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Eps 71 To What Are We Ultimately Loyal Pt 4

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

Release Date: 04/23/2022

Eps 84 Spiritual Discernment Pt 2 show art Eps 84 Spiritual Discernment Pt 2

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

What is it like to experience the presence of God?  Drawing from the Contemplative Prayer tradition there are three general ways Gods presence has been described: an intellectual vision or grasp God, an intuitive sense of God, and a social interactive sense of God's presence.  The intellectual vision first requires that our emotions are quieted and mistaken images of God are removed from the intellect.  With the intuitve sensing of God's presence, the intellect is stilled since God is beyond our full understadning.  After the emotions have been cleared of old hurts,...

Eps 83 Spiritual Discernment pt 1 show art Eps 83 Spiritual Discernment pt 1

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

In this episode, we begin a series on spiritual discernment, how to find out what is Gods will for us in different situations.  Or if you prefer, what is the spiritual purpose of one's life.  First we look at what will not be covered in this series regarding spiritual discernement.  A related issue is how spirituality is defined.  In particular, what is meant by the phrase "I am spiritual but not religious?"  Finally, a definition of spirituality is suggested that will be our beginning point. To see more of Craig's  music and books, go to    

Eps 82 How to Find Gratitude pt 6 show art Eps 82 How to Find Gratitude pt 6

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

At last we have climbed the ladder to reach gratitude.  Along the way we have looked at several values that help us reach gratitude.  Gratitude is possible about little things such as a good meal or a good movie.  What we aim for is a broader understanding of gratitude.  We look again at Fr. Thomas Merton's advise and discover one more value, humility.  With so many values supporting gratitude, how do we keep them up?  Gratitude is an ongoing dance between these various values that helps us to be thankful for the many good things in our lives.    ...

Eps 81 How to Find Gratitude Pt 5 show art Eps 81 How to Find Gratitude Pt 5

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

How can beauty and wonder help us reach gratitude?  When we see beauty, we often feel a sense of wonder at what we have witnessed.  This sense of wonder can help us break out of our bubble of personal concerns.  Beauty and wonder can remind there is so much more in the world besides our own daily routine and struggles.  Especially in relation to gratitude, wonder can lead to joy, which can lead to hope, two key values we have looked at on our way to gratitude.  If all of us can experience beauty in some form, and a sense of wonder that comes with it, does this not give...

Eps 80 How to Find Gratitude pt 4 show art Eps 80 How to Find Gratitude pt 4

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

We consider joy in the growing list of values that can lead us to gratitude. Joy is something that most of us have experienced before, but it helps to stop and think more about it. What is joy? Is it the same as happiness or is it different? How do we find joy? One challenge for many of us, how do we hold onto joy when we feel crowded by many different concerns? How do we tell good joy from bad joy? We continue to find that there is a growing network of values that leads us to gratitude: caring, hope, happiness, humility, compassion. To that list we will now add joy plus one extra, reverence....

Eps 79 How to Find Gratitude Pt 3 show art Eps 79 How to Find Gratitude Pt 3

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

What is hope? We look at some different aspects of what it is. Hope involves resiliency when our plans do not happen as we had imagined. Humility helps us to sort out realistic hope from too high expectations. 'Sometimes we must lose what we wanted before we can find it' is an important lesson for holding onto hope. Hope is a choice, but on what basis do we choose hope? It becomes clear that hope is connected to several things- humility, happiness, healthy spirituality. To see Craig's books and hear his music, go to www.craigowen.net

Eps 78 How to Find Gratitude Pt 2 show art Eps 78 How to Find Gratitude Pt 2

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

One of the stepping stones to gratitude is caring.  Most of us have experience in caring relationships.  The capacity to care maybe what makes humans unique.  Caring is central to the Golden Rule in its various forms, giving us a minimal definition of community.  When we learn we can have an impact on the lives of others, it can change our own attitude about ourselves dramatically.   To see more of Craig’s books and music go to  

Eps 77 Is It Really Love How to Find Gratitude pt 1 show art Eps 77 Is It Really Love How to Find Gratitude pt 1

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

In this episode, we begin a new direction: How to find gratitude.  Gratitude involves a number of attitudes and feelings such as care, joy, hope and beauty.  Exploring these in subsequent episodes will bring us to the threshold of gratitude.  Fr. Thomas offers advice on how to find a balance between gratitude and humility. To see more of Craig's books and music go to    

Eps 76 To What Are We Ultimately Loyal Pt 9 show art Eps 76 To What Are We Ultimately Loyal Pt 9

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

What is the purpose of righteous anger?  Any kind of anger is a short term emotion.  It can only be sustained by finding new targets to resent and with which to be angry.  Righteous anger raises our awareness, but should lead to compassionate confidence.  Compassionate confidence is more durable over time since it involves attitude an beliefs, not just an emotional reaction. To see more of Craig's books and music go to      

Episode 75 To What Are We Ultimately Loyal? Pt 8 show art Episode 75 To What Are We Ultimately Loyal? Pt 8

Is it really Love? Spiritual Way of the Six Loves

When we are ultimately loyal to a process of spiritual transformation, how does this reflect on our loyalty to individuals? In this episode, we look at how our lack of awareness of the false self can leave us open to being manipulated by unscrupulous leaders of any kind. This lack of awareness had lead to many bad conseqeunces in the past. How do we undo it? To see more of Craig's books and music go to  

More Episodes
We look at the three steps that lead from righteous anger to corrupt righteous anger.  Nahum illustrates all three steps.  We also look at the book of Jonah, which might have been written as a counterpoint to Nahum.  Jonah shares the same mindset as Nahum: the Assyrians must be destroyed.  But with Jonah, God wants him to go to preach to the Assyrians in their capital of Nineveh.  How serious are Nahum and Jonah about their faith?  Have they added nationalism to their faith, making it equal to or more important than their faith?  Do we add things to our faith- loyalty to an institution, political ideology or social group-making it equal to or more important than our faith?

    In the next episode we will look at what boundaries we should look at to avoid falling into corrupt righteous anger.  To learn more about Craig's books and music, go to
