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Monthly Music Challenge 2023 Awards - Best of MMC1 2023 GOLD AWARDS

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Release Date: 12/01/2023

ASMR Music by Cosmic Bos (Full hour long Acoustic Guitar/Voice, Steel Drum and Kalimba) show art ASMR Music by Cosmic Bos (Full hour long Acoustic Guitar/Voice, Steel Drum and Kalimba)

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Cosmic Bos have been exploring the wonders of ASMR music, Andy has been doing ASMR David Battenberg Cake work on TikTok for several months, as well as learning about the musical potentials for ASMR. This podcast is a special presentation by Cosmic Bos which explores some of these potentials. This is the full presentation, coming soon will be the 3 explorations seperated out into their unique properties. Firstly we have the Acoustic Guitar and Vocal work of Andy Jackson, then we have the Steel Drum experiments and the Kalima (finger piano) experiments too. You can download the entire albums...

MMC 2.6 - Plantlife show art MMC 2.6 - Plantlife

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with Cosmic Bos, this is episode 2.6 Plantlife, and Nick and Andy are back! After being AWOL for several months, Professor Briiiiiiiiiiiian Cox found them in a small room just by the control room. It will all make sense when you listen to it. Come on a musical adventure with your hosts Cosmic Bos as we delve into the wonderful world of Plant themed music, containing some truly exceptional music by some of the greatest indie artists working today. Congratulations to John Serrano and James Slattery for winning the People's Choice Award for their...

MMC 2.5 - Funk Drunk Love show art MMC 2.5 - Funk Drunk Love

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

So, this episode was meant to be out back on the 1st of June, but Nick and Andy from Cosmic Bos went AWOL so it was left up to me, Big Mic! to pull it all together so that you wonderful listeners and musician subs could hear it. Oh, it's Big Mic by the way, I've had to step in and start running the MMC Challenger, I have enlisted David Battenberg Cake and the Sexy German to go and press the buttons (not RUB the buttons as SG seems prone to doing) so that this episode made it off of the interdimensional Rocket Submarine Train and into your podcast feed. This is Episode 2.5 - Funk Drunk Love,...

MMC 2.4 - Animals show art MMC 2.4 - Animals

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Hello dear friend, welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts Cosmic Bos. This episode is MMC 2.4 - Animals For the fourth theme of the second year of the monthly music challenge, it felt only natural to come back down from Space (MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic) and go and spend some time with nature, chat to the birds for a bit, play 'fetch the random throwable object' with a dog, listen to the conforting ASMR sounds of a cat purring on your lap, and have the soothing tones of David Battenberg cake share the majestic wonders of the animal kingdom with you. So here it is, the MMC...

MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic EXTRA show art MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic EXTRA

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Welcome to the Extra part of the Monthly Music Challenge 2.3 Intergalactic episode. Join Andy and Nick (Cosmic Bos) as they make ammends for a rather massive faux par on their part, missing off a song from the list. So firstly, a huge Sorry to Taylor Lidstone, Peoples Choice Award Winning artist and utter legend, Taylor, your Intergalactic song is amazeballs! We didn't miss it off of the list because it didn't fit the theme, we missed it off because Big Mic has been moving all the emails about from 6 years in the future. Why he was ever given time manipulation powers will never make sense....

MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic show art MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Welcome fellow Space Babies, to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts Cosmic Bos. This episode is MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic. The third theme for 2024, was Intergalactic, and fellow humans, you are in for an out of this world experience right here on this very podcast, that's right, we are space bound, with the help of 19 other majestic musical wonders from around the globe, we will explore the sonic intergalactic highways and hear things we can only have dreamed of imagining, let's not waste any more time and climb aboard the MMC Challenger, the rocket/submarine/train that Cosmic...

