4. The Kingdom of the Kongo - at its best, and at its worst
Release Date: 01/04/2021
In this episode we see the final throes of the Independent Katanga and Kasai regions. But Katanga in particular does not go down without a very real fight. It holds the line against the United Nations no less, which increasingly adopts a more aggresive position to enforce a united Repulic of the Congo. But after years of conflict and unrest people's dissapointment independence presnts opportunities for new position. Former enemies must become friends in the face of more threatening opponents. After years of fighting an exhausted international community leaves the...
In this episode we see the continuation of the independent Republic of the Congo. The UN, the USSR, the US, Belgium and other continue their operations to push the new country in the direction most aligned to their own ambitions. Amidst this the Congolese populations and regions estalblish themselves as rival power bases in the country. These conflicts have casualaties amongst the political class as well as the combatants.
In this episode we look at the new Republic of the Congo 10 days after independence. We see the Congolese reaction to the years of repression under colonial rule and Belgium's military response. Faced with these troubles President Kasavuba and Prime Minister Lumumba turn to the UN, the US and the USSR for urgent help - unwittingly inviting the Cold War to their lands. In the midst of this the provinces of Katanga and South Kasai start to see a future outside of the new Republic...
Indpendence Day has arrived! WIth the Congolese now free from colonial rule there are celebrations everywhere. With KasaVubu as President and Lumumba as Prime Minister the new government gets to work and for the first time the peoples elected officials start to run the country. But as the celebrations recede not everyone feels included. The campaigns of the elections set the expectations extremely high. Soon people start to take their frustrations out on the previous establishment as the new world isn't quite as was expected. Whilst this is happening...
In part 2 of Independence Immediate we see the Congolese parties final campaigns in the elections which would decide who would be in power once the Belgians had left. There was a mix of great expectations, excitement, local and national interests. It was unknown who would win the elections at the time, but here we detail the run up and the final results, with all the gamesmanship not just of the parties, but also the departing Belgians who were keen to protect their economic interests.
In this Episode we turn to The Congo in the late 1950s. The world is changing and on the African continent independence is coming to many countries as the age of colonialism comes to an end. In this context old identities are rediscovered as pre-colonial empires come to the fore once again. People coalesce around parties in anticipation of local elections that have come to mean so much more. As old friends are discovered so are old enemies and Belgium considers its options as The World, and The Belgian Congo changes around it.
The 1950s afforded the majority of the Congolese modest increases in living standards. Wealth and opportunities were increasing, and the colonial attitude was starting to shift. But social progress was slow. When news came from Belgium that not everyone considered colonialism permanent, Congolese society prepared to fill the power vacuum that would be left if the Belgians left...
In this episode we how the rulers if the Belgian Congo adapted to the German conquest of Belgian in World War II.
After World War 1 the Belgian Congo's place in the world was settled internationally.
In 1914 the Nations of Europe went to war.
info_outlineIn this episode we see how the Kingdom of the Kongo survived in the ebbs of flows of international and domestic conflicts, as well as some of the horrific effects of slavery.
We see the Kingdom flex its power on the international stage but ultimately wither as a defeat allows an opportunity for others to take its power and resources.
But in this adversity a voice of hope emerges which was to provide strength to the oppressed in their time of need. This voice resonates through the ages today.