art {4} Christmas Conversation with Kate Sandel, Elsa Sinclair and Chantel Prat

The Confident Rider Podcast

Fabulous souls, welcome back to the fourth session in our Christmas Conversations series. I have been having so much fun with these, I don't want them to end! Today I am joined by Kate Sandel, Elsa Sinclair & Chantel Prat for what was a wonderful conversation- I would love to hear your thoughts also! Happy Listening! xx Jane You can find... Kate Sandel here at Elsa Sinclair here at Chantel Prat here on

{3} Christmas Conversation with Christine Dickson, Joell Dunlap & Robyn Schiller show art {3} Christmas Conversation with Christine Dickson, Joell Dunlap & Robyn Schiller

The Confident Rider Podcast

Welcome back to the third conversation in our Christmas Conversations series. Today, I am joined by the wonderful Christine Dickson, Joell Dunlap & Robyn Schiller. We are answering the questions: What have you held close this year? What has anchored you? What are you being called towards? What would you like to share? I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, happy listening! xx Jane You can find... Christine on her or email Joell on her or email Robyn on her or email [email protected]

{2} Christmas Conversation with Denise Elizabeth Bryon, Gareth Mare & Talya Mari show art {2} Christmas Conversation with Denise Elizabeth Bryon, Gareth Mare & Talya Mari

The Confident Rider Podcast

Welcome to the second episode of our Christmas Conversations series- I'm so glad that you are here! Today I'm joined by the incredible Denise Elizabeth Byron, Gareth Mare and Tayla Mari, once again exploring the questions of... What have you held close this year? What has anchored you? What are you being called towards? What would you like to share? I so appreciated everything that was shared and am thrilled to be able to share it with you also. Happy listening! xx Jane You can find: Gareth Mare & Talya Mari Denise Elizabeth Byron

(1) Christmas Conversation with Karen Rohlf, Kathleen Beckham & Barbra Schulte show art (1) Christmas Conversation with Karen Rohlf, Kathleen Beckham & Barbra Schulte

The Confident Rider Podcast

For the month of December, I've gathered together some of my favourite people for a Christmas Conversations Series including my three incredible friends who joined me today- Karen Rohlf, Kathleen Beckham and Barbra Schulte. Together, we answered the following questions: What have you held close this year? What has anchored you? What are you being called towards? What would you like to share? Hand on heart, I think this is one of my favourite conversations I've been part of- I really hope you enjoy it! Happy listening! xx Jane

The Misty Cliffs: Navigating Overwhelm show art The Misty Cliffs: Navigating Overwhelm

The Confident Rider Podcast

When I was considering what overwhelm feels like as an experience in the body, the image that came to mind was one of foggy, misty cliffs; a landscape where we are aware of what lies in front of us but where the weather patterns at play are preventing us from getting a clear sense of the path that we should follow and the direction we should head. In other words, the experience of overwhelm is immobilising and removes us from the ability to act.  In this episode, we discuss the atmospheric experience of overwhelm including: The indecisiveness of overwhelm, and how this creates a negative...

Begin, begin & begin again show art Begin, begin & begin again

The Confident Rider Podcast

What does it mean to begin? What gets in the way of us beginning again? How can we approach beginning with tenderness? This episode is a contemplation, meditation on beginnings; on the challenges we face, the stories we tell ourselves, beginning as an art in and of itself. I hope you find it useful in some way, xx Jane In this episode, I mention an online gathering called Circle. If you are interested in joining us or learning more,

More Episodes

As many of you who follow along with my adventures will already know, at the start of this year I lost my beautiful Irish horse, Bear. Following on from that day, I shared my experiences and thoughts in series of Facebook live sessions that spanned the course of a couple of weeks, which led me to conversations, understandings, and a level of awareness that I would never have gained if I had chosen to keep my feelings to myself.

This experience was overwhelming in the best possible way. People shared with me their stories of loss and their personal experiences of grief. But was I felt most acutely was the love. Love not only sent to me and my little Irish pony, but a love that was unifying, gratifying and uplifting.

 I guess death is funny like that. It brings into sharp focus everything that’s important and allows the superfluous to simply drop away.

 I thought to record a separate episode on grief and I’m sure I will still do this. But the live session captures an “in the moment” experience that is impossible to emulate from a different vantage point. So, in an effort to continue to send conversations on grief, loss and death out into the ether- conversations we are intrinsically terrible at in western society- I offer them to you now in the hope that they will land where they are supposed to, with whoever it is that needs to hear them.

 The nature of the live recordings means that the audio is imperfect at times, but hopefully their value extends beyond that. Amongst other things we discuss:

-       - The duality of experience: how grief and loss can co-exist with happiness and joy (and why it’s important to understand this)

-       - The invitation of loss and hardship

-       - Dealing with guilt within the loss

-       - My personal experiences with loss and death

Much love to you all, 

xx Jane