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How To Deal With Guilt show art How To Deal With Guilt

Connexus Church Video Podcast

What do you do with your guilt? Guilt and shame are something that we all carry at times. These things are a result of our brokenness. How do you handle the guilt that builds itself like plaque on your soul? In this message, Jeff looks at the power of atonement. Not only is it an incredible description for God’s desire for humanity, but it’s also a picture of why and how God wants to meet us in our guilt and shame and show us a way forward. 

What Is Incarnational Living - Jeff Brodie show art What Is Incarnational Living - Jeff Brodie

Connexus Church Video Podcast

Every day you face situations that you aren’t sure how to handle, and the relational challenges are the hardest. What filter could you use to live your life the right way? What if you could know what Jesus was thinking when he lived his life on earth? In this message, Jeff looks at the term “incarnation,” and specifically at incarnational living and how it gives us a framework for living our lives in every circumstance.

The Power Of The Trinity - Jeff Brodie show art The Power Of The Trinity - Jeff Brodie

Connexus Church Video Podcast

If you’ve googled Christianity or were in a church as a kid, you likely heard people use words that you didn’t completely understand. Words you don’t hear in everyday life. Terms like Trinity, incarnation, atonement, and holiness. However, underneath these words are deep truths that unlock real insight into God and into your own life. In this series, we’re going to help you break down these weird church words and discover meaning for the deepest desires in your soul.

What Are You Building Your Life On? - Mark Clark - Beyond The Golden Rule (Part 4) show art What Are You Building Your Life On? - Mark Clark - Beyond The Golden Rule (Part 4)

Connexus Church Video Podcast

Build your life on the rock of Jesus, not the shifting sand of anything else. The golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You’ve probably quoted it and may even try to live by it. Jesus taught it as a small part of his most famous sermon, but there’s so much more to it than you might expect. This scriptural account has more meaning, challenge, and depth for your life. What if you’re missing the whole point? Join us as Mark Clark unpacks this important message.

What Does Jesus Say About Anxiety & Worry? - Mark Clark - Beyond The Golden Rule (Part 3) show art What Does Jesus Say About Anxiety & Worry? - Mark Clark - Beyond The Golden Rule (Part 3)

Connexus Church Video Podcast

Acknowledging that the cause of our anxiety often stems from emotional responses rather than factual evidence, Pastor Mark discusses how three powerful beliefs: the existence of God, God's providence, and God's love, can alleviate these worries. Join Mark Clark as he continues unpacking Jesus greatest sermon in part 3 of Beyond The Golden Rule.

What Does It Really Mean To Be Salt And Light? - Mark Clark show art What Does It Really Mean To Be Salt And Light? - Mark Clark

Connexus Church Video Podcast

The golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You’ve probably quoted it and may even try to live by it. Jesus taught it as a small part of his most famous sermon, but there’s so much more to it than you might expect. This scriptural account has more meaning, challenge, and depth for your life. What if you’re missing the whole point? Our purpose as Christians is to bring true meaning and flavour to the world by treasuring Christ above everything.

A New Way To Be Human - Mark Clark - Beyond The Golden Rule (Part 1) show art A New Way To Be Human - Mark Clark - Beyond The Golden Rule (Part 1)

Connexus Church Video Podcast

The golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You’ve probably quoted it and may even try to live by it. Jesus taught it as a small part of his most famous sermon, but there’s so much more to it than you might expect. This scriptural account has more meaning, challenge, and depth for your life. What if you’re missing the whole point? Join us for these four weeks as we look at Jesus’ greatest sermon.

What Does A Church On Mission Look Like? - Jeff Brodie show art What Does A Church On Mission Look Like? - Jeff Brodie

Connexus Church Video Podcast

There are moments in our lives that will define us. This is that type of moment for us as individuals and as a church. We’ve seen the heart of God by looking at what he searches for and what he celebrates - but how will we respond? Let’s join him on the mission of being FOR those around us and welcoming them home. Like the early church, in the power of the Holy Spirit, let’s show people that they matter to us, and most of all, they matter to God.   

How Do I Be In The Corner Of My Neighbour? - Jeff Brodie show art How Do I Be In The Corner Of My Neighbour? - Jeff Brodie

Connexus Church Video Podcast

Taking the step to care for someone who doesn’t know Jesus can feel daunting. What does it mean to be the kind of person, and the kind of church, that cares for people who are far from God? There’s something powerful about one human being intentionally serving another. It’s at the heart of our faith and modeled by Jesus.

Home Isn't A Place, It's A Person - Jeff Brodie show art Home Isn't A Place, It's A Person - Jeff Brodie

Connexus Church Video Podcast

More Episodes

What do you do with your guilt? Guilt and shame are something that we all carry at times. These things are a result of our brokenness. How do you handle the guilt that builds itself like plaque on your soul? In this message, Jeff looks at the power of atonement. Not only is it an incredible description for God’s desire for humanity, but it’s also a picture of why and how God wants to meet us in our guilt and shame and show us a way forward.