MMC 2.2 - Happiness show art MMC 2.2 - Happiness

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Hello there! How are you? Welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts, Cosmic Bos. Here, I, David Battenberg cake, would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this extra special episode of the Monthly Music Challenge podcast, all about me, David Battenberg cake, or, more specifically, Happiness, which I, David Battenberg cake, embody. For the second theme of the second year of the MMC, Cosmic Bos chose Happiness, and what a majestic choice that was, it has led to 29 of the finest songs, musical vegan nuggets of delight, that a human or a cake could ever hope to...

MMC 2.1 - First Impressions show art MMC 2.1 - First Impressions

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Welcome friends and lovers to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts, Cosmic Bos. This is the first proper episode of the second season of the Monthly Music Challenge, and it has grown somewhat since last year. 30 songs for you! that's right, 30 songs made around the theme of 'First Impressions', and SPOILER ALERT! They are crispy amazeballs, absolutely all of them. Andy and Nick, Jackson, the brothers Cosmic, Bos, one S, are here to guide you through the delightful frist impressions from the most exciting up and coming musicians and artists that are creating in the world today,...

Virtual Normality 3 - Cosmic Bos (Special VN3 Celebration episode) show art Virtual Normality 3 - Cosmic Bos (Special VN3 Celebration episode)

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Hello Music fans, Welcome to a special presentation podcast by the hosts of the Monthly Music Challenge, Cosmic Bos (one S). Although this is the podcast feed for the MMC, it is also the place that Cosmic Bos put their special presentations and some other guff, like, if they want to chat about something for some reason. Cosmic Bos are Nick and Andy Jackson, brothers from the South of the UK, making music and music videos and sharing them with the world. Virtual Normality 3 is our third EP in the Virtual Normality series (you can tell by the 3 after the words Virtual and Normality), with the...

Monthly Music Challenge Podcast MMC 2.0 (2024) - Intro (What is the MMC? What is the next theme?) show art Monthly Music Challenge Podcast MMC 2.0 (2024) - Intro (What is the MMC? What is the next theme?)

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

Hello dear listener, Welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts Cosmic Bos, they are Nick and Andy Jackson, brothers from the UK that make lots of music, and host this music challenge, monthly, in podcast form. This is the introduction episode to the second year of the Monthly Music Challenge. What is the Monthly Music Challenge? Good question, it is a podcast, audioshow, that comes out monthly, and contains music submitted around a theme each month. We did it all last year, and had 10 themes that made up MMC 1. Cosmic Bos (your show hosts) put their efforts out as a CD...

More Episodes

Here it is peeps, the Monthly Music Challenge 2023 Awards - GOLD EDITION with your hosts Cosmic Bos

2023 has been one helluva ride for the Monthly Music Challenge podcast, when we started this back in Jan 2023 (ahh memories) with the help of Music Weeklies and the support of our awesome partners in musical business (Andrew Hartshorn & Al Warren), we had no idea how it would go, but here we are at the tail end of 23 and we are doing an Awards show, 2 of them no less (SPOILER ALERT! there will be a Silver Awards show too).

Welcome to the first annual Monthly Music Challenge Awards, 2023, with your hosts Cosmic Bos

We have handed out awards to go with each of the themes of MMC1, and using the album that we made ourselves for the challenge (which you can buy on CD and Download from bandcamp right now! follow the link - https://cosmicbos.bandcamp.com/album/mmc-1-2023-album

So as not to reveal the winners in this here bit of text, all the nominees will be written out in no particular order, and you will have to listen to find out the Gold Award winner.

New Beginnings Award

  • New Beginnings - A Sea Warren
  • In the Beginning - Tonal Drift
  • A New Beginning - Chemical Shift/Broken Nomads
  • Phoenix Rising - Andrew Hartshorn
  • Starting Over - Third Echo Sounds

Escape Award

  • Breakout - Trench Gun
  • How to Stop Time - Stefan Bohacek
  • Escapist - Notehead
  • Escape - Peter Hawkey
  • Dance (escape the week) - Mijimo

Ignorance Award

  • Without Your Love - A Sea Warren
  • Ignorance - Peter Hawkey
  • I is for Ignorance - Hellwaddler
  • Ignorance - Mobidextrous
  • Eden - Andrew Hartshorn
  • The Size of the Stars - Notehead

Winning Award

  • Smell Defeat - Notehead
  • Winning isn't Everything - Man of Arun
  • Slow and Steady Wins the Race - Andrew Hartshorn
  • You Can't be a Winner (if you're a Sinner) - A Sea Warren
  • Winning (deep fried mix) - Mobidextrous

Razzmajazz Award

  • Razzmajazz - Tonal Drift
  • This is Fine - Notehead
  • The Jazzman's Trumpet - Andrew Hartshorn
  • Razzmajazz - Scowsh Molosh
  • Just Make it Up - Hellwaddler

Artificial Intelligence Award

  • Ghost in the Machine - J Peck
  • Dichotomy - Natalie Williams Calhoun
  • Clouds Dissolve - Texmex Shaman and TRC
  • Era Oeuvre - Voltage Poetry Project
  • Techno Sapiens - Tonal Drift

Mother Earth Award

  • Price to be Paid - Aye Nevo
  • Gaias Moonshine Merriment - Hellwaddler
  • The Assassination of Mother Earth - Man of Arun
  • Mother Nature - Taylor Lidstone
  • They Lied to Me - J Peck

Dreams Award

  • Princess in the Snow - Hellwaddler
  • Lonely in Lucidity - Notehead
  • Impossible Perks - Mobidextrous
  • Dreamscape Promises - Taylor Lidstone
  • Polarsken - Chemical Shift
  • Crisp - John Serrano
  • Unsettled Sleep - Tonal Drift

Super Spectacular Award

  • Super - Texmex Shaman
  • Can't Get You Out of My Head - John Serrano and Raul Lupianez
  • Atlantis (Tringle) - Andrew Hartshorn
  • Mecha Funk - Mario Marino
  • Super-Spectacular - Above the Snow Line
  • Epiphany - Hellwaddler

Finale Award

  • Feed Me the Finale - Notehead
  • Lost - Only the Host
  • Once Stowaway - Voltage Poetry Project
  • Finale - Taylor Lidstone
  • Noot and Carnage - Hellwaddler
  • I Want to Run Away - A Sea Warren
  • Finale - Above the Snow Line ft. John Serrano

There you have it, all these songs have picked up an award, but only one from each list gets the GOLD Award. Massive THANK YOU to everyone that submitted a song to the MMC in 2023, we had 167 songs made for the challenge by you! that's so awesome sauce.

In between each of the award winning songs, you get to hear Cosmic Bos submission to the MMC for that month, which you can buy on CD from Bandcamp here https://cosmicbos.bandcamp.com/album/mmc-1-2023-album

And you can get Andrew Hartshorn's MMC album on bandcamp too


And you can buy the pair of them together for a lovely little discount, please consider supporting us by buying our music, we do this all for love, but it would be nice to see some money pwease too.

Anyway, the Cosmic Bos songs that you will hear scattered across the award show are as follows

  • Nude Beginnings
  • Make Good Our Escape
  • Idiots
  • We Are All in This Together
  • Razzmajazz
  • There's No A.I in Team
  • Earth's Children
  • Could This All be a Dream?
  • Super Spectacular
  • Grand Theft Autotune (live)

All the tracks on our album that Monochrome Motif have put out on CD! and you can grab a copy right here https://cosmicbos.bandcamp.com/album/mmc-1-2023-album

Also also, right at the end of the podcast we gave a cheeky extra GOLD Award to Hartshorn, Jackson, Jackson and Warren for the song 'Barbenheimer', as it was originally an MMC sub by Hartshorn that got bigged up into a HJJW track, so that Nick and Andy (the Jackson's) could get a Gold award too.

Thank you for all the support

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And leave us comments, we love comments

See you soon for the SILVER AWARD show

Peace and infinite love

Cosmic Bos

Oh yeah, go buy the album https://cosmicbos.bandcamp.com/album/mmc-1-2023-